Present Ideas!

Well, you could fall back on my old standards of homemade fudge and Russian teacakes, but since he's a single, how about sausage balls? It's a southern recipe, but once they're made, you can freeze them and then just take out and microwave whatever portion you want. They are our tradition Christmas and Thanksgiving day breakfast. We make them ahead of time and then we have more time on those days for more important things.

Being a Yankee, I have no idea what a sausage ball is! Sounds yummy.
In mommy and daddy's basement screaming at the computer screen because you and your cyber buddies failed to kill a dragon? I choose to make fun of you on this front because I find it so utterly pathetic that you play and defend these types of games.

and, did you really just use the word "PWN" before?

OMG, you are a fucking geek

You're chatting on the internet in a political message board.

Isn't that pretty geeky in and of itself?
Being a Yankee, I have no idea what a sausage ball is! Sounds yummy.

It is. Use a pound of Jimmy Dean Sausage, warm up to room temperature, add a pound of shredded cheddar cheese and 3 cups of bisquick mix. Mix together (it's tough, believe me) and roll into 1 or 2 inch balls. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees until golden on the outside.

Then either eat them, or freeze them and zap them as you need them.

I'm only 1/2 Yankee. :lol:
I've finally given up. I buy people things I want and after they unwrap them, I take them from them.
Barbie clothes? WTH was he thinking?

My sister's father-in-law bought his new blushing bride a TURKEY BASTER (not wrapped) for their first Christmas.

She was NOT pleased, spent the day crying hysterically, and he never made that mistake again.

I like that idea. But the turkey baster takes the cake! My husband dislikes presents. He will happily give me one, but he doesn't want any. Works for me! I like to write him letters and terrible poetry. He saves them to show our kids how not to write!

Here are the last two lines (anymore you might throw up)
"Hope that imaginary cake taste good
It'll put you in a heavenly mood."
I told you.
You're chatting on the internet in a political message board.

Isn't that pretty geeky in and of itself?

I don't think so

Debating on an political forumn isn't geeky. Sometimes there are some good conversations and points made here. Sometimes being the key word.

However, when I go home, I rarely see this website
I don't think so

Debating on an political forumn isn't geeky. Sometimes there are some good conversations and points made here. Sometimes being the key word.

However, when I go home, I rarely see this website

Wouldn't you get chastised from the company if they knew they were paying you to post on a political message board?

My sister's father-in-law bought his new blushing bride a TURKEY BASTER (not wrapped) for their first Christmas.

She was NOT pleased, spent the day crying hysterically, and he never made that mistake again.
Maybe he preferred that she use artificial insemination. In any event, his gift probably caused him to forgo several instances of natural intercourse. :tongue:
Wouldn't you get chastised from the company if they knew they were paying you to post on a political message board?

chastised no...prob get a few jokes knocked on me, but most of my work is done on the phone and by e-mail. Also, I work 60-70 hours a week sometimes and my performance speaks for itself
I don't think so

Debating on an political forumn isn't geeky. Sometimes there are some good conversations and points made here. Sometimes being the key word.

However, when I go home, I rarely see this website

I'm just saying. Sitting at your computer is pretty much all the same, no matter what you're doing at it.

If you're doing it for recreation, then one could consider it geeky regardless of whether you're playing a game, or chatting.

Like for instance, my girlfriend thinks chatting here is pretty lame. But I spend a lot of time on politics in my community and beyond, so I can justifiy coming here.

The warriors and dragons games and what not have a connotation of being geeky anyway. It was no different when they were just board games.

It's an interest. I think what's MOST gay is making fun of someone you don't even know and have never met.

We had a thread here a couple months ago where a few of us posted pics. That would be a good way to start off by showing exactly how non-geeky you are.
Maybe he preferred that she use artificial insemination. In any event, his gift probably caused him to forgo several instances of natural intercourse. :tongue:

I have no doubt at all of that. You did NOT forget Jeanne's birthday, and you'd better not ever present her with a gift she didn't like, or one that hadn't seriously been considered before being chosen for her.

As her husband discovered within a very brief time of their marriage; a lesson he never forgot.

Ah, but they were the finest of the finest. We lost them both this year within weeks of each other. The world is a less loving and wonderful place without them. One of my fondest memories of Jeanne was at my sister's dad's funeral (I went to hang out with the relatives and later to dance on the bastard's grave, lol) sitting next to her as we gossiped and ate and shared information non-stop about every person at the wake. Non-malicious, I assure you, but still wickedly hilarious.
I'm just saying. Sitting at your computer is pretty much all the same, no matter what you're doing at it.

If you're doing it for recreation, then one could consider it geeky regardless of whether you're playing a game, or chatting.

Like for instance, my girlfriend thinks chatting here is pretty lame. But I spend a lot of time on politics in my community and beyond, so I can justifiy coming here.

The warriors and dragons games and what not have a connotation of being geeky anyway. It was no different when they were just board games.

It's an interest. I think what's MOST gay is making fun of someone you don't even know and have never met.

We had a thread here a couple months ago where a few of us posted pics. That would be a good way to start off by showing exactly how non-geeky you are.

What I find interesting is how you are accusing me of making fun of someone when it's the other douchebag who judges everyone. Other then 3 or 4 people on this board, I think I am pretty well liked. Hell, I think even Biker sailor and I made amends.

Sitting at your computer is not all the same, what are you talking about. Is it the same to sit on your computer while you are working compared to when you are home and sitting on it for 10 hours playing a game? I have nothing against gaming, hell I have an xbox that I play from time to time.

Also, it's nothing like when they were board games. These games are awful, my 12 year old cousin plays it nonstop, and I tell him to go outside and fucking play.

To me, I think it's awful how our youth is getting consumed by the video gaming bullshit.

I grew up in the Nintendo, Sega Era, and I loved it, but don't think for a second if I had a choice between Nintendo and outside playing I wouldn't be outside.

When my lil cousin gets punished he can't play video games but can go outside, when I was growing up it was reversed, i wasn't allowed out but could stay in and play video games.

Also, when I see him trying to knock people down all day in his posts, I will make fun of him all that I want. Especially when I can tell the type of guy that he is.

Also, if you are that interested in my pic (by the way, THAT IS REALLY GAY) I guess I will post it for ya. Don't think I am searching for that thread tho, I am not that interested
:lol: You basically admit that you've got the market cornered on these plastic babes. :lol:

I realize that my ability to flay you with caustic sarcasm is on your xmas wishlist this year but do you have to follow in my footsteps and copy the gist of my instults? sheesh. way to be original, homedawg.


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