Pregnant Woman Arrested for resisting no arrest....or something

"She COULD be guilty of MAYBE a crime POSSIBLY so get on the ground"
She was on the ground because she was being arrested for trying to leave, and resisting arrest.

If she cooperated she wouldn't have been on the ground.

You cant resist something that never happens. She wasnt arrested just keep saying it hoping it will slide by
Oy vey.

She was stopped due to reasonable suspicion.

She was arrested for leaving during the stop and compounded it by resisting arrest.

Reasonable suspicion of what? The no crime?

Leaving isnt against the law. Try again
Having a chip on your shoulder is not a crime. but if you take it far enough it can be grounds for arrest. The officer was reasonable, the woman was a bitch.
"She COULD be guilty of MAYBE a crime POSSIBLY so get on the ground"
She was on the ground because she was being arrested for trying to leave, and resisting arrest.

If she cooperated she wouldn't have been on the ground.

You cant resist something that never happens. She wasnt arrested just keep saying it hoping it will slide by
She was being detained The cop had every right to detain her once she tried to leave.

Leaving is not a crime. The judge threw it out. Try again
"She COULD be guilty of MAYBE a crime POSSIBLY so get on the ground"
She was on the ground because she was being arrested for trying to leave, and resisting arrest.

If she cooperated she wouldn't have been on the ground.

Leaving is not a crime. Try again
It is if you are being detained by a police officer. It's called obstruction

OSBA What You Should Know about Obstruction of Justice

What You Should Know about Obstruction of Justice

Q: What sorts of acts may constitute obstruction of justice?
Obstruction may consist of any attempt to hinder the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of anyone who has committed a crime. The acts by which justice is obstructed may include bribery, murder, intimidation, and the use of physical force against witnesses, law enforcement officers or court officials. The purpose may be to influence, delay or prevent the communication of information to law enforcement officers; to influence, delay or prevent court testimony; to alter or destroy evidence; or to evade a subpoena or similar court process.

Your definition includes the word crime. There was no crime. Pick a better definition.
If you know the law well you can get away with it.

In this case there was no reasonable suspicion.

Below is what happens if you lose the cat and mouse game


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