President obama can save this country


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
certifiable crazy's
But good for a laugh

President Obama can save this country. - Democratic Underground

President Obama can save this country.
He needs to go on TV and speak to the nation. He has to lay out the interference by Russia in our democratic process, even at the risk of compromising sources and methods. He needs to go on to say an election that happened under the influence of such interference is a nullity. He should set a new election date. Then he should announce he has positioned troops around the country and called up the National Guard and he will not hesitate to declare martial law in the event of violence.

He will rank with Washington and Lincoln in the history of this nation if he does. If he doesn't we will have to fix things ourselves and it will be very messy.
certifiable crazy's
But good for a laugh

President Obama can save this country. - Democratic Underground

President Obama can save this country.
He needs to go on TV and speak to the nation. He has to lay out the interference by Russia in our democratic process, even at the risk of compromising sources and methods. He needs to go on to say an election that happened under the influence of such interference is a nullity. He should set a new election date. Then he should announce he has positioned troops around the country and called up the National Guard and he will not hesitate to declare martial law in the event of violence.

He will rank with Washington and Lincoln in the history of this nation if he does. If he doesn't we will have to fix things ourselves and it will be very messy.
Talk about Fake News...

BTW, Obama has had 8 yrs......when is he gonna get off is lazy ass and save us????
Obama needs to GTFO of office and quietly go away....BUT HE'S NOT GOING TO DO THAT, AS HE HAS ALREADY SAID.

After racially ripping this country apart, after bringing in illegals and terrorists alike who have destroyed families, he has declared his right to criticize and attack Trump after he leaves the WH, to express that's not how HE would do things. - That's kinda the point, why Hillary, Barry, & the snowflakes suffered such a stunning defeat this election! No one wanted the way they do business anymore, thus THEY LOST.


With all of our millions he couldn't save Solyndra or 12 other Failed Green Energy Companies, but he made sure his donors didn't lose money.

He couldn't / can't save his f*ed up ACA.

He couldn't save over 500 people from being murdered by the thousands of guns and grenades HE gave Mexican Drug Cartels.

He couldn't save thousands of innocents from being beheaded and murdered by the terrorists HE supplied, funded, protected, armed, trained, used our military to help, and allowed them to freely walk into Iraq.

He couldn't save 4 Americans from being needlessly killed despite having every warning and opportuinity to do so.

No, he f*ed things up, and now wants the right to bitch about the new President whose lap he's dumping all of his shit into!
Obungles is a lame duck and people with any sense at all stopped listening to the asshat long ago
Once again this nation insists on learning the hard way what happens when you let people like Trump have political power. Perhaps we need to collapse into full blown fascism for us to remember the lessons we learned the hard way in WWII and the cold war. Obama has no intention of going off and being quiet, he will do wonders as private citizen without having to resort to the kind of blunt uses of federal power Trump is about to unleash on us.
Open letter to the Democratic Underground.

Bring it.



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