President Trump Moves to End Racial Discrimination by Colleges


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Another “Affirmative Action” bastion falls?

The list of 24 guidance documents that DOJ has withdrawn in 2018 is as follows:

1 March 17, 2011, OJJDP Memorandum re Status Offenders and the JJDPA.

2 October 20, 2010 OJJDP Memorandum re Status Offenders and the JDDPA.

3 June 17, 2014, Revised Guidance on Jail Removal and Separation Core Requirements.

4 Disaggregating MIP Data from DSO and/or Jail Removal Violations: OJJDP Guidance for States, 2011.

5 OJJDP Policy Guidance for Nonsecure Custody of Juveniles in Adult Jails and Lockups; Notice of Final Policy.

6 OJJDP Guidance Manual: Audit of Compliance Monitoring Systems.

7 OJJDP Disproportionate Minority Contact Technical Assistance Manual, Fourth Edition, 2009.

8 BJA State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Guidelines, 2016.

9 NIJ April 6, 2016, Dear Colleague Letter regarding additional topics and research questions of high priority and particular interest to the NIJ as part of its Comprehensive School Safety Initiative.

10 Looking for the Best Mortgage, December 14, 2010.

11 FRB: Putting Your Home on the Loan Line is Risky Business, August 6, 2015.

12 Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination, April 30, 2006.

13 Look at the Facts, Not at the Faces: Your Guide to Fair Employment, Approx. July 2009.

14 Refugees and Asylees Have the Right to Work, May 2011.

15 Language Assistance Self-Assessment and Planning Tool for Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance, on or before February 12, 2003.

16 FAQs About the Protection of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VI Regulations, March 1, 2011.

17 Draft Language Access Planning and Technical Assistance Tool for Courts, December 18, 2012.

18 December 2, 2011 Dear Colleague Letter Regarding the Use of Race by Educational Institutions.

19 2011 Guidance on the Voluntary Use of Race to Achieve Diversity in Postsecondary Education dated December 2, 2011.

20 2011 Guidance on the Voluntary Use of Race to Achieve Diversity and Avoid Racial Isolation in Elementary and Secondary Schools dated December 2, 2011.

21 September 27, 2013 Dear Colleague Letter on the Voluntary Use of Race to Achieve Diversity in Higher Education After Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin [Fisher I].

22 September 27, 2013 Questions and Answers About Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin [Fisher I].

23 May 6, 2014 Dear Colleague Letter on the Supreme Court Ruling in Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action.

24 September 30, 2016 Question and Answers About Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin [Fisher II].

The list comes from Attorney General Jeff Sessions Rescinds 24 Guidance Documents whole the article with many more details comes from
The Fifteenth Amendment states that citizens' rights cannot be "denied or abridged," by any government entity, "...on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

This is the only relevant point in the Constitution or any Amendment with respect to treatment of, shall we say, "Colored People." (There is no one alive who was ever a slave).

On what basis does the President or his Administration have the power to strong-arm colleges and universities who receive Federal Government money, for NOT giving preferences to Colored People?

It is nonsense. Literally.

Good to end it.
When I was growing up in Pittsburgh, there were examples of DISCRIMINATION against Negroes all around me. Qualified Negroes were turned down by private schools, turned down for employment, shunned at social venues, and so on.

But this phenomenon is basically dead. No qualified African American has been turned down by a school or major employer for thirty years, especially when the government is involved - any government.

So lacking any real racial discrimination, Black "Leaders" latch onto bullshit things like "White Privilege," "Micro-aggressions," and unconscious bias. They look at statistics to "prove" that Blacks are being victimized, when statistical data abound. proving that Blacks are underrepresented because of real, tangible shortcomings in credentials, and not because anyone discriminated against them. In fact, in most cases, the school or employer is DYING to get more Black people, and are willing to lower entry standards as well as performance standards just to achieve "DIVERSITY."

God forbid we go back to making decisions on merit.
Well its good to know that this will eliminate all racial discrimination in colleges.....

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