Polk County Pride Day – Another Sham


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Today is “Polk Pride Day”, in Polk County, Florida. But does anybody actually see this as anything representitive of “pride” ? I kind of doubt it. As Nancy Reagan once said >> "What is there to be proud of ?" Well, the answer to that is easy >> Nothing. It’s just one of those things you kind of just go along with, together with a big roll of the eyeballs. :rolleyes:

Gays in Polk County can call their day, parade, festival, or whatever they’re doing >> “Pride”, but really, it is nothing but a deflection, a dodge from the shame they really feel.

By posturing about being proud, gays cover up their shame, and this is how they go about avoiding it. One doesn’t hear about Plumber Pride Day, does one ? Nothing about cab driver pride day. Haven’t heard about auto mechanic pride day, or any pride day for accountants or guitar players. Of course not, because these normal people aren’t ashamed of what they do, and they don’t need to compensate for it, by pretending to be proud.

Gays can hold all the parades thy want, and call it whatever they want, but nothing changes the fact that it is a perverted abnormality, suffered by sick people. Counties like Polk are only HARMING these people, and others who might be influenced by them, by lending legitimacy to the illegitimate.
Polk County. There can't be too much gayness in Polk County.

What is the faggotries' parade route?

If I had kids, that would be something to avoid.

Today is “Polk Pride Day”, in Polk County, Florida. But does anybody actually see this as anything representitive of “pride” ? I kind of doubt it. As Nancy Reagan once said >> "What is there to be proud of ?" Well, the answer to that is easy >> Nothing. It’s just one of those things you kind of just go along with, together with a big roll of the eyeballs. :rolleyes:

Gays in Polk County can call their day, parade, festival, or whatever they’re doing >> “Pride”, but really, it is nothing but a deflection, a dodge from the shame they really feel.

By posturing about being proud, gays cover up their shame, and this is how they go about avoiding it. One doesn’t hear about Plumber Pride Day, does one ? Nothing about cab driver pride day. Haven’t heard about auto mechanic pride day, or any pride day for accountants or guitar players. Of course not, because these normal people aren’t ashamed of what they do, and they don’t need to compensate for it, by pretending to be proud.

Gays can hold all the parades thy want, and call it whatever they want, but nothing changes the fact that it is a perverted abnormality, suffered by sick people. Counties like Polk are only HARMING these people, and others who might be influenced by them, by lending legitimacy to the illegitimate.

Remember when plumbers were beaten up because they were plumbers? Remember when cabbies lost their kids because they drove a cab? Remember when mechanics couldn't get a job because they were mechanics? No? Me either. Gay Pride is not about showing off. It is about helping each other after coming out of the closet.

Doesn't help? Look at the suicide rate for gay teens since same sex marriage was made legal. The Gay Pride parades do the same on a smaller scale.

But the biggest thing to remember, if you don't like gays, don't go to a Gay Pride Parade. In other words, mind your own business.
But the biggest thing to remember, if you don't like gays, don't go to a Gay Pride Parade. In other words, mind your own business.
What occurs in public, is the "business" of the public - which is all of us. Looks like you are no authority on what is one's "business" or not. :biggrin:
But the biggest thing to remember, if you don't like gays, don't go to a Gay Pride Parade. In other words, mind your own business.
What occurs in public, is the "business" of the public - which is all of us. Looks like you are no authority on what is one's "business" or not. :biggrin:

They have a parade. That is it. If there is illegal public nudity or sex, arrest those involved. But just having a parade is not going to increase homosexuality.

Just like any parade, most of the people involved are US citizens and are valuable members of our society. The fact that you think their sexuality is icky does not change anything.
How many fags with no teeth will be prancing around humping each other?

My money sez there's there's more inbreeding than faggots in Polk County. :D
Today is “Polk Pride Day”, in Polk County, Florida. But does anybody actually see this as anything representitive of “pride” ? I kind of doubt it. As Nancy Reagan once said >> "What is there to be proud of ?" Well, the answer to that is easy >> Nothing. It’s just one of those things you kind of just go along with, together with a big roll of the eyeballs. :rolleyes:

Gays in Polk County can call their day, parade, festival, or whatever they’re doing >> “Pride”, but really, it is nothing but a deflection, a dodge from the shame they really feel.

By posturing about being proud, gays cover up their shame, and this is how they go about avoiding it. One doesn’t hear about Plumber Pride Day, does one ? Nothing about cab driver pride day. Haven’t heard about auto mechanic pride day, or any pride day for accountants or guitar players. Of course not, because these normal people aren’t ashamed of what they do, and they don’t need to compensate for it, by pretending to be proud.

Gays can hold all the parades thy want, and call it whatever they want, but nothing changes the fact that it is a perverted abnormality, suffered by sick people. Counties like Polk are only HARMING these people, and others who might be influenced by them, by lending legitimacy to the illegitimate.

LOL.....poor little snowflake.....
They have a parade. That is it. If there is illegal public nudity or sex, arrest those involved. But just having a parade is not going to increase homosexuality.

Just like any parade, most of the people involved are US citizens and are valuable members of our society. The fact that you think their sexuality is icky does not change anything.
I agree. Nothing is changed. Gays claim pride, but actually they are just deflecting from the shame that they feel. Same as in past years. Ho hum.

As for increasing homosexuality, it ("pride" parades) does do that. It influences very young people and those of low intellect to adopt this dumb, perversion for themselves. I feel like I'm explaining that rain helps crops grow. Who doesn't know this ? :rolleyes:
They have a parade. That is it. If there is illegal public nudity or sex, arrest those involved. But just having a parade is not going to increase homosexuality.

Just like any parade, most of the people involved are US citizens and are valuable members of our society. The fact that you think their sexuality is icky does not change anything.
I agree. Nothing is changed. Gays claim pride, but actually they are just deflecting from the shame that they feel. Same as in past years. Ho hum.

As for increasing homosexuality, it ("pride" parades) does do that. It influences very young people and those of low intellect to adopt this dumb, perversion for themselves. I feel like I'm explaining that rain helps crops grow. Who doesn't know this ? :rolleyes:

So all gays feel shame or guilt?

And gay pride parades "turn" people gay?

I think the people who do not know this are the people who know anything about most homosexuals. It is utter bullshit. Anyone who comes out because they went to a gay pride parade was already looking out the closet door.
So all gays feel shame or guilt?

And gay pride parades "turn" people gay?

I think the people who do not know this are the people who know anything about most homosexuals. It is utter bullshit. Anyone who comes out because they went to a gay pride parade was already looking out the closet door.
How do you purport to know so much about all this ? Have you experienced it yourself ?

I don't know if ALL gays feel shame, but the ones exhibiting themselves in gay "PRIDE" parades do feel shame - yes. The so-called "pride" is a masquerade, to cover the shame (best defense is a good offense)
So all gays feel shame or guilt?

And gay pride parades "turn" people gay?

I think the people who do not know this are the people who know anything about most homosexuals. It is utter bullshit. Anyone who comes out because they went to a gay pride parade was already looking out the closet door.
How do you purport to know so much about all this ? Have you experienced it yourself ?

I don't know if ALL gays feel shame, but the ones exhibiting themselves in gay "PRIDE" parades do feel shame - yes. The so-called "pride" is a masquerade, to cover the shame (best defense is a good offense)

I have numerous friends and 2 family members who are gay/lesbian. Unless you have talked to a large number of the people you claim are actually ashamed, you are simply spouting what you WISH was reality.
I have numerous friends and 2 family members who are gay/lesbian. Unless you have talked to a large number of the people you claim are actually ashamed, you are simply spouting what you WISH was reality.
No, I'm just posting what is OBVIOUS. :rolleyes: To all of us.

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