Prayer meeting at USMB

Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.

Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us all our sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.
This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

I pray Psalm 109 to God concerning Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis). I pray that God reward him according to the works of his own hands, In Jesus Name. I pray that God avenge the blood of the Jews the Vatican ordered slaughtered, and the followers of Jesus Christ, the servants of the LORD who have been slain down through the ages and still today by the organization Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis) runs. I pray that Alberto Rivera's blood be avenged, In Jesus Name. I pray that God's judgment come swiftly and that He avenge us of our enemies, In Jesus Name.

I don't think that is what Jesus had in mind when He commanded us to pray for our enemies.

I think what He had in mind was more "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do"

I pray as the Lord leads me to pray. I do forgive my enemies and I pray that the LORD opens your eyes and saves your souls. Joseph Smith was a false teacher just as this Pope is a false teacher. If you stay in false religion, you'll perish in it just as the Catholics will in theirs if they stay.
If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd love His servants instead of condemning them and looking for opportunities to attack us. If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd respect this thread and the Christians that want to participate in reading Scripture, listening to praise and worship music, prayer and hearing praise reports. Instead of the interruptions / uncalled for comments which are a distraction.
I thank Jesus for who He is, for the prayers He has answered and His faithfulness. Truly the LORD is good.

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This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

I pray Psalm 109 to God concerning Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis). I pray that God reward him according to the works of his own hands, In Jesus Name. I pray that God avenge the blood of the Jews the Vatican ordered slaughtered, and the followers of Jesus Christ, the servants of the LORD who have been slain down through the ages and still today by the organization Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis) runs. I pray that Alberto Rivera's blood be avenged, In Jesus Name. I pray that God's judgment come swiftly and that He avenge us of our enemies, In Jesus Name.

I don't think that is what Jesus had in mind when He commanded us to pray for our enemies.

I think what He had in mind was more "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do"

I pray as the Lord leads me to pray. I do forgive my enemies and I pray that the LORD opens your eyes and saves your souls. Joseph Smith was a false teacher just as this Pope is a false teacher. If you stay in false religion, you'll perish in it just as the Catholics will in theirs if they stay.
If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd love His servants instead of condemning them and looking for opportunities to attack us. If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd respect this thread and the Christians that want to participate in reading Scripture, listening to praise and worship music, prayer and hearing praise reports. Instead of the interruptions / uncalled for comments which are a distraction.
If you love Jesus, maybe you could cut the Pope a little slack.
This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

This is something new for everyone here. A Christian prayer meeting at USMB that can be joined in at any time as it is open 24/7!
Jesus Christ said,

For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.
Matthew 18:20

We will begin with reading of the Word of God - The first book of the New Testament is Matthew so we can begin there today. After reading several Chapters of the Word, we will have a time of worship by singing along with the praise and worship music posted. As we do this, we can each enter into the presence of the LORD. Words to each song will be posted under the video music so that each person participating can sing the songs (when available).

Last, after praise and worship we will post prayers for those who are in need of prayer, loved ones ( use first initial only please) co-workers, our communities - including USMB, our cities,our nation, the nations of the world who are in need of prayer, prayer for all who are suffering, the Muslims and Christians in India who are right now suffering greatly, the elderly Jews in Russia who are suffering, if anyone wants to add a group of people during prayer time - feel free to add them in, if it is a person you know only use first initial (example - Pray for C.) - and I will also post one myself for all the people on USMB, for our nation, nations of the world, for God to move mightily among us, that we may draw near to Him, and that He will draw near to us. I'm believing that each day as we set aside time to meet with Him in reading His Word, praise and worship and prayer - He will show up!

Everyone is invited!

As we do this each day? Get excited! Be expectant! You are going to notice the LORD drawing nearer to you, answering your prayers, you will be experiencing more joy, more peace, more wisdom throughout the day when you seek God first each day and set this time apart for Him! The LORD promises us that if we will draw nigh unto Him? He will draw nigh unto us!

Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Psalm 141:2
Pray for the Pope.

I pray Psalm 109 to God concerning Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis). I pray that God reward him according to the works of his own hands, In Jesus Name. I pray that God avenge the blood of the Jews the Vatican ordered slaughtered, and the followers of Jesus Christ, the servants of the LORD who have been slain down through the ages and still today by the organization Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis) runs. I pray that Alberto Rivera's blood be avenged, In Jesus Name. I pray that God's judgment come swiftly and that He avenge us of our enemies, In Jesus Name.

I don't think that is what Jesus had in mind when He commanded us to pray for our enemies.

I think what He had in mind was more "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do"

I pray as the Lord leads me to pray. I do forgive my enemies and I pray that the LORD opens your eyes and saves your souls. Joseph Smith was a false teacher just as this Pope is a false teacher. If you stay in false religion, you'll perish in it just as the Catholics will in theirs if they stay.
If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd love His servants instead of condemning them and looking for opportunities to attack us. If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd respect this thread and the Christians that want to participate in reading Scripture, listening to praise and worship music, prayer and hearing praise reports. Instead of the interruptions / uncalled for comments which are a distraction.
If you love Jesus, maybe you could cut the Pope a little slack.

I pray he does repent and becomes a Christian. I wish that for the entire lost world, false teachers included, Mudwhistle. But as a Christian, I am to defend the faith and expose false teachers and their false teachings - not just Joseph Smith, Mohammad, and the other obvious false prophets but this Pope as well. And that is what I've done and will continue to do. I hope you have a nice day. Thanks for reading today. I pray God's best for you.
Tekiah... teruah.... shevarim....

And now, time for a nice Fall Sukkot!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
My prayer is these holy days will be a very wonderful, healing, refreshing time for the Jewish people and that G-d will bless the Jewish people with His Presence. May He answer all of your prayers, Stat., provide for all of your needs and give you the joy of His Salvation. I pray God's best for your life!
Tekiah... teruah.... shevarim....

And now, time for a nice Fall Sukkot!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
My prayer is these holy days will be a very wonderful, healing, refreshing time for the Jewish people and that G-d will bless the Jewish people with His Presence. May He answer all of your prayers, Stat., provide for all of your needs and give you the joy of His Salvation. I pray God's best for your life!
Well, I'm sealed in the Book of Life for another year. No pitchforks for me!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Preach, sister, PREACH!!!!!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
:smiliehug: May the Holy One of Israel - the Lord G-d Almighty bless His people abundantly beyond their expectations, and surround them with His loving kindness, mercy and Love! My prayer for the Jewish People! Shalom! I love you!
God guides me in prayer, and I do truly try to forgive those who sin against me. Boldea et al are indeed some of the false prophets foretold that would lead many astray in the latter days, and those who follow them will surely fall by the wayside.

All followers of Christ are indeed his friends and servants, and those who pretend to be such would reach out to all who respond on this thread. I truly urge all to participate in scripture study, prayers, music, etc., and from now on not condemn those with whom they may not agree.

Let's see if we can do this.
Pray for the Pope.

Pray for the Pope.

I pray Psalm 109 to God concerning Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis). I pray that God reward him according to the works of his own hands, In Jesus Name. I pray that God avenge the blood of the Jews the Vatican ordered slaughtered, and the followers of Jesus Christ, the servants of the LORD who have been slain down through the ages and still today by the organization Mr. Bergoglio (alias Francis) runs. I pray that Alberto Rivera's blood be avenged, In Jesus Name. I pray that God's judgment come swiftly and that He avenge us of our enemies, In Jesus Name.

I don't think that is what Jesus had in mind when He commanded us to pray for our enemies.

I think what He had in mind was more "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do"

I pray as the Lord leads me to pray. I do forgive my enemies and I pray that the LORD opens your eyes and saves your souls. Joseph Smith was a false teacher just as this Pope is a false teacher. If you stay in false religion, you'll perish in it just as the Catholics will in theirs if they stay.
If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd love His servants instead of condemning them and looking for opportunities to attack us. If you truly loved Jesus Christ you'd respect this thread and the Christians that want to participate in reading Scripture, listening to praise and worship music, prayer and hearing praise reports. Instead of the interruptions / uncalled for comments which are a distraction.
If you love Jesus, maybe you could cut the Pope a little slack.

I pray he does repent and becomes a Christian. I wish that for the entire lost world, false teachers included, Mudwhistle. But as a Christian, I am to defend the faith and expose false teachers and their false teachings - not just Joseph Smith, Mohammad, and the other obvious false prophets but this Pope as well. And that is what I've done and will continue to do. I hope you have a nice day. Thanks for reading today. I pray God's best for you.

After reading your posts who would ever want to become a christian

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