President Trump Authorizes ALL Documents Related To Hillary Fake Russia Hoax / Failed Coup Be Declassified / Released


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Transparency Is Not POLITICAL' - Its Exposing The TRUTH To All Americans

Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials

Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials

THIS is the beginning of Barry's and Hillary's Recorded Legacy....

"President Trump’s decision Tuesday to authorize the declassification of all documents related to the high-profile Russia investigation and the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state was embraced by supporters and brushed off by detractors.

Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that he wanted all relevant files pertaining to “the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax” released. He said he also wants all relevant documents pertaining to the Clinton email probe.

“No redactions!”

Barry's....Hillary's...Biden's....Clapper's...Brennan's....Comey's....McCabe's...Strzok's...Rosenstein's....Yates'....Rice's....The Deep States'....WORST FEAR Is not coming true - the complete un-covering, exposure of all of their criminal, treasonous deeds, for all Americans to see, to read for themselves.

Barak Obama promised to run the most transparent administration ever....and when he left office his administration was officially and appropriately labeled the most secret, the most criminally NON-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, having hidden more from the American people than any other administration in US history.

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and his criminal administration, President Donald Trump is going to help Barry keep that promise, even if it is 4 years after he left office, by declassifying and releasing to the American people EVERYTHING He, Hillary, his criminal administration, and the Deep State did in regards to Hillary's created Russia Scam to Obama and his hit squad trying to take down the President.

The tables have turned. Their gambit failed. The kitchen light has been turned on at midnight, and the cockroaches are scrambling. Some Democrat rep was on Fox News this morning nearly pleading with viewers, saying, 'No one wants to revisit 2016 - it's time to move on.'

Bwuhahahahaha..... No, Barry's promise of Transparency needs to be kept,

Buckle up, buttercup!

As Barry's VP, who was in on these coup meetings, if Biden wants to hide from this....and the as recently released documents showing Joe, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family made their fortunes on the coat-tails of Joe's foreign policy trips with their hands out.....he is going to need a deeper basement.

"The Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it by then-CIA Director John Brennan. The notes state “on 28 of July.” In the margin, Brennan writes “POTUS,” but the entire section of the note is redacted."
+++ Redacted? Not for long.

Obama started holding secret meetings in the basement of the White House at this time:

While Brennan wrangled the intelligence agencies into a turf-crossing operation that could feed the White House information on the Russian maneuver, Obama convened a series of meetings to devise a plan for countering whatever the Russians were up to. The meetings followed the procedure known in the federal government as the “interagency process.” The protocol was for the deputy chiefs of the relevant government agencies to meet and hammer out options for the principals — that is, the heads of the agencies — and then the principals hold a separate (and sometimes parallel) chain of meetings to discuss and perhaps debate before presenting choices to the president.

But for this topic, the protocol was not observed. Usually when the White House invited the deputies and principals to such meetings, they informed them of the subject at hand and provided “readahead” memos outlining what was on the agenda. This time, the agency officials just received instructions to show up at the White House at a certain time. No reason given. No memos supplied. “We were only told that a meeting was scheduled, and our principal or deputy was expected to attend,” recalled a senior administration official who participated in the sessions. (At the State Department, only a small number of officials were cleared to receive the most sensitive information on the Russian hack; this group included Secretary of State John Kerry; Tony Blinken, the deputy secretary of state; Dan Smith, head of the department’s intelligence bureau; and Jon Finer, Kerry’s chief of staff.)

For the usual interagency sessions, principals and deputies could bring staffers. Not this time. “There were no plus ones,” an attendee recalled. When the subject of a principals or deputies meeting was a national security matter, the gathering was often held in the Situation Room of the White House. The in‑house video feed of the Sit Room — without audio — would be available to national security officials at the White House and elsewhere, and these officials could at least see that a meeting was in progress and who was attending. For the meetings related to the Russian hack, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, ordered the video feed turned off. She did not want others in the national security establishment to know what was under way, fearing leaks from within the bureaucracy.

After being briefed by Brennan on Hillary's plan to launch the faux Russian Collusion scam Barry put his administration in high gear to use the scam to go after Trump....

The diversion is strong with this leader who thinks that going after Hillary will gain him anything.

He's not going after Hillary. Hillary is a dried up prune who has no future. This isn't about her. This is about exposing ALL of it to the American people. Knowledge is power, and knowledge empowers people, it sets them free.

The criminality, treasonous, anti-Constitutional, Unlawful desire for power and control of the Democratic party and its leaders is being shared with the whole world.

The fact that they wanted the WH so badly that they protected a criminal / traitor from indictment and prison so she could remain on the ballot, that they learned of a criminal scandal that consisted of the Democrat candidate illegally colluding with the Russians and instead of stopping it joined in and to attempt to affect a treasonous political coup of a newly elected President is being laid bare for everyone to read for themselves.

ALL of this is not 'nothing', as Democrats are desperately attempting to claim in light of this but rather exposes the Democratic Party as a THREAT to the US Constitution, a THREAT to the Rule of law, a THREAT to the US Government, and a THREAT to every US citizen over who the Democratic Party attempted to impose their will through breaking laws , violating the Constitution, and committing acts of treason!
Didn't he do this a year or two ago? Pretty sure I remember this being a thing way back.
Why it's taken this long for the proof he was framed to surface is beyond me.
Intentionally held back or just the wheels of justice proving they're broken?
The diversion is strong with this leader who thinks that going after Hillary will gain him anything.
This was something Trump talked about in 2016.
That was 2016. Hillary is a has-been. The only thing that matters here regarding her is the evidence that this whole hoax was started by HER.

She was a civilian. The bigger story is that a sitting President of the United States learned from his Intel Agencies and his CIA Director that this was all a hoax and that instead of either remaining silent about it or squashing it, he directed all of his agencies to join in on the scam and use it to go after Trump and his team and to finally attempt a failed coup attempt. Talk about one helluva abuse of start with.
Didn't he do this a year or two ago? Pretty sure I remember this being a thing way back.
Why it's taken this long for the proof he was framed to surface is beyond me.
Intentionally held back or just the wheels of justice proving they're broken?
Slow...broken...take your pick.
'Transparency Is Not POLITICAL' - Its Exposing The TRUTH To All Americans

Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials
Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials

THIS is the beginning of Barry's and Hillary's Recorded Legacy....

"President Trump’s decision Tuesday to authorize the declassification of all documents related to the high-profile Russia investigation and the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state was embraced by supporters and brushed off by detractors.

Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that he wanted all relevant files pertaining to “the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax” released. He said he also wants all relevant documents pertaining to the Clinton email probe.

“No redactions!”

Barry's....Hillary's...Biden's....Clapper's...Brennan's....Comey's....McCabe's...Strzok's...Rosenstein's....Yates'....Rice's....The Deep States'....WORST FEAR Is not coming true - the complete un-covering, exposure of all of their criminal, treasonous deeds, for all Americans to see, to read for themselves.

Barak Obama promised to run the most transparent administration ever....and when he left office his administration was officially and appropriately labeled the most secret, the most criminally NON-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, having hidden more from the American people than any other administration in US history.

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and his criminal administration, President Donald Trump is going to help Barry keep that promise, even if it is 4 years after he left office, by declassifying and releasing to the American people EVERYTHING He, Hillary, his criminal administration, and the Deep State did in regards to Hillary's created Russia Scam to Obama and his hit squad trying to take down the President.

The tables have turned. Their gambit failed. The kitchen light has been turned on at midnight, and the cockroaches are scrambling. Some Democrat rep was on Fox News this morning nearly pleading with viewers, saying, 'No one wants to revisit 2016 - it's time to move on.'

Bwuhahahahaha..... No, Barry's promise of Transparency needs to be kept,

Buckle up, buttercup!

As Barry's VP, who was in on these coup meetings, if Biden wants to hide from this....and the as recently released documents showing Joe, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family made their fortunes on the coat-tails of Joe's foreign policy trips with their hands out.....he is going to need a deeper basement.


Any day now Easy. Why do you continue to push Russian propaganda?
'Transparency Is Not POLITICAL' - Its Exposing The TRUTH To All Americans

Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials
Trump's declassification of Russia, Clinton docs sparks fierce fights between current and ex-officials

THIS is the beginning of Barry's and Hillary's Recorded Legacy....

"President Trump’s decision Tuesday to authorize the declassification of all documents related to the high-profile Russia investigation and the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state was embraced by supporters and brushed off by detractors.

Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that he wanted all relevant files pertaining to “the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax” released. He said he also wants all relevant documents pertaining to the Clinton email probe.

“No redactions!”

Barry's....Hillary's...Biden's....Clapper's...Brennan's....Comey's....McCabe's...Strzok's...Rosenstein's....Yates'....Rice's....The Deep States'....WORST FEAR Is not coming true - the complete un-covering, exposure of all of their criminal, treasonous deeds, for all Americans to see, to read for themselves.

Barak Obama promised to run the most transparent administration ever....and when he left office his administration was officially and appropriately labeled the most secret, the most criminally NON-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, having hidden more from the American people than any other administration in US history.

Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and his criminal administration, President Donald Trump is going to help Barry keep that promise, even if it is 4 years after he left office, by declassifying and releasing to the American people EVERYTHING He, Hillary, his criminal administration, and the Deep State did in regards to Hillary's created Russia Scam to Obama and his hit squad trying to take down the President.

The tables have turned. Their gambit failed. The kitchen light has been turned on at midnight, and the cockroaches are scrambling. Some Democrat rep was on Fox News this morning nearly pleading with viewers, saying, 'No one wants to revisit 2016 - it's time to move on.'

Bwuhahahahaha..... No, Barry's promise of Transparency needs to be kept,

Buckle up, buttercup!

As Barry's VP, who was in on these coup meetings, if Biden wants to hide from this....and the as recently released documents showing Joe, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden family made their fortunes on the coat-tails of Joe's foreign policy trips with their hands out.....he is going to need a deeper basement.

Already a thread on this non-story.
Didn't he do this a year or two ago? Pretty sure I remember this being a thing way back.
Why it's taken this long for the proof he was framed to surface is beyond me.
Intentionally held back or just the wheels of justice proving they're broken?
Slow...broken...take your pick.

Hard to convict someone when there was no crime. Unlike the guys Trump hired--they all got convicted.
The only 'diversion' here, as proven by the released documents, was Hillary creating this whole Russian Collusion scam in an attempt to distract from the thousands of criminals counts she committed, according to Comey. She created the distraction. From it, Barry affected treason.
"The Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it by then-CIA Director John Brennan. The notes state “on 28 of July.” In the margin, Brennan writes “POTUS,” but the entire section of the note is redacted."
+++ Redacted? Not for long.

Obama started holding secret meetings in the basement of the White House at this time:

While Brennan wrangled the intelligence agencies into a turf-crossing operation that could feed the White House information on the Russian maneuver, Obama convened a series of meetings to devise a plan for countering whatever the Russians were up to. The meetings followed the procedure known in the federal government as the “interagency process.” The protocol was for the deputy chiefs of the relevant government agencies to meet and hammer out options for the principals — that is, the heads of the agencies — and then the principals hold a separate (and sometimes parallel) chain of meetings to discuss and perhaps debate before presenting choices to the president.

But for this topic, the protocol was not observed. Usually when the White House invited the deputies and principals to such meetings, they informed them of the subject at hand and provided “readahead” memos outlining what was on the agenda. This time, the agency officials just received instructions to show up at the White House at a certain time. No reason given. No memos supplied. “We were only told that a meeting was scheduled, and our principal or deputy was expected to attend,” recalled a senior administration official who participated in the sessions. (At the State Department, only a small number of officials were cleared to receive the most sensitive information on the Russian hack; this group included Secretary of State John Kerry; Tony Blinken, the deputy secretary of state; Dan Smith, head of the department’s intelligence bureau; and Jon Finer, Kerry’s chief of staff.)

For the usual interagency sessions, principals and deputies could bring staffers. Not this time. “There were no plus ones,” an attendee recalled. When the subject of a principals or deputies meeting was a national security matter, the gathering was often held in the Situation Room of the White House. The in‑house video feed of the Sit Room — without audio — would be available to national security officials at the White House and elsewhere, and these officials could at least see that a meeting was in progress and who was attending. For the meetings related to the Russian hack, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, ordered the video feed turned off. She did not want others in the national security establishment to know what was under way, fearing leaks from within the bureaucracy.

After being briefed by Brennan on Hillary's plan to launch the faux Russian Collusion scam Barry put his administration in high gear to use the scam to go after Trump....

Neurenberg 2020-2021
The only 'diversion' here, as proven by the released documents, was Hillary creating this whole Russian Collusion scam in an attempt to distract from the thousands of criminals counts she committed, according to Comey. She created the distraction. From it, Barry affected treason.

Easy - all of that was 4 fucking years ago. You had NOTHING on Hillary then, all while you claimed she was going to be arrested, daily. You were here like a terrier with a rat, posting Russian propanda, bullshit and lies about Hillary. It was all proven, and when Trump got in, she'd be arrested.

Trump got in, and he's had everyone and his mother investigate Clinton - the Senate, the Justice Department, Mike Pompeo, Judicial Watch, and the FBI carried boxes out of the Clinton Foundation offices, but all of the reports issued said that they couldn't any evidence that any crimes had been committed. Even Mike Pompeo exonerated her. They didn't say there wasn't enough evidence to convict - they couldn't even find a crime.

Now Trump's entire campaign is in the toilet, and you're here again pushing yet another Russian propaganda story which you claim to have absolute proof is true, with absolutely no fucking evidence whatsoever, to back up this story, which originated with the GRU, and the Republican Party is currently pushing.

It didn't work last time a$$hat, and Hillary was on the ticket. We don't care what happened 4 years ago, at this point, we care that the Russians are interfering with the American election again, that covid is destroying the nation, and that Donald Trump is on roid rage and should be transferring power to Pence.

Please try to keep up with current events easy. There's a lot going on. Move on from 2016
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The diversion is strong with this leader who thinks that going after Hillary will gain him anything.

uhhhh. God why do we have people who are so blatantly obtuse amongst us?

listen closely...
The media and democrat party has smeared the president for 4 years with this Russian collusion bullshit. Somethjng that, in my short time here reading your posts, I’d bet solid money you completely believed and parroted.
It has always been bullshit. Anyone who was somewhat objective could see it was bulls but long ago.
Now, for the slow and/or blindly partisan people such as yourself, there is IN WRITING ADMISSION BY THE WRONG DOERS that they knew it was bullshit and were framing the President.

Perhaps you have zero integrity or intellectual honesty. But those of us who care about the truth want this exposed. And perhaps those who were led astray by the media and democrat (But I repeat myself) lies but who aren’t partisan hacks would like to know the truth.

wake the hell up.
You were played for a fool by your party and your beloved media.
You have literally been rooting for the bad guys this whole time.
You are that person in the movies who is a gullible, useful idiot that we see in the screen and shake our heads at.
The only 'diversion' here, as proven by the released documents, was Hillary creating this whole Russian Collusion scam in an attempt to distract from the thousands of criminals counts she committed, according to Comey. She created the distraction. From it, Barry affected treason.

Easy - all of that was 4 fucking years ago. You had NOTHING on Hillary then, all while you claimed she was going to be arrested, daily. You were here like a terrier with a rat, posting Russian propanda, bullshit and lies about Hillary. It was all proven, and when Trump got in, she'd be arrested.

Trump got in, and he's had everyone and his mother investigate Clinton - the Senate, the Justice Department, Mike Pompeo, Judicial Watch, and the FBI carried boxes out of the Clinton Foundation offices, but all of the reports issued said that they couldn't any evidence that any crimes had been committed. Even Mike Pompeo exonerated her. They didn't say there wasn't enough evidence to convict - they couldn't even find a crime.

Now Trump's entire campaign is in the toilet, and you're here again pushing yet another Russian propaganda story which you claim to have absolute proof is true, with absolutely no fucking evidence whatsoever, to back up this story, which originated with the GRU, and the Republican Party is currently pushing.

It didn't work last time a$$hat, and Hillary was on the ticket. We don't care what happened 4 years ago, at this point, we care that the Russians are interfering with the American election again, that covid is destroying the nation, and that Donald Trump is on roid rage and should be transferring power to Pence.

Please try to keep up with current events easy. There's a lot going on. Move on from 2016
I just received my check from Putin. I'm buying a new guitar.
The only 'diversion' here, as proven by the released documents, was Hillary creating this whole Russian Collusion scam in an attempt to distract from the thousands of criminals counts she committed, according to Comey. She created the distraction. From it, Barry affected treason.

Easy - all of that was 4 fucking years ago. You had NOTHING on Hillary then, all while you claimed she was going to be arrested, daily. You were here like a terrier with a rat, posting Russian propanda, bullshit and lies about Hillary. It was all proven, and when Trump got in, she'd be arrested.

Trump got in, and he's had everyone and his mother investigate Clinton - the Senate, the Justice Department, Mike Pompeo, Judicial Watch, and the FBI carried boxes out of the Clinton Foundation offices, but all of the reports issued said that they couldn't any evidence that any crimes had been committed. Even Mike Pompeo exonerated her. They didn't say there wasn't enough evidence to convict - they couldn't even find a crime.

Now Trump's entire campaign is in the toilet, and you're here again pushing yet another Russian propaganda story which you claim to have absolute proof is true, with absolutely no fucking evidence whatsoever, to back up this story, which originated with the GRU, and the Republican Party is currently pushing.

It didn't work last time a$$hat, and Hillary was on the ticket. We don't care what happened 4 years ago, at this point, we care that the Russians are interfering with the American election again, that covid is destroying the nation, and that Donald Trump is on roid rage and should be transferring power to Pence.

Please try to keep up with current events easy. There's a lot going on. Move on from 2016

says the dope who hears“steroids were administered to the president” and then believes “roid rage”.

Once again, buying a lie.

corticosteroids were administered. Cortisone, methylprednisone, those types of drugs. These are strong anti-inflammatories.

“roid rage” is in reference to anabalic steroids. A completely (and actually near polar opposite) different drug than what was given.

but again, the media twists the truth, and you lap it up.

I won’t bother tearing apart the rest of your bullshit post.
It would be like arguing with Rachel Maddow.

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