President Trump addresses the Nation on crisis.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
My fellow Americans I come to you tonite with an emergency. Rush and Coulter flamed my fat ass for agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the gummit running - you know tax rebates, parks, airport security ... all that shit - without demanding my wall. Honestly, the wall funding escaped my notice. I was thinking about other really important shit, like leaving Isis to the turks and Vlad and NOW my useless advisors tell me they're gonna slaughter all the Kurds - like how the fuci was I supposed to know that - and that fcking Mueller is breathing down my neck .... God I hate that mther fucker who constantly reminds people I avoided the draft with phony bone spurs while he was rehabbing his knees so the Marines would let him be a line officer. I mean, what the fuck is that about? That should tell people I’m smart and Muellers not smart. He might be fcukign insane for all I know.

Anyway, I really need my wall funding. Rush and Coulter and ficking pains in my ass. And I missed Christmas at Mar a Lago. No BJ for me. Imagine Bill Clinton doing that for your country. That was a real bitch. Nothing on TV besides reruns of Home Alone and fuckign Bing Crosby ... has been. So whatta say? Tell Crooked Chuck and Nasty Nancy to give me a lousy five billion. I’d ask Vlad, but the lawyers tell me that’d be wrong.
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My fellow Americans I come to you tonite with an emergency. Rush and Coulter flamed my fat ass for agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the gummit running - you know tax rebates, parks, airport security ... all that shit - without demanding my wall. Honestly, the wall funding escaped my notice. I was thinking about other really important shit, like leaving Isis to the turks and Vlad and NOW my useless advisors tell me they're gonna slaughter all the Kurds - like how the fuci was I supposed to know that - and that fcking Mueller is breathing down my neck .... God I hate that mther fucker who constantly reminds people I avoided the draft with phony bone spurs while he was rehabbing his knees so the Marines would let him be a line officer. I mean, what the fuck is that about? That should tell people I’m smart and Muellers not smart. He might be fcukign insane for all I know.

Anyway, I really need my wall funding. Rush and Coulter and ficking pains in my ass. And I missed Christmas at Mar a Lago. No BJ for me. Imagine Bill Clinton doing that for your country. That was a real bitch. Nothing on TV besides reruns of Home Alone and fuckign Bing Crosby ... has been. So whatta say? Tell Crooked Chuck and Nasty Nancy to give me a lousy five billion. I’d ask Vlad, but the lawyers tell me that’d be wrong.
More than funny, Bendog! But also funny is the airwaves all atwitter today speculating on what Trump is going to say tonight. For all we know, he is going to announce he is going to run in 2020, or maybe even that he has screwed up America enough to satisfy Vlad and MBS and Erdogan so he can quit the Prez and go back to building Towers and golf courses in their grateful domains. Sounds good to me. That way he can stiff Russians Arabs and Turks instead of Americans. Any guesses?
We know 6 out of 4,000.

That's the number that came through the southern border.

Instead of $20,000,000,000.00 to keep out six people, perhaps Democrats can find a better way to spend the money. Maybe by stopping the other other 3,994?

This is why Republicans get angry when people laugh at them for stupidity.

Show me the pesos!
What will Republican hawks say when Trump steals 20 billion from the military to defend us from 6 people?

Six people who can defeat the GOP's $20,000,000,000.00 wall with a single $36.00 ladder?


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