Poll: Americans are opposed to the Republican-led effort to defund Obamacare


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Majority oppose GOP plan to defund Obamacare, poll finds

Stephanie Condon
August 28, 2013

A clear majority of Americans are opposed to the Republican-led effort to defund Obamacare, a new poll shows.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans say they disapprove of the proposal to cut off funding as a way to stop the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new survey from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.
I can't say I approve of the tactic 'defunding' as a general means of legislating. But then, neither do I approve of the pandering to lobbyists and industry interests that created ACA in the first place. The whole thing was a corrupt corporatist piece of shit from the start and anything we can do to reverse it is worth trying.

But who's going to try? I don't believe that most Republicans in Congress really oppose government controlling health care. They just want their team to be in charge. But they're worried that if they don't stop PPACA, or if they don't at least present a credible effort, they'll lose even more of their conservative and libertarians support. And they're right.
We had 20 of 28 years of GOP presidents and controlled Congress from 1994 to 2006.

GOP has no interest in "government controlling health care," because that alienates their big pocket donors from the health care and pharma industries.
GOP has no interest in "government controlling health care," because that alienates their big pocket donors from the health care and pharma industries.

Controlling markets inspires big pocket donors like nothing else. Republicans and Democrats alike indulge corporatist government because it gives them more power to extract donations from 'interested parties'.
But it was dems that made ACA happen at the Pubs' extreme resistance.

The only thing beltway Republicans didn't like about the ACA is that they were shut out of the process; all the lobbyists were lining up outside the offices of Democrats. They're every bit as corporatist as the Democrats and just as eager to enhance their own power by expanding government control over the economy.

I'd love to be proven wrong in this, and if they can actually succeed with the defunding shenanigans it will go a long way toward redeeming their 'limited government' claims.
dblack, it is what is because it was what it was: the GOP fumbled the ball for more than 20 years.
well if CBS says so....hahahahahahah

call your Representatives people, tell them to DEFUND this MONSTER Government intrusion on your lives
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And we will see more people being against the phony (and very expensive) defunding/repealing votes as they learn they benefit from it and as more see their care being between them and their doctors instead of controlled by the insurance and pharm companies.

When was the last tine we saw a R introduce a bill or vote for a bill that would benefit the country?
Majority oppose GOP plan to defund Obamacare, poll finds

Stephanie Condon
August 28, 2013

A clear majority of Americans are opposed to the Republican-led effort to defund Obamacare, a new poll shows.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans say they disapprove of the proposal to cut off funding as a way to stop the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new survey from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation.

Useless poll is useless.
Star can't wait to live off the backs of others in country...

he pushes ObamaTaxNoCare as if it's the best thing since white bread...does he care people will be FORCED into this or BE FINED?


Population of USA:
Santa Claus recipients and govt workers:
Santa Claus funders; those in the private sector who actually work for a living and produce something besides red-tape:

Therefore, according to the Kaiser Foundation:
57% don’t want ACA defunded (obvious SC recipients),
100-57= only 43%; this should be the full 45% of SC recipients-- why not ??
this would be due to the few low/no info voters (usually bussed-in) who cannot make any kind of a decision, even when told….

CLASS DISMISSED; no test tomorrow, or ever-- (Common Core curriculum) just show up and YOU WILL get a passing grade @ 60%.

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Poll: Americans are opposed to the Republican-led effort to defund Obamacare

And with good reason, because they correctly perceive the motive to ‘defund’ the ACA as pure partisan politics, not what’s best for America.

Conservatives seek to repeal or defund the ACA absent any plan to replace the program, requiring millions of Americans to continue to suffer only to conform to errant conservative dogma.
The GOP has lost any moral right to argue about ACA after failing to do anything in 26 years at all from 1980 to 2006. The overwhelming majority of high school and college instructors in poly sci and history are making sure the students are getting the accurate story.

The reactionaries will be out of the GOP by 2018, thank heavens.

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