POLL: Is this in the best interests of our young people, or is it not?

Should we promote & enable challenging opinions for our young people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 92.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
lolol, except maybe for some protesters, the only people that are going to a Coulter speech are sheep on the right who already agree with her.
No, I mean college-age kids, people who have reached a point of development at which they can make reasonably mature analyses and judgements.

Yeah, I wouldn't see much positive value in this for younger kids, although obviously everyone is different.

what's the value of a bigot like Ann Coulter speaking at Berkeley? Do you think that it's valuable to society if in some way some otherwise unbigoted student adopt her bigotry?

Search me. She is outrageous enough.....kind of a "shock pundit." Maybe this is how the marketplace of ideas works, when you don't have to be the smartest, just the most brash--

Hey, I think I just figured out how Trump won!

Coulter sells rightwing propaganda. It's really no more complicated than that. The idea that it's some sort of free speech issue over whether or not she should be allowed on a campus to sell her commodity is preposterous.

How will those students ever learn to recognize and counter propaganda if they are never given the chance to hear and counter propaganda?

By high school, they should start practicing separating bullshit from fact. It's a dying skill.

I already pointed out that Coulter's books are in the Berkeley library. She's all over the internet. She
goes on tv. It's 2017. Any kid who wants to learn about Coulter can do so in minutes.

True for so many speakers. So why have actual speakers come to the college at all?

Like I said, those who want can stay at home. I like to see and hear opposing viewpoints. It's good exercise for the brain.
I voted No. The OP question hit as arguing for argument sake. I think a firm foundation should first be established by parents for young people and save the debate clubs for high school students.
Okay, great. Are you saying that no speakers should be allowed on campus?
He is saying only speakers whom he agrees with should be allowed to speak. Anywhere.

Coulter was invited by a Republican group on campus. You probably wouldn't see this sort of controversy on a conservative campus,

because of such as the following:

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

By Anita Kumar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 23, 2009

RICHMOND, May 22 -- Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic club because, officials say, the national party's platform goes against the conservative Christian school's moral principles.

...and interestingly, you won't the RW bigot OP Mac posting threads about something like the above.
I voted No. The OP question hit as arguing for argument sake. I think a firm foundation should first be established by parents for young people and save the debate clubs for high school students.
Okay, great. Are you saying that no speakers should be allowed on campus?
He is saying only speakers whom he agrees with should be allowed to speak. Anywhere.

Coulter was invited by a Republican group on campus. You probably wouldn't see this sort of controversy on a conservative campus,

because of such as the following:

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

By Anita Kumar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 23, 2009

RICHMOND, May 22 -- Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic club because, officials say, the national party's platform goes against the conservative Christian school's moral principles.

...and interestingly, you won't the RW bigot OP Mac posting threads about something like the above.

No kidding, perhaps you could also let us know how many of those conservative campuses have had violent protests.
lolol, except maybe for some protesters, the only people that are going to a Coulter speech are sheep on the right who already agree with her.

Or, they are going to hear what she has to say and possibly to form their own views independent of what the internet and media say. They will be able to ask questions that allow her to clarify where she is coming from or counter what she is saying with data.

You know....like in the olden days..........some 10 years ago.
I voted No. The OP question hit as arguing for argument sake. I think a firm foundation should first be established by parents for young people and save the debate clubs for high school students.
Okay, great. Are you saying that no speakers should be allowed on campus?
He is saying only speakers whom he agrees with should be allowed to speak. Anywhere.

Coulter was invited by a Republican group on campus. You probably wouldn't see this sort of controversy on a conservative campus,

because of such as the following:

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

Liberty U. Drops Democratic Club, Saying Views Conflict With Those of College

By Anita Kumar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 23, 2009

RICHMOND, May 22 -- Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic club because, officials say, the national party's platform goes against the conservative Christian school's moral principles.

...and interestingly, you won't the RW bigot OP Mac posting threads about something like the above.

No kidding, perhaps you could also let us know how many of those conservative campuses have had violent protests.

Perhaps you can tell us how this great nation was founded without violence.
I voted No. The OP question hit as arguing for argument sake. I think a firm foundation should first be established by parents for young people and save the debate clubs for high school students.
Okay, great. Are you saying that no speakers should be allowed on campus?
He is saying only speakers whom he agrees with should be allowed to speak. Anywhere.

What happened to your love of the free market?
You should put the syringe down. You don't seem to understand what is going on around you.

What right do you have to be a paid speaker on a college campus?

Elaborate your answer.
Maybe a quick reminder of who and what Coulter is might help.

She once said of ME countries:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.
Read more at: Ann Coulter Quotes

...and she wants tolerance? lol
Yes kids do need to learn how to form their own opinions, while hearing & considering others that differ. But I wouldn't leave that to the current educational system or wait until college age.

Who here has kids that you didn't teach or talk about drugs & how to 'just say no'? Or what to do if a stranger (or familiar person) offered them candy? Or touched them in uncomfortable ways? Or any other important subject????? It may sound like it's completely different than teaching opinions or critical thinking but really it's the same.

If you don't want your kids to be 'sheeple', then they need to know how to walk alone if need be.
The dumbest thing about this discussion is that the OP thinks progressives don't want young people to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints.

Basically, young people at institutions of higher learning have made it known that they don't want to be associated with opportunistic charlatans like Ann Coulter.

They aren't afraid to hear what she says. They just don't want to their institutions to lend credibility to it.

Get it? Will you ever get it?
So you disagree with my OP.


And of COURSE you Regressives "don't want young people to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints" if you don't like those viewpoints. You're liars and cowards.

I appreciate the input.

I voted yes, fool. I shut down your argument. You don't like it.

If THEY don't want to hear conflicting points of view -- that's their option to exercise. However, it BECOMES a problem when they will not ALLOW views that conflict with theirs to be heard by ANYONE. Essentially, politically polarizing the entire College experience. And it's the FACULTY that aids and abets this protest.
What the hell do you want done about Coulter?
Done? Let her do her stupid little talk without disruption and everyone can get on with their lives.

That's it.

I would LOVE to be in the audience when that cadaverous, hateful media whore takes the stage. Disrupt? You betcha'. These Berkeley kids should go and boo her off the stage. What are they thinking? Enjoy these opportunities while they can!
Oh, I'd let her talk. I'd let some KKK goon talk. I'd let some communist goon talk. Crank it up, let's hear it.

I want the crazies to have every opportunity to expose themselves. One of the best benefits of open expression.

That's exactly what happens at USMB. All those on display for people to confront with discussion. NOT shouting and rioting in the streets..
The dumbest thing about this discussion is that the OP thinks progressives don't want young people to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints.

Basically, young people at institutions of higher learning have made it known that they don't want to be associated with opportunistic charlatans like Ann Coulter.

They aren't afraid to hear what she says. They just don't want to their institutions to lend credibility to it.

Get it? Will you ever get it?
So you disagree with my OP.


And of COURSE you Regressives "don't want young people to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints" if you don't like those viewpoints. You're liars and cowards.

I appreciate the input.

I think of our difference as more of how we define "young people". I associated the term primarily with grammar school youngsters and beginning high school students. I then associate young adults as more mature high school juniors and seniors and college age people.
No, I mean college-age kids, people who have reached a point of development at which they can make reasonably mature analyses and judgements.

Yeah, I wouldn't see much positive value in this for younger kids, although obviously everyone is different.

what's the value of a bigot like Ann Coulter speaking at Berkeley? Do you think that it's valuable to society if in some way some otherwise unbigoted student adopt her bigotry?

Kinda balances the political bigotry of the faculty -- dontchathink? If she's WRONG -- faculty/newspaper has a field day correcting her. If she's RIGHT ---- well THAT'S the paranoia aspect of all this. Why let Nazis march and speak if you're AFRAID they MIGHT be right? It's simply getting a MONOPOLY on political angles and thought. And the faculty HATES any "competition" or dissent.

You've got no reason NOT to hear it.. UNLESS --- you're paranoid and insecure in your beliefs. QED.

Ask a Conservative/Libertarian/Independent student about the consequences of confronting any of them..
Let's get to the heart of the issue of our young people and speakers.

Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

And further, there is no better place or time in their lives to be challenged like this than their college years. If we do not, we are doing our young people and our country a terrible disservice.

Do you agree or disagree? And please note: This is NOT a First Amendment issue, so let's not go there.

I fully agree - we do them a great disservice if we insulate them from other views.
Effectively learning requires the principles of how to critically think. Without those principles, learners cannot filter out fake news and alt facts and pretenders who say the love but really hate critical thinking, like the OP.
So far I'm getting precisely the kind of responses I expected from the Regressive Left, like this one.

All of them leaving the door open for thought censorship.


This kind of seems like a "set up" calling out the "regressive left".

What's wrong with what Jake said?

I absolutely agree that kids should be exposed to a variety of opinions in college - BUT - they also need to learn how to critically think.

We do a deservice to them if we insulate them, but likewise if we don't give them the tools to assess the constant onslaught of media and vociferous pontificating. Jake is absolutely right with this - it's not a left/right thing - it's necessary tools to navigate the Age of Media.
I voted No. The OP question hit as arguing for argument sake. I think a firm foundation should first be established by parents for young people and save the debate clubs for high school students.
Okay, great. Are you saying that no speakers should be allowed on campus?
He is saying only speakers whom he agrees with should be allowed to speak. Anywhere.

What happened to your love of the free market?
You should put the syringe down. You don't seem to understand what is going on around you.

What right do you have to be a paid speaker on a college campus?

Elaborate your answer.
As a College that accepts funding from the government, it becomes an extension of the government. By restricting or forbidden any speech they (or the students) disagree with, they are the government violating the Constitution.

Now, if you were even a modicum as smart as you think you are, you'd know that the Constitution protects us from the government violating our rights.

You're all for that, as long as it is speech you disagree with, correct.
So what are the chances I'll have a "Progressive" weigh in, vote "Yes", and bravely disagree with their ideological brethren about Coulter?

Coulter's a partisan hack. I agree with your OP. I doubt I'm the only leftist.

Such a straightforward poll, about one of our most fundamental values as a country, and the Regressive Left has to spin and deflect.

I guess that answers my question, and confirms my opinion.

Only one person voted "no".

No one voted Mango....:(

Maybe you are over using the "regressive left" slur.
Here's my position: It's a moral and cultural obligation of ours, as citizens of the United States, to promote and enable our young people to be exposed to contrary, stimulating, challenging, and yes, even controversial opinions at every opportunity. It is in their best interests, and the best interests of our country, to do so.

TELL the above to the orange clown (and his ilk) when they hear something that they don't like and call it "FAKE NEWS"....

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