President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!

"So I’m supposed to believe that 7000+ random, unconnected people independently decided to walk thousands of miles to the US to find better jobs, COINCIDENTALLY right before mid terms. Okay..." - President Trump
-Nearly 1/2 of Guatemalan children under 5 are malnourished. SHITHOLE!
-Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world. SHITHOLE!
-El Salvador is the world’s most violent country not at war. SHIT FUCKING HOLE!
everyone should stop using the Lefr’s language, including the word ‘caravan.” This is a mass invasion...a roving mob.
"So I’m supposed to believe that 7000+ random, unconnected people independently decided to walk thousands of miles to the US to find better jobs, COINCIDENTALLY right before mid terms. Okay..." - President Trump
yet, still no capital venture that requires multitudes to work and create housing. what Good is capitalism good for now, right wingers.
If you notice there are mostly men who look perfectly healthy. That should tell you how rigged this is. Something strange about this stunt demos are funding to get people here illegally.
Just having the military on the border won't do any good. They have to be allowed to actively repel the invasion. Shoot to kill.

I hope that there are American guerrillas using swift attacks against the invaders. Drones carrying small timed bombs would also be a good tactic.

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