Police State: Dad Calls Cops To Teach Son A Lesson, Cops Kill The Kid...

Do not call the police if you don't expect them to do something. Once you call the police, you have no control over what happens next.

This situation is more complex than just the police shooting a kid. Tyler Constock was much like every other kid, a belief that their desires trump everything and every authority secure that no one can stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do. He was told to shut down the engine. Instead his attitude of "F You" prevailed and he revved it. The police have their excuse, they thought he was going to plow into them and now Tyler Comstock is dead.

What a shame that pop culture claimed another victim.

Except the police actually knew this was a father/son argument, knew who had the truck, and could have easily backed off without escalating the situation.
Do not call the police if you don't expect them to do something. Once you call the police, you have no control over what happens next.

This situation is more complex than just the police shooting a kid. Tyler Constock was much like every other kid, a belief that their desires trump everything and every authority secure that no one can stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do. He was told to shut down the engine. Instead his attitude of "F You" prevailed and he revved it. The police have their excuse, they thought he was going to plow into them and now Tyler Comstock is dead.

What a shame that pop culture claimed another victim.

In far too many cases, "do something" = killing someone for no logical reason. There's definitely something wrong with the way our Police are being trained.

He was a danger to the public and needed to be stopped. Police are trained to meet force with force.

I thank God each and every day that idiots like you don't wear a badge. But then again, none of you morons would ever be that brave.

how was he a danger to the public?
The police, to a large extent, are a standing military armed to the teeth, rhoided up, their ranks filled with former "freedumb fighters". Since 9-11 they've been systematically taught to believe that the average Joe is a possible terrorist. Further, too much, FAR TOO FUCKING MUCH EMPHASIS, is put on the safety of a pig in the field. Nobody put a goddamn gun to their pink shaved heads and told them it was going to be all safe but to rednecks like Lone Stooge it's of the utmost importance for these pork rinds to remain safe NO MATTER WHAT even if that involves tazing some kid or old lady to death which happens ALL the time. Better yet, just do a SWAT raid on the WRONG address, and blow everyone away. OOPs, our bad. As long as the oinker is safe that is what is important.
Crime rates are at a 30 yr. low, yet we can't build new prisons fast enough to hold the newly charged. Why do you think this is?

Last night I was watching "Cops" and they arrested a guy for trying to skip out on his restaurant bill. The bill was for $350.00. They charged him with theft, but also with burglary. It was burglary because he only had $250.00 to pay toward the bill. What makes this burglary I will never know. The point is though that cops will add on as many charges as they can at any given time. This is why we lock up so many even though crime rates are at a 30 year low. The theft charge would have been good enough.
LEO's for whatever reason think the public still see's them as a force of good. Hasn't been that way for a long long time. Cops are nothing more than roaming street gangs. Everyone knows that if you get pulled over for any reason at all that it will not end well for you. Even if you had done NOTHING wrong they will find something to charge you with. Hard to find a police cruiser that has, "To Serve And Protect" painting on them anymore.
After 19-year-old Tyler Comstock quarreled with his father and drove off in his truck, the elder Compton decided to teach him a lesson by reporting the truck to the police as stolen.

Soon after, cops chased down Tyler and shot him to death — despite receiving orders from dispatch to cease their pursuit.

Now the Comstock family is furious — and demanding answers.

“Why? Why did they kill him?” asked Shari Comstock, Tyler’s mother, in a statement to The Des Moines Register.

On Monday, an argument broke out between Tyler and his father, James Comstock, who refused to buy his son a pack of cigarettes. Tyler stormed off and left in his father’s truck, which is owned by a lawn care company.

James decided to teach his son a lesson by alerting police to the stolen vehicle. Cops pursued Tyler to the nearby Iowa State University campus in Ames, Iowa.

A recently released audio file revealed that dispatchers twice instructed police to stop following Comstock. The officers did not obey.

The truck eventually came to a stop in the middle of campus property, at which point police ordered Comstock to turn off the engine. Instead, the 19-year-old revved it, prompting Ames Police Officer Adam McPherson to fire six shots into the truck. Two of them hit Comstock, killing him at the scene.

“It was over a damn pack of cigarettes,” said James Comstock. “I wouldn’t buy him none. And I lose my son for that.”

Read more: Dad calls cops to teach 19-year-old son a lesson, cops kill the kid | The Daily Caller

That's what happens when you don't listen to the man with the gun.

He was told to turn off the engine, he should have complied.

Nothing will happen to the cop, he was doing his job and doing it well.

no, they were not. they were told TWICE to stop the chase. they did not obey.
they are liable.

However, Katzndogs is right.
An example of a "police state" or at least something that approaches a police state in the US is when the media justifies atrocities committed by the government. The government entrapped a citizen at Ruby Ridge and murdered his teenage son and shot his wife in the face while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms. The media approved of the incident or buried it with little comment. The government botched a simple search warrant that could have been executed peacefully and ended up using poison gas and incinerating 80 men women and children in Waco Tx.. The media bent over backwards trying to justify the government's actions.

can add the media coverage and justification of a SWAT team raid on a peaceful house in Miami at 5 am on Easter night to grab a scared to death 7 yo boy from his loving relatives in order to please the dictator several hundred miles to the south :mad:

You may laugh at me, but I, personally, think that night and that raid karmically sealed the outcome of November that year - and ironically, exactly in the same city.
In far too many cases, "do something" = killing someone for no logical reason. There's definitely something wrong with the way our Police are being trained.

There is also something wrong with the way children are raised to turn out like this 20 year old. What made him think that his father was obligated to buy him cigarettes in the first place? What made him think that the police would just let him run wild? The young man had absolutely no respect for any authority and did not think he was subject to anyone's authority but his own. That's what caused his death. We have a generation or more than one that believes "I want what I want when I want it" runs the world.

It didn't merit a death sentence. These Gestapo idiots should have done as they were instructed. They should have ended the pursuit. The kid would be alive to today if they had.

How do you know the "kid" would be alive today? Clearly there is more here than just the dissappointment of daddy not springing for a pack of smokes. Do you believe that the cops involved were just looking for an excuse to take a life? Is it possible that ignoring a request to call off the pursuit was a judgement on the part of the officers that the "kid" was in control of a deadly weapon and that it was unlikely or obvious that his dangerous behavior was going to desist. There is something very wrong with someone that knows he is doing wrong and when called on it starts acting with even less regard for the safety of others. The 20 year old had probably seen the results of challenging the cops authority on his tv. Unless there is some evidense that the police were "having fun" in this matter and conspired to kill this 20 year old for the hell of it I don't get how you can push the responsibility of this very unfortunate incident onto them. Cars/trucks are dangerous weapons as we see on our roads every day. Road rage is accountable for many innocent's deaths. Getting behind the wheel and driving foolishly can have bad consequences for the dummy that places his or her own feelings above the safety of the public.

I feel that rather than a child unseen at a crosswalk or stop sign blown through resulting in the truly senseless death of an innocent person that if someone had to die at least it was the one most responsible.
Father calls cops to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without permission. They kill son shooting him 6 times!!!

Pretty disturbing and sad. Yes he should have turned off truck,but no reason to kill him. They had the plate,they knew where he would ultimately end up. They could have addressed the matter back at the house...I bet the father feels aweful,poor guy :(


I know it wont bring his son back,but THEY SHOULD BE SUED FOR EVERY PENNY!!
The driver of a stolen truck refused to stop during a police stop used truck to back into police car. The son was a wan-a- be bad ass.
The driver of a stolen truck refused to stop during a police stop used truck to back into police car. The son was a wan-a- be bad ass.

Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?
The driver of a stolen truck refused to stop during a police stop used truck to back into police car. The son was a wan-a- be bad ass.

Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

If cops are so dumb as to miss a tyre, they shouldn't carry a gun.
The driver of a stolen truck refused to stop during a police stop used truck to back into police car. The son was a wan-a- be bad ass.

Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

Why shoot at all?
It hardly sounds like a reasonable response to the situation.

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