POLL: Do you look at our politics as WAR?

Is Left vs. Right a "War" to you?

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I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Of course it is. The One Percent has been making war on the working class for 40 years now. Where have you been?

But just like the dumb redneck who fought for the Confederacy 150 years ago even though he got no benefit from slavery, the dumb white working class votes for the GOP because they are upset about abortion or gays getting married or trannies in the bathroom or some other issue that has no effect on their paycheck.

And WHEN the next recession comes, they will be scratching their heads wondering why they are working harder for less money.
Are you implying that liberals and minorities don't vote on the issues of abortion, gay marriage, or transgenders in the bathroom?
BUDDY, I have a MASTERS degree in history, and your take is a false flag. Trump has NEVER over ridden the congress, and in fact he can't. (unlike Obama who just decided what he wanted, and created his own crap.

Why would he have to override the Congress, they pretty much give him everything he wants.

Hitler didn't override the Reichstag, either. The Reichstag just kept voting him more powers...

Trump has NEVER done this, except to rescind Obamas edicts, which you can not stand. He could NOT do this if the edicts were made into law, IF he followed the constitution. But he didn't have to. Explain to these nice people why he didn't have to, or are you such a LEFTIST, you refuse to announce what is obvious!

You're babbling here, buddy. Trump is throwing people into camps and calling the free press the enemy of the people. That's what makes him a Nazi.

Now, here's the thing If you ever read Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich", you'd realize that most of the people in the German elite KNEW Hitler was nuts. But they went along with it.

Your stand is obvious; change the election results in any manner you can. To hell with the people who put Trump in office, they just smell of Wal-Mart, correct!

Now, here's the problem. The people said "NO". They said no pretty clearly, by about 3 million votes. This makes Trump's election illegitimate on it face. The fact he colluded with the Russians to get there and beat our anachronistic system we should have fixed in 2001 is also part of the problem.

But even if he had gotten there completely legitimately, the fact that he is clearly mentally unbalanced and corrupt should be enough cause to get him out. Heck, Nixon got 60% of the vote and won 49 states,but they still threw him out off office.
Perhaps while you were getting your bachelor's in history you should have taken a civics class. Check out something called THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Trump is the first President in 100 years to attempt to roll back the Progressive Jihad on America; they've been at war with us for a century.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
If there is a war it's citizens vs politicians. Each party spends like crazy and ultimately helps the rich. The middle class is shrinking.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

Of course it is. The One Percent has been making war on the working class for 40 years now. Where have you been?

But just like the dumb redneck who fought for the Confederacy 150 years ago even though he got no benefit from slavery, the dumb white working class votes for the GOP because they are upset about abortion or gays getting married or trannies in the bathroom or some other issue that has no effect on their paycheck.

And WHEN the next recession comes, they will be scratching their heads wondering why they are working harder for less money.
What did the successful in this country take from you ? If you want to bitch about the working class voting Republican I would like to point to cities like Detroit and Chicago were democrats have had control for decades please show how the party has improved the lives of the people who live in these cities ? Democrats claim to champion minorities please provide evidence that they have improved these peoples lives and communities.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.

No, and I call myself a political atheist for a reason. So... I voted mango tango.
But to to be at this point...talking about whether to go to war over our politics or not... is scary and disturbing. It belies any notion of "unity" that both sides talk about. We are not united, we are hopelessly divided.
I do see the word used from time to time, and many actions & behaviors make it seem like people really do feel we're in a war of Left vs. Right today.

Do you personally feel this is, and should be, a war?

Please vote according to the closest description of your political position, thanks.
Got you to start a whole thread about it.........LOL

Yep. I think we've gone over the top with shallow hyperbole.
It's clear that the left is conducting a war.
It's really up to moderates and Republicans to decide to sit there and take it, or counter-attack.

It's being done, that's what I mean by defeating them culturally. Expose them for the sniveling bed wetters they are.

Seems like that guy should be arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.


Just like in this TV show I keep hearing everyone talk about, where the News is on 24/7 and these people are governed mostly by morons but the dumbest people like the dumbest ones...

I can't remember the name of the show.... but people at work discuss it all the time....

Anyway so in recent episodes these FBI agents were fucking around in a broom closet or something since they were both married. I found that strange that once everyone in the audience knew they were adulterers their credentials weren't revoked and they weren't thrown out in the street because, that alone used to get ordinary people thrown out of positions of trust and military members have gone to jail for it. These two agents in particular had been exposed months ago for conspiracy, their text messages about preventing a guy they clearly hated from achieving victory in an election. Somehow they still were not in prison and actually testified in their nations congress with all sorts of police around and no one is arresting them.

It's a weird hole in the plot, but sounds like a good show.

I just don't have time for TV.

I think of it more like a toddler's birthday party. It's a huge mess, someone's going to end up crying before the day is over, and really I'm the only one who deserves a chance to cry but I'm too busy trying to keep up with all the chaos while I pray that nobody loses an eye.
Oh brother . “War” is so dramatic.

Americans are spoiled by how good we have it . People always looking for drama .

It wouldn't be a Stormy Mac thread if there wasn't Drama in it.

The reality is, we live in pretty simple times right now. I'm old enough to remember when we had race riots in the streets. And I don't the kind of half-hearted protest we have when some cop shoots a kid in the back.
Are you implying that liberals and minorities don't vote on the issues of abortion, gay marriage, or transgenders in the bathroom?

I'm saying they don't get fooled into voting against their own economic interests like working class whites have done since Tricky Dick.

Perhaps while you were getting your bachelor's in history you should have taken a civics class. Check out something called THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE.

You mean the retarded thing the Slave Rapists came up with because they didn't trust the people.

That Electoral College.

Being a student of history, what I've seen is when the EC has overridden the will of the people, we've had REALLY BAD RESULTS. The Corrupt Bargain of 1828, (although to be fair, that was Congress), His Fraudulency Rutherfraud B.Hays giving up everything that was won in the Civil War, George W. Stupid fucking up everything he touched,and now we have Trump, who is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Maybe we need to just trust the people.
What did the successful in this country take from you ? If you want to bitch about the working class voting Republican I would like to point to cities like Detroit and Chicago were democrats have had control for decades please show how the party has improved the lives of the people who live in these cities ? Democrats claim to champion minorities please provide evidence that they have improved these peoples lives and communities.

you mean other than the New Deal giving us a middle class for white working folks? Here was the thing, when we had unions and strong democratic governments, the white working class did just fine. Then the One Percent and the GOP told them, "That Darkie wants half your cookie", and the dumbshits started voting Republican.

Shit, I did it for years.

Then in 2008 I looked at my underwater mortgage and my busted 401K and said, "What the fuck am I doing".

The rest of you all said, "OH MY GOD, THERE'S A DARKIE IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" And you kept voting for more of that shit even as poor Obama was dragging us back from the abyss.
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How many of the Independents that answered the poll (a clear majority of respondents) are registered Independents and live in a state that has closed primaries?
Regulations don’t only effect big business. I live in California and do you know how expensive it is to buy a house or even get a permit to build here? Taxes and regulations and inspections and permits and water rights and etc etc etc all add up to push a situation where only the super wealthy can afford to be home owners here. So problems exists on both ends of the spectrum

Well, from what I understand, water is at a premium in your state. So, yeah, you kind of need regulations.
Why do you think water is at a premium when we border the largest ocean in the world?! Why is gas a dollar more a gallon than most states when we drill much of it here? Why are lumber costs through the roof when we have an abundance of forest in this state which are being torched by wildfires like crazy? Add all that stuff up and let me know what you come up with.

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