Pravda: The Communists have won in America with Obama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake."

Obama's Soviet Mistake - English

It's not just American Conservatives saying it, Pravda agrees.
Best part:

Recently, Obama has been re-elected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them. He gives speeches of peace and love in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He plans his next war is with Iran as he fires or demotes his generals who get in the way.

The dumb shlubs don't even know they've been lied to. But the truth is already starting to hit...elimination of tax deductions for student loan interest, reduction in Pell Grants, increases in student loan origination....

The Youth vote voted to screw itself both in terms of economics and liberty. And they will be paying for their years of higher education indoctrination for the rest of their lives.
Bottom of the barrel Frankie! Looking to Pravda for your propaganda now?

I thought he was a socialist/marxist?
Just like you have to read another city's newspapers to find out what's going on in your town, ie when your city's mayor gets caught in a rocking car at midnight, Christmas night, in a deserted shopping center parking lot with a twelve year old female not his own daughter "Just discussing city business, officer" you can read all about in the newspaper published in the state's capital, but in the two local papers, not a word. The Russkies know a duck when they see one, but the anal fornicators here like the Leftie in the second link just keep trying to deny reality.

Pravda: Obama Re-Elected By “Illiterate” Voters… | Weasel Zippers

Ken Burns: Secession Movement Spurred By Racism… | Weasel Zippers

Hollywood Obamabot Jamie Foxx: “Give Honor To God And Our Lord And Savior Barack Obama”… | Weasel Zippers
Russia used to insult us in their propaganda and call us bad names and conservatives used to get offended, now they do that and conservatives applaud. You people are sick and I still get offended when Russia calls us a bunch of illiterate idiots, move there and never come back assholes.
Russia used to insult us in their propaganda and call us bad names and conservatives used to get offended, now they do that and conservatives applaud. You people are sick and I still get offended when Russia calls us a bunch of illiterate idiots, move there and never come back assholes.

I guess the truth really got the butthurt flowing on this one.
Russia used to insult us in their propaganda and call us bad names and conservatives used to get offended, now they do that and conservatives applaud. You people are sick and I still get offended when Russia calls us a bunch of illiterate idiots, move there and never come back assholes.

I guess the truth really got the butthurt flowing on this one.

And now Russian propaganda is the truth? That Ruski is running down your country and it's president in the international press and you agree? Screw you. Any American should be somewhat "butthurt" over that vile piece of propaganda.
Russia used to insult us in their propaganda and call us bad names and conservatives used to get offended, now they do that and conservatives applaud. You people are sick and I still get offended when Russia calls us a bunch of illiterate idiots, move there and never come back assholes.

I guess the truth really got the butthurt flowing on this one.

And now Russian propaganda is the truth? That Ruski is running down your country and it's president in the international press and you agree? Screw you. Any American should be somewhat "butthurt" over that vile piece of propaganda.

You can read, but you're still illiterate. I think that about says it all.
TakeAStepBack does not get it that his patriotism is now in question.

Pravda? Really??

The hypocrisy is rank.
I guess the truth really got the butthurt flowing on this one.

And now Russian propaganda is the truth? That Ruski is running down your country and it's president in the international press and you agree? Screw you. Any American should be somewhat "butthurt" over that vile piece of propaganda.

You can read, but you're still illiterate. I think that about says it all.

Why do you hate America?
And now Russian propaganda is the truth? That Ruski is running down your country and it's president in the international press and you agree? Screw you. Any American should be somewhat "butthurt" over that vile piece of propaganda.

You can read, but you're still illiterate. I think that about says it all.

Why do you hate America?

[Rhetorical Question]Why do you hate Cognitive Thought?[/Rhetorical Question]
Appeal to emotion through attempted public shaming? :lmao:

I'm not the one advocating socialist policies. Obama supporters, however, are doing just that. Guess again on who hates the founding principles in this country.
And now Russian propaganda is the truth? That Ruski is running down your country and it's president in the international press and you agree? Screw you. Any American should be somewhat "butthurt" over that vile piece of propaganda.

You can read, but you're still illiterate. I think that about says it all.

Why do you hate America?

He's a libertarian. They're just as clueless as the Marxists. I don't see why we even bother responding to them. They're their own worst enemy.
"The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake."

Obama's Soviet Mistake - English

It's not just American Conservatives saying it, Pravda agrees.

For anyone paying attention, it's the manifestation of long term ideological subversion.

[ame=]What's really going on in the the United States? - YouTube[/ame]

As I always is the TRUE problem in the USA. Soviets knew that - "Useful Idiots".

And this guy tells it.
The meaning of the Russian word "PRAVDA" is 'truth'.

The actual definition of Pravda is a newspaper that has always been a stinking load of Russian propaganda and constant attacks on the west and especially America. Never been a ounce of truth in that rag. I am just astounded that some people hate Obama so much that they will even go to fucking Pravda if it confirms all their bullshit fears and hatred. Maybe next they can find some links to Iranian and N Korean newspapers that call Obama and America bad names.
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"The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake."

Obama's Soviet Mistake - English

It's not just American Conservatives saying it, Pravda agrees.

The article is exactly on point. I remember that speech Putin gave where he warned obama about taking the communist path and it's end of failure. I hope Pravda keeps telling the truth, more than that, maybe they can rescue us.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism,” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened....I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.” -- Norman Thomas, Socialist and Founding Father of the American Neo-Marxist Party (aka:Democrats)

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