Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Apparently it is not an issue with Catholics. I saw some interviews the news media made with Catholics. Most of them said the Pope was out of line. I really think myself based upon your posts that you are the one who wishes to make it an issue. Both Trump and the Pope have already moved on.
I'm sure both the the Pope and Trump have moved on. Both have good reason not to carry this any further. I think what the Pope said needed to be said.

I doubt that what the Pope said will do any serious damage to Trump in the primaries because the republican party is only 18% white catholic. However, there is a cumulative effect. Catholics may not be a large percent of the party, but neither are Hispanics, nor Blacks, nor Muslims but taken as a whole these minorities can certainly be significant in a hotly contested primary and in a general election they can be very significant.

What the Pope said needs to be challenged and ridiculed as the Fucking nonsense it is.
Trump is dog shit compared with the Pope. I often scrape Trump followers off my shoe.

Fuck you asshole.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

I'm sure both the the Pope and Trump have moved on. Both have good reason not to carry this any further. I think what the Pope said needed to be said.

I doubt that what the Pope said will do any serious damage to Trump in the primaries because the republican party is only 18% white catholic. However, there is a cumulative effect. Catholics may not be a large percent of the party, but neither are Hispanics, nor Blacks, nor Muslims but taken as a whole these minorities can certainly be significant in a hotly contested primary and in a general election they can be very significant.

What the Pope said needs to be challenged and ridiculed as the Fucking nonsense it is.
Trump is dog shit compared with the Pope. I often scrape Trump followers off my shoe.

Fuck you asshole.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

That's because, much like Trump, you respond everything like a petulant teenage girl on social media.
What the Pope said needs to be challenged and ridiculed as the Fucking nonsense it is.
Trump is dog shit compared with the Pope. I often scrape Trump followers off my shoe.

Fuck you asshole.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

That's because, much like Trump, you respond everything like a petulant teenage girl on social media.

Says the man that called me dog shit.


For you.

Trump is dog shit compared with the Pope. I often scrape Trump followers off my shoe.

Fuck you asshole.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

That's because, much like Trump, you respond everything like a petulant teenage girl on social media.

Says the man that called me dog shit.


For you.

Maybe you wouldn't have this problem if you weren't a mindless follower.
Fuck you asshole.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

That's because, much like Trump, you respond everything like a petulant teenage girl on social media.

Says the man that called me dog shit.


For you.

Maybe you wouldn't have this problem if you weren't a mindless follower.

The only problem I have hear is that you responded to my post, where I made a point, by comparing me to dog shit.

And now you're trying to take the HIgh Road?


Go fuck your self.
Excellent rebuttal professor.

I think I responded appropriately considering how fucking stupid and insulting your post was.

So, Fuck you very much.

That's because, much like Trump, you respond everything like a petulant teenage girl on social media.

Says the man that called me dog shit.


For you.

Maybe you wouldn't have this problem if you weren't a mindless follower.

The only problem I have hear is that you responded to my post, where I made a point, by comparing me to dog shit.

And now you're trying to take the HIgh Road?


Go fuck your self.
As if it's my fault that you dummies follow the guy who's trying to get Hilary elected.

For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

Romans 3:23
Some a lot shorter than others. Trump has no moral or ethical principles of any kind.......let alone religion.

And yet, here we are, judging the Christianity of one man---while ignoring the failures of our own walks with God.

Judge not, lest you be judged. You know the rest.
Everything Trump talks about is shit.

Hope you like that global recession when the retard birfer Trump imposes his 45% tariff on Mexico and China.

There is nothing unChristian about building a wall.

The US has more "Bridges" to other cultures and nations and peoples than any nation, and Francis knows that.

In this, it is Francis that is talking shit.

Admitting that Toro, will not mean that you cannot still be anti-Trump is every other way.
Of course there is nothing unchristian about just building a wall any more that building a fence, a road, or bridge. The Pope was speaking metaphorically when he said,
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."
Walls are going up all over the world to separate nations and neighbors, Instead of building bridges to bring people together and address problems, we build walls to keep people apart so we don't have to address the problems.

I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

There is nothing unChristian about building a wall.

The US has more "Bridges" to other cultures and nations and peoples than any nation, and Francis knows that.

In this, it is Francis that is talking shit.

Admitting that Toro, will not mean that you cannot still be anti-Trump is every other way.
Of course there is nothing unchristian about just building a wall any more that building a fence, a road, or bridge. The Pope was speaking metaphorically when he said,
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."
Walls are going up all over the world to separate nations and neighbors, Instead of building bridges to bring people together and address problems, we build walls to keep people apart so we don't have to address the problems.

I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

1. A Wall does not have to be impervious to be effective. That is a Red Herring.

2. Yes, the Wall is not the whole answer. Trump has also called for E-verify. For one additional example.

3. If illegals have to resort to boats and planes instead of walking, then we have made serious progress.

4. Farm workers stopped being the driver long ago. We don't need 11 million farm workers.

5. The Wall, if a testament to any failure, would be a testament to the failure of Mexico to provide for it's people.
Of course there is nothing unchristian about just building a wall any more that building a fence, a road, or bridge. The Pope was speaking metaphorically when he said,
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."
Walls are going up all over the world to separate nations and neighbors, Instead of building bridges to bring people together and address problems, we build walls to keep people apart so we don't have to address the problems.

I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

1. A Wall does not have to be impervious to be effective. That is a Red Herring.

2. Yes, the Wall is not the whole answer. Trump has also called for E-verify. For one additional example.

3. If illegals have to resort to boats and planes instead of walking, then we have made serious progress.

4. Farm workers stopped being the driver long ago. We don't need 11 million farm workers.

5. The Wall, if a testament to any failure, would be a testament to the failure of Mexico to provide for it's people.
Considering the cost of the Wall, it damn well better be the whole answer. At a cost of over 10 billion dollars and making an enemy of our closest neighbor and a major trading partner, we will still be left with 10 million illegal immigrants, which are not going to be deported and a growing population of illegal immigrants due to visa violations.

According to Homeland security, illegal immigration has reached it's lowest level in two decades. According to Pew Research, the number of illegal immigrants in the US has fallen by over a million since it's peak 4 years ago and there no reason to believe it will not continue to fall.

There're two major reasons for the fall in illegal immigration. First, the economy of Mexico is improving and the demand for unskilled labor is rising dramatically in Mexico due to an expanding middle class and a drop in birth rate which has accelerated over the last 40 years. Second, the huge increase in boarder security over the last 10 years is finally having an effect. If will build this wall which is estimated to take 10 to 15 years to complete, it will go down as one the stupidest decisions to every come out of Washington.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate
I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

1. A Wall does not have to be impervious to be effective. That is a Red Herring.

2. Yes, the Wall is not the whole answer. Trump has also called for E-verify. For one additional example.

3. If illegals have to resort to boats and planes instead of walking, then we have made serious progress.

4. Farm workers stopped being the driver long ago. We don't need 11 million farm workers.

5. The Wall, if a testament to any failure, would be a testament to the failure of Mexico to provide for it's people.
Considering the cost of the Wall, it damn well better be the whole answer. At a cost of over 10 billion dollars and making an enemy of our closest neighbor and a major trading partner, we will still be left with 10 million illegal immigrants, which are not going to be deported and a growing population of illegal immigrants due to visa violations.

According to Homeland security, illegal immigration has reached it's lowest level in two decades. According to Pew Research, the number of illegal immigrants in the US has fallen by over a million since it's peak 4 years ago and there no reason to believe it will not continue to fall.

There're two major reasons for the fall in illegal immigration. First, the economy of Mexico is improving and the demand for unskilled labor is rising dramatically in Mexico due to an expanding middle class and a drop in birth rate which has accelerated over the last 40 years. Second, the huge increase in boarder security over the last 10 years is finally having an effect. If will build this wall which is estimated to take 10 to 15 years to complete, it will go down as one the stupidest decisions to every come out of Washington.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate

1. If Mexico is unhappy because we build a wall, that is their choice.

2. Trump says they will be deported.

3. Visa illegals are among those who will be deported.
Trump is dog shit compared with the Pope. I often scrape Trump followers off my shoe.

Say Comrade, aren't you a notorious Christian hater?

In fact aren't you a complete fucking fraud who is just exploiting something to attack the hated enemies of your filthy party?
Wrong again dumbshit. You Trump followers wouldn't know a real Christian from your own asshole.
I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

1. A Wall does not have to be impervious to be effective. That is a Red Herring.

2. Yes, the Wall is not the whole answer. Trump has also called for E-verify. For one additional example.

3. If illegals have to resort to boats and planes instead of walking, then we have made serious progress.

4. Farm workers stopped being the driver long ago. We don't need 11 million farm workers.

5. The Wall, if a testament to any failure, would be a testament to the failure of Mexico to provide for it's people.
Considering the cost of the Wall, it damn well better be the whole answer. At a cost of over 10 billion dollars and making an enemy of our closest neighbor and a major trading partner, we will still be left with 10 million illegal immigrants, which are not going to be deported and a growing population of illegal immigrants due to visa violations.

According to Homeland security, illegal immigration has reached it's lowest level in two decades. According to Pew Research, the number of illegal immigrants in the US has fallen by over a million since it's peak 4 years ago and there no reason to believe it will not continue to fall.

There're two major reasons for the fall in illegal immigration. First, the economy of Mexico is improving and the demand for unskilled labor is rising dramatically in Mexico due to an expanding middle class and a drop in birth rate which has accelerated over the last 40 years. Second, the huge increase in boarder security over the last 10 years is finally having an effect. If will build this wall which is estimated to take 10 to 15 years to complete, it will go down as one the stupidest decisions to every come out of Washington.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate
The Wall is nothing more than a rhetorical gimmick. Not only does Donald Trump realize that Mexico could never be made to pay for it........he has no intentions of ever building one and neither does anyone else.

For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

Romans 3:23
Some a lot shorter than others. Trump has no moral or ethical principles of any kind.......let alone religion.

And yet, here we are, judging the Christianity of one man---while ignoring the failures of our own walks with God.

Judge not, lest you be judged. You know the rest.

One of the few times I've ever heard that quoted in the proper context. Congratulations. :udaman:
Of course there is nothing unchristian about just building a wall any more that building a fence, a road, or bridge. The Pope was speaking metaphorically when he said,
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."
Walls are going up all over the world to separate nations and neighbors, Instead of building bridges to bring people together and address problems, we build walls to keep people apart so we don't have to address the problems.

I was responding in the same sense.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
Everyone seems to think that the Pope was aiming at just Trump. I think he was attacking the current trend of creating more barriers, fences and walls through and between nations that create divisions. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the number of walls and barriers between nations has increased 300%. Wall and barriers do not address the root cause as to why they are needed. The poverty, hatred, injustice, and bigotry remain. Walls are just an admissions of failure and they eventually fail. As the saying goes, show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you 51 foot ladder.

Of course the Pope was attacking the very idea of all Walls between First World Nations, and the Third World hellholes where his sympathies lie.

The political school of thought where he is coming from is the enemy of the Western World and does NOT have it's interests as a goal.

Building a Wall is not an admission of Failure. It is not on us to fix the Third World. The citizens of the Third World are Sovereign, just like we are, despite Francis's words to the Contrary.

All over the FIrst World, mass Third World Immigration is causing massive problems.

Building a wall to keep out unwanted invaders is addressing the problem, from our perspective.

And there is nothing "unchristian" about that, even by Francis's own words, because as I pointed out, the US has more "bridges" to other cultures and nations and people than any nation.

And Francis knows that.

The Pope was talking bullshit.
It should be obvious that building a wall on the Mexican boarder will not end the illegal immigration problem or even come close. According to Homeland Security to make the wall an effective barrier, we would need a significant increase in the boarder patrol, electronic surveillance, and fencing. To think that the Mexicans will not be able go over the wall or under it is just silly. And if it became effective, it still would not solve our illegal immigration problem because half of the illegal immigrants enter the country legally. According to Homeland Security.

If we tighten security at the southern boarder we will see an increase in illegal immigration by boat over 500 miles of California and Texas coastline. Human and drug trafficking will shift from land to air.

If we built the wall we would still need to do exactly the same things we need to do now to solve the immigration problem, provide a sufficient number of visa for farm workers to enter the country legally, clamp down on the hiring of illegals, and enforce visa overstays.

The wall would be just an expensive testament to the failure US immigration policy.

1. A Wall does not have to be impervious to be effective. That is a Red Herring.

2. Yes, the Wall is not the whole answer. Trump has also called for E-verify. For one additional example.

3. If illegals have to resort to boats and planes instead of walking, then we have made serious progress.

4. Farm workers stopped being the driver long ago. We don't need 11 million farm workers.

5. The Wall, if a testament to any failure, would be a testament to the failure of Mexico to provide for it's people.

If Donny Boy is such a fan of eVerify, maybe he should have used it a little more in his own businesses.

Trump Tower Was Built on Undocumented Immigrants’ Backs
Since all pope-filth have been glaring pedophile enablers, their slimy, hypocritical, self-righteous edicts mean LESS than nothing to me. I rank Catholidiocy second only to Pisslam for being the slimiest, retrograde religious force in the history of this planet. As far as this agnostic goes, Pisslam and Catholicrap can go perform a big "69" on each other.

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