Portland bakery fires employees for denying black woman service after closing

No doubt. It is far easier to just make up shit and tuck tail instead.

No, From what I recall, you seem to be a fairly standard issue lib, thus, I am fairly certainly that you support the standard lib abuse of the Race Card.

Which is what leads to bullshit like this incident.

I'm just not feeling the motivation to go though your posts to prove it today.

Wrong again, dipshit.

I don't recall you showing any signs of divergence from the Party Line, but time will tell. I will try to remember to check, on the occasions that issues are discussed.

OR point out any Race Card plays, as predicted.

And what party would that be? You don't know much about me and what you recall is just nonsense.

It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.
No, From what I recall, you seem to be a fairly standard issue lib, thus, I am fairly certainly that you support the standard lib abuse of the Race Card.

Which is what leads to bullshit like this incident.

I'm just not feeling the motivation to go though your posts to prove it today.

Wrong again, dipshit.

I don't recall you showing any signs of divergence from the Party Line, but time will tell. I will try to remember to check, on the occasions that issues are discussed.

OR point out any Race Card plays, as predicted.

And what party would that be? You don't know much about me and what you recall is just nonsense.

It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what you party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.

Standard modern liberalism.

You say you understand it is a figure of speech and then literally ask me for the "Party".

Incredible. If I had had any doubts you were a liberal, you would have laid them to rest with that game.
Wrong again, dipshit.

I don't recall you showing any signs of divergence from the Party Line, but time will tell. I will try to remember to check, on the occasions that issues are discussed.

OR point out any Race Card plays, as predicted.

And what party would that be? You don't know much about me and what you recall is just nonsense.

It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what you party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.

Standard modern liberalism.

You say you understand it is a figure of speech and then literally ask me for the "Party".

Incredible. If I had had any doubts you were a liberal, you would have laid them to rest with that game.

I am sorry I am not fitting into the lame narrative you’re trying to paint about me. Enjoy your fantasy world, twat.
I don't recall you showing any signs of divergence from the Party Line, but time will tell. I will try to remember to check, on the occasions that issues are discussed.

OR point out any Race Card plays, as predicted.

And what party would that be? You don't know much about me and what you recall is just nonsense.

It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what you party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.

Standard modern liberalism.

You say you understand it is a figure of speech and then literally ask me for the "Party".

Incredible. If I had had any doubts you were a liberal, you would have laid them to rest with that game.

I am sorry I am not fitting into the lame narrative you’re trying to paint about me. Enjoy your fantasy world, twat.

Tell me AGAIN, how you understand what "Figure of speech" means.

And ignore obvious race war pimps, race hustlers and lawsuit lottery seekers like you do? It takes at least 2 sides to get the whole story now. When was the last time you posted anything about a racial minorities bullying, intimidating or otherwise strong-arming whites into special treatment? I don't recall one. Not sure why someone else should be more even-handed than you are willing to be.

How about we look at nearly 242 years of white racist law and policy? And when I say 242 years, that means from 1776 until this time right now? That would be 1:07pm CST Monday June 4, 2018. How about that? Would you like to comment about the overall damage caused by giving whites 242 years of the ability to strongarm by law and policy as well as maintain the special treatment whites have always given themselves? What about the 242 years of white race war pimps, white race hustlers and lawsuit lottery seekers that have been a part of that as well as allowing you to actually believe you can try this argument?

I'm a woman, so oppressed more than you and for longer. You can bitch about whites all you want, but both oppress women throughout history. Again I say to you, "Get in line!" I'll give a darn about your racial grievances after you give a darn about my gender grievances (far worse, far longer and far more worldwide).

No you weren't. I know plenty about what women have suffered. But I also know that white women participated in the racism here and still do. You see, the women I know who I have worked with in areas of activism understand that both have suffered and that there is no "I suffered more" shit. They believe that we both should work together to make the changes that benefit both groups. But you dumb racist white females try putting yourselves on pedestals even as you participate in the racism and then your asses marry your "oppressors' to carry on the same racism they do. I got your line, and maybe you need not be snorting it.

Racist white females is funny BTW. No one is more cruel to a white female with a biracial child than a black female. Generally, black females will humiliate the child for having a white parent, nevermind the way they treat the white mother for daring to love a black man.

Your white victimization doesn't work here. I have a biracial child and whites were pretty nasty about that. And then you hear the n word lover being shouted at your woman by whites, then she comes home and tells you how other white men and women treat her at work.

Your victimization doesn't work here either. All I've done is fling your own shit back at you using gender instead of race. I haven't caused anyone to be lynched nor have I owned slaves. My ancestors didn't own slaves either. I've got as much to apologize for as you do, which was my whole point.
And what party would that be? You don't know much about me and what you recall is just nonsense.

It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what you party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.

Standard modern liberalism.

You say you understand it is a figure of speech and then literally ask me for the "Party".

Incredible. If I had had any doubts you were a liberal, you would have laid them to rest with that game.

I am sorry I am not fitting into the lame narrative you’re trying to paint about me. Enjoy your fantasy world, twat.

Tell me AGAIN, how you understand what "Figure of speech" means.


Tell me again how you can’t be bothered to prove any of your bullshit, lazy gash.
It's a figure of speech to denote conformity of thought.

I'm finding it hard to credit that you did not know that.

My position remains the same.

No shit. I am asking what you party line you think I’ve been towing?

Of course your position remains the same, it allows you to make silly assumptions without backing them up.

Standard modern liberalism.

You say you understand it is a figure of speech and then literally ask me for the "Party".

Incredible. If I had had any doubts you were a liberal, you would have laid them to rest with that game.

I am sorry I am not fitting into the lame narrative you’re trying to paint about me. Enjoy your fantasy world, twat.

Tell me AGAIN, how you understand what "Figure of speech" means.


Tell me again how you can’t be bothered to prove any of your bullshit, lazy gash.

I'm feeling lazy. Like I said.

I didn't claim one thing, and then immediately prove it wrong. Which is what you did.

Which strongly supports my opinion about you being a lib.
My experience has been that a business will normally lock it's doors at closing time. Anyone that makes it inside before the doors are locked get service. There may be a "last call" to buy before they close their cash registers.
The problem with that policy is that by law, if customers are in a store, the doors must remain unlocked. Its mostly a fire regulation issue. So, because of that, anyone who enters AFTER a clearly posted business hours and told that the business is closed for the day will expect to not be waited upon.

Unless the black customer says they weren't told "right." ITMT, I know for a fact that at least in some situations, you CAN lock the front door with customers inside. It's no different from still having employees inside. There are always other ways out that the employees know in the case of an event. Otherwise, they should have posted an employee at the from entrance to greet customers still trying to enter after closing to TELL them they were closed and turned them away. The bakery could have EASILY apologized and STATED THAT to the lady, give her a free cake and did not have to fire anyone. I hope the employees sue. Shows once again especially in retail that employers have NO regard for people and treat them like dirt thinking they can be easily replaced.
I completely disagree. If you enter an establishment that has posted hours of business and KNOW that you entered after it was closed, then you have no recourse and to claim discrimination because of their color is nothing more than an agenda.

However, the employees don't have a right to a job, period. Myself personally, I wouldn't work for anyone that had that belief, and the employees had to know the type of people they were working for.
since i am cheap ...and how hard is it to get a roll or donut...not like the grill was already cleaned now is it? plus most small businesses are doing happy dances when they have customers now.....turning away business is only a good idea when its a last resort...
So evidently firing employees just doing their job is easier than standing up to a person higher than them on the pity pole complaining.

Portland bakery fires employees for denying black woman service after closing

In one statement, "Back To Eden Bakery" says that according to its own surveillance video, a black woman named "Lillian", who is well known in the area as a "professional equity activist", entered at 9:06 p.m., after the bakery's closing time. Employees had also turned off the "Open" sign, but several customers (all white) who had already ordered were still inside. Two other white women who went to the bakery two minutes before "Lillian", and were also informed that the business was closed for the night.

So zero evidence of racism, but the employees were fired anyway.

Naturally they are also trying to blame the "alt-right" for messing with them being douches.

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Our business is under full assault by the Alt-Right and people fueled by their own white supremacy. We have been getting hundreds of calls, emails, DM’s, negative reviews and vitriolic comments from people all over the globe with no connection to Portland or our business. The original post was removed because the number of trolls that were flocking to it was more than we could effectively manage. We took screenshots and know that many others did as well. These comments are not simply critical of our actions (we can handle that) but they are meant to be intimidating and dehumanizing to everyone involved. Our employees and the community that is attempting to support and/or actually dialogue with us is feeling unsafe and we have an obligation to them. We are anti-censorship and support everyone’s freedom of speech but will not allow any of our platforms to be a repository of hate.

Let's be clear here, a person goes to a bakery at closing and the employees tell them everything is shut down and they're closed for the night. Other people were already turned away before them. But they left the doors unlocked and upon closing time, SHOULD have locked them, unlocking the door as needed to leave stragglers out.
  • WHITE PERSON: Walks away realizing they waited too long, don't want to inconvenience others and will have to come back tomorrow.
  • BLACK PERSON: Feels offended and maybe discriminated. Calls company next day and files complaint knowing she can play the race card.
Bakery throws employees under the bus to show they are repentant hopefully fearfully avoiding racial lawsuit.
Employees lose jobs, income, unemployment, goes on record.

We now live in an age where employees are scapegoats that an employer wants to pay minimum wage to, no benefits, then wants them to make all kinds of concessions, right up to not even knowing if you are going home at 9PM, 9:30 or 10PM., so you can't even plan your life, and then will throw you under the bus for any slight reason with no loyalty rather than defend, all the while insisting employees be absolutely loyal to and follow a whole litany of company-favoring guidelines.

What was this about "white privilege?"

I would call the 2nd an "asshole that happens to be a black person" but that's just me.
My experience has been that a business will normally lock it's doors at closing time. Anyone that makes it inside before the doors are locked get service. There may be a "last call" to buy before they close their cash registers.
The problem with that policy is that by law, if customers are in a store, the doors must remain unlocked. Its mostly a fire regulation issue. So, because of that, anyone who enters AFTER a clearly posted business hours and told that the business is closed for the day will expect to not be waited upon.

Unless the black customer says they weren't told "right." ITMT, I know for a fact that at least in some situations, you CAN lock the front door with customers inside. It's no different from still having employees inside. There are always other ways out that the employees know in the case of an event. Otherwise, they should have posted an employee at the from entrance to greet customers still trying to enter after closing to TELL them they were closed and turned them away. The bakery could have EASILY apologized and STATED THAT to the lady, give her a free cake and did not have to fire anyone. I hope the employees sue. Shows once again especially in retail that employers have NO regard for people and treat them like dirt thinking they can be easily replaced.
I completely disagree. If you enter an establishment that has posted hours of business and KNOW that you entered after it was closed, then you have no recourse and to claim discrimination because of their color is nothing more than an agenda.

However, the employees don't have a right to a job, period. Myself personally, I wouldn't work for anyone that had that belief, and the employees had to know the type of people they were working for.

Considering the business in question, the employees were probably lefty hippies as well.
If you enter an establishment that has posted hours of business and KNOW that you entered after it was closed, then you have no recourse and to claim discrimination because of their color is nothing more than an agenda.

However, the employees don't have a right to a job, period. Myself personally, I wouldn't work for anyone that had that belief, and the employees had to know the type of people they were working for.

I was just quoting the facts. So apparently the bakery proved that you CAN enter after closing, and by virtue of being a miffed customer and complaining, you DO have a recourse! Customer is always right. As to who you would work for, count that as pretty much any retail I think. It's not like they post that policy and you won't know how low the employer will go not to work for them (unless of course you just need the job) until you are actually out the door fired because of "public opinion."
I would call the 2nd an "asshole that happens to be a black person" but that's just me.

Maybe so, but if there has been a white person in the news who complained and got employees fired because they were told the store was closed after it was closed, etc., then I have missed it. I hope that lady enjoyed her cake.
I would call the 2nd an "asshole that happens to be a black person" but that's just me.

Maybe so, but if there has been a white person in the news who complained and got employees fired because they were told the store was closed after it was closed, etc., then I have missed it. I hope that lady enjoyed her cake.

It's not a question of the specific pity group, it's how high they are on the pity totem pole.

if she would have been a transgender it would have been even worse.
If you enter an establishment that has posted hours of business and KNOW that you entered after it was closed, then you have no recourse and to claim discrimination because of their color is nothing more than an agenda.

However, the employees don't have a right to a job, period. Myself personally, I wouldn't work for anyone that had that belief, and the employees had to know the type of people they were working for.

I was just quoting the facts. So apparently the bakery proved that you CAN enter after closing, and by virtue of being a miffed customer and complaining, you DO have a recourse! Customer is always right. As to who you would work for, count that as pretty much any retail I think. It's not like they post that policy and you won't know how low the employer will go not to work for them (unless of course you just need the job) until you are actually out the door fired because of "public opinion."

I'm not seeing the point here after reading the OP again.

1. The store was closed and the open sign was off.
2. There were customers inside the store waiting for their product they ordered before the store closed
3. Their camera's confirmed that several other customers were turned away for service after the Store had closed.
4. Another customer came in, after several had been turned away, and was also denied service

And the problem is?

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