President Trump Gives The Order to End The Nobel Peace Prize Winner's War


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Northeastern Syria

"In an abrupt reversal, the U.S. military is preparing to withdraw its forces from northeastern Syria, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday, a move that throws the American strategy in the Middle East into turmoil.

U.S. officials began informing partners in northeastern Syria of their plans to begin immediately pulling American forces out of the region where they have been trying to wrap up the campaign against Islamic State"

We never had any business in Syria. There was never any reason to drag the United States into another war in a country mired in a civil war, especially when invading a country without the request or permission of that government's nation or President is legally an International War Crime.

The decision to invade, based on the desire for assisting / facilitating regime change, was a failed plan to begin due to Putin's unwavering commitment to keep Syrian President al-Assad in power.

(In a way, the attempt to destroy - completely wipe out - all terrorists / terrorism through war / military invasion is like trying to destroy Jell-O by squeezing it in your hands. Once you close your hand into a fist, it squirts out through gaps between the fingers.)

I am glad we are withdrawing US troops from Syria - time to get them out of there, in harm's way for nothing.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.
U.S. Military Preparing for a Full Withdrawal of Its Forces From Northeastern Syria

"In an abrupt reversal, the U.S. military is preparing to withdraw its forces from northeastern Syria, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday, a move that throws the American strategy in the Middle East into turmoil.

U.S. officials began informing partners in northeastern Syria of their plans to begin immediately pulling American forces out of the region where they have been trying to wrap up the campaign against Islamic State"

We never had any business in Syria. There was never any reason to drag the United States into another war in a country mired in a civil war, especially when invading a country without the request or permission of that government's nation or President is legally an International War Crime.

The decision to invade, based on the desire for assisting / facilitating regime change, was a failed plan to begin due to Putin's unwavering commitment to keep Syrian President al-Assad in power.

(In a way, the attempt to destroy - completely wipe out - all terrorists / terrorism through war / military invasion is like trying to destroy Jell-O by squeezing it in your hands. Once you close your hand into a fist, it squirts out through gaps between the fingers.)

I am glad we are withdrawing US troops from Syria - time to get them out of there, in harm's way for nothing.

Now if he will just get us out of Afghanistan...there we are also in harm's way for nothing. But you do not care about those guys dying because the Dems did not start that war.
I agreed with the idea of keeping troops in Iraq, once they were already there and Hussein had been removed from power, to help train, organize, and get the Iraqis on their feet, taking over and running things on their own...conditionally.

The same thing goes in Afghanistan - once you put so much effort (money/effort/blood/sweat/lives) into achieving a goal as we did in Afghanistan and Iraq, you don't want to just walk away only to watch it collapse and think everything you did was a waste.

I understand that mindset; however, the determination to stay indefinitely to ensure what was accomplished survives is unrealistic. At some point those you help MUST stand up on their own feet and take over, doing things for themselves...and their eventual success or failure rests on both them and fate.

The idea that one can hold back time and tide is unrealistic - It's the natural order of things. Baby birds born in the nest learn to fly - some may fall out of the nest and be eaten / die. Baby seas turtles dig their way out of the sand and fight to make it into the ocean. Some never make it to the water, and some of those that do are eaten by predators. Their mothers can not protect them forever. We can not be the world's protector forever, either.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.
If we didn't agree with being there under Obama and Obama recognized his mistake and withdrew why would we say that.....logic doesn't computer.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters.
Actually you would not have heard that. You might have heard something about Obama coming to his senses, his deciding that invading Syria was a mistake - one that he corrected, but 'Cut and Run' is not something you would have least not for me.

It's not like we were attacked, fought, and 'cut-and-ran'. It's not like we justifiably entered a war, and were being defeated so we ran away. We never had any business invading Syria. Again, to do so without the sovereign nation's permission or request is actually considered an International War crime. And the fact that Nobel Peace Prize Winner (any - not specifically Obama) is the one who gave the order to invade to begin with made the decision and action to do so worse.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.
If we didn't agree with being there under Obama and Obama recognized his mistake and withdrew why would we say that.....logic doesn't computer.
Logic coming from the Obama haters? THAT's what doesn't compote.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.
If we didn't agree with being there under Obama and Obama recognized his mistake and withdrew why would we say that.....logic doesn't computer.
Logic coming from the Obama haters? THAT's what doesn't compote.
Stuck in partisanville eh.......
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters.
Actually you would not have heard that. You might have heard something about Obama coming to his senses, his deciding that invading Syria was a mistake - one that he corrected, but 'Cut and Run' is not something you would have least not for me.
I find that hard to believe. He would have been accused of knuckling under to the Russians on the one hand, while the right colluded with them to defeat Hillary on the other hand.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.

Hypocrisy is a REQUISITE to fully be accepted into the Trump Cult membership.

But, I'm glad that at least some of our troops will be leaving that Syrian mess (and, probably, Putin also got his wish.)
Let the barbarians eat themselves. Explain to them they will be destroyed should they export their nonsense, or interfere with us or our allies.

Spreading Democracy and nation-building have proven to be a losing strategy.
Now if he will just get us out of Afghanistan...there we are also in harm's way for nothing. But you do not care about those guys dying because the Dems did not start that war.
Do you feel better after that little false narrative rant? You need a cup of coffee...or a hug...this morning?

You continue to prove John Wayne's famous quote - 'Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.'

Despite your incompetent and embarrassing attempt to speak FOR me at times, you don't know me, and you sure as hell don't speak for me.

I passed up on a job offer right out of college to join a prestigious PR firm in Atlanta Georgia starting at $50k, which at the time was a lot of money. I turned it down because I wanted to serve my country, just as the men on both sides of my family had done. I spent 30 years serving my country, proudly serving in peacetime and war, fighting side-by-side with some of the best, most dedicated people this country has produced. I am still serving my country.

So you can shove your 'you do not care about those guys dying' lies where the son don't shine.

Here's a little bit of reality for you: The US Military and the people who serve are NOT Republicans. They are NOT democrats. They have no official party affiliation to whom they offer their loyalty and service above that to the United States. You remind me of the dumbasses who rioted, protested, called soldiers 'baby killers', and spat on soldiers when they returned from Viet Nam....instead of holding the politicians who sent them to fight that war accountable. The military is (supposed to be) a nation's LAST resort to accomplish a nation's goal when all other options have failed. We who serve don't get a vote in whether we go to war or not, we train like hell to be ready for when we do, and we pray harder than anyone for an alternate solution because WE are the ones YOU send to fight those wars.

As I stated in another post, I understand the government's mindset of not wanting to withdraw troops for fear of everything you have done / sacrificed going to waste if that country is attacked defeated / invaded / is collapses....but you can not stay there forever. At some point you have to let go of the 'bike' and they have to 'pedal' on their own. That time to let go has come. Afghanistan...and Iraq...will have to stand up on their own. I have no problem with 'being there' if they need us but not staying forever.
If Obama had done it, we'd be hearing about "cut and run" from the same quarters. The hypocrisy never seems to bother them. I guess that's what passes for "morality" in the Age of Trump.

There is nothing more for them to do. Our forces in Iraq have been reduced to doing training with Iraqis for months now as ISIS no longer exists as a fighting force.

The war is over. Bring them home from Syria.
Spreading Democracy and nation-building have proven to be a losing strategy.
The United States Military has been used completely wrong for decades now. The United States military's mission is not / does not include NATION BUILDING.

I used to ask the troops under me what their mission in the military was...some would start telling me what their 'Specialty Code' was and what their field technically involved. I would cut them off in mid-sentence. 'Mission' and 'Specialty Code' / specific job are two different things. I would tell them point blank - 'Our mission in the military is to kill people and break their $h! cause enough pain, death, and destruction (as legally possible) possible to the point where the 'enemy' gives up.'

The military - war - is supposed to be the last option for a nation to achieve an objective - the LAST option. The fact that politicians believe they can send us into some country to blow them back into the stone age and then order us to rebuild all their infrastructure, help them rebuild their military, rebuild schools, just wrong. That's the State Department's job...or the Peace Corp or something.
Logic coming from the Obama haters? THAT's what doesn't compote.
Because you have been brainwashed by Leftists into believing all the BS you have been told about 'the other side' and have bought into it.

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