Pres. Trump signe Gun Suppressor Executive order to protect our hearing...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...he kept another promise....

BREAKING: Donald Trump Enacts 'Hearing Protection Act' Provisions by Executive Order - The Truth About Guns

President Trump this morning announced that he has signed an executive order enacting much of the provisions of the Hearing Protection Act and bypassing Congress.

From the press release:

Past administrations have made it more difficult for law abiding citizens to exercise their God-given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. The Trump administration seeks to reduce government interference at all levels and promote firearms safety. Allowing citizens to voluntarily register their firearms in a more efficient manner will increase firearms safety without any increase in crime.

While Donald Trump can’t unilaterally change the law surrounding the National Firearms Act and its inclusion of silencers as regulated items, he can change the way the ATF processes the paperwork.

Under the new executive order the ATF will roll back Obama-era requirements for fingerprinting on individual members of a trust, and will consider anyone who has mailed their registration application to the ATF (with enclosed check) to have complied with the requirements of the National Firearms Act.

This new process will allow gun stores to immediately release suppressors to buyers. Owners will need to retain a copy of their mailed forms until full approval has been received and the registry is actually updated.

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