Police State: CA Approves $500 Fines For 'Wasting Water'...

If you purchased water from "water supplier" you could use it for whatever legal purpose you wanted, but why post a non sequitur/red herring?

Why is purchasing water from a public utility any different?

I am paying for the water in both instances am I not?

Once I pay for the water I have the right to use that water any way I see fit don't I?

Try using that line of logic with gasoline, gunpowder, or bullets and see how far that gets you.

The utility does not have an easy method of restricting your use during times of emergency. The other option, jacking up water prices during drought unfairly impacts those who do conserve, unless you can have a meter that is able to bill you like $5 a gallon after your basic daily allotment.

Its far easier to say "save water by doing certain things or we will fine you" then implementing the methods above.

Another piss poor analogy.

Is the water mine once I pay for it or not?
Why is purchasing water from a public utility any different?

I am paying for the water in both instances am I not?

Once I pay for the water I have the right to use that water any way I see fit don't I?

You are buying water from an unprotected source, not a protected source that is being conserved for more important uses.

So once I buy the water it's not mine?

Then why sell it at all? Why not just say each person is rationed 3 gallons a day?

Once you buy the water you use...its yours. Use it as you like, but if you waste water, according to the ordinance...you will be fined. You own a car...speeding is illegal...if you get caught, you are fined. It is still your car and you can still use it as you please and you will still get fined if you break the law.
So, Big Brother has started his 'War on Water-Wasters.' Where will it take us? Will they be labeled 'Terrorists' at some point too? This War has only just begun. How long before the Water Gestapo starts rounding up those evil 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers?' Don't laugh either. Think it's insane and far-fetched? Well, you should think again.

If there were this big brother you fear, they would have gone after anti big brother forum posters by now.You're still here posting, so maybe it's just your paranoia?
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Not really. I don't see the point in arguing the fact that localities have the authority to levy fines and I don't see it as an easy to beat ticket.
So where is the LAW that says they can?

The State Legislature passes a Bill that gets signed into LAW by the Governor.

"Rules" are not "Laws".

I'm looking at the California State Constitution (cause non of YOU f*cksticks will) and I see only "Legislature" as being the Taxing Authority.

Would someone show me where The State Water Resources Control Board gets it's Authority to Tax you OR Fine you from?

Try this link...

Also, Article 13 has to do with property tax.

Here is another good link...http://www.nlc.org/build-skills-and...es-101/city-finances/local-revenue-structures
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You damn 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers' are next. You're no better than the Terrorists. You will be dealt with. HEIL BIG BROTHER!!

Maybe the randian/paulitician solution is to sell, or better yet, give the control of water and other resources to the free market (corporations). They could then jack up the water prices so high that people would have to conserve.
You damn 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers' are next. You're no better than the Terrorists. You will be dealt with. HEIL BIG BROTHER!!

Maybe the randian/paulitician solution is to sell, or better yet, give the control of water and other resources to the free market (corporations). They could then jack up the water prices so high that people would have to conserve.

Then you get accused of not allowing the poor access to water. You people in CA can look forward to bath houses and water distribution points if you don't conserve.
Why is purchasing water from a public utility any different?

I am paying for the water in both instances am I not?

Once I pay for the water I have the right to use that water any way I see fit don't I?

Try using that line of logic with gasoline, gunpowder, or bullets and see how far that gets you.

The utility does not have an easy method of restricting your use during times of emergency. The other option, jacking up water prices during drought unfairly impacts those who do conserve, unless you can have a meter that is able to bill you like $5 a gallon after your basic daily allotment.

Its far easier to say "save water by doing certain things or we will fine you" then implementing the methods above.

Another piss poor analogy.

Is the water mine once I pay for it or not?

gonna answer my question and tell me how you plan to accomplish rationing BEFORE the sale?

Besides - you don't pay for it until about a month after you use it.
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[MENTION=11944]Mad Scientist[/MENTION] Here is your answer, the CA Emergency Rule

California approves big fines for wasting water during drought - LA Times

ties throughout California will have to impose mandatory restrictions on outdoor watering under an emergency state rule approved Tuesday.

Saying that it was time to increase conservation in the midst of one of the worst droughts in decades, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted drought regulations that give local agencies the authority to fine those who waste water up to $500 a day.
They should change the first 10k per household per month at regular rate. Then every gallon above that goes to high market rate. Problem solved.
Good ole Government. Always there to help ya out, huh? The 'War on Water-Wasters' has begun. Interesting to see how Big Brother will enforce these Laws. Maybe declare the Water-Wasters 'Terrorists?' Who knows? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

The problem in California is NOT lack of water - the problem is too many politicians and rampant fascism

Water Utility Regulation

Good ole Government. Always there to help ya out, huh? The 'War on Water-Wasters' has begun. Interesting to see how Big Brother will enforce these Laws. Maybe declare the Water-Wasters 'Terrorists?' Who knows? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Reservoirs are running dry, the Capitol's lawn has turned brown, and farmers have left hundreds of thousands of acres unplanted.

Even so, many Californians aren't taking the drought seriously. State water regulators are trying to change that by imposing fines up to $500 a day for wasting water.

The State Water Resources Control Board acted Tuesday amid warnings that conditions could get worse if it doesn't rain this winter.

City and suburban residents often are not fully aware of the seriousness of the three-year drought - the worst in California since the mid-1970s, board Chairwoman Felicia Marcus said in an interview after the 4-0 vote.

The vote is historic, she said, not only because the steps are unprecedented in California but because the board is trying to spread the burden of the drought beyond farmers and agencies that are trying to protect wildlife.

"We're all in this together," Marcus said.

Yet consumption throughout the state actually rose by 1 percent in May, according to a report from the board, while Gov. Jerry Brown is seeking a 20 percent reduction in water use.

"We're taking the prudent step of taking action as if it's not going to rain for more years, because we know that's possible," Marcus said.

The fines will apply only to wasteful outdoor water use, including watering landscaping to the point that runoff...

News from The Associated Press

its real easy they have code inforcement drive around every day and part of the night... if they catch you washing your car, you get a ticket.... if they see you have water youlawn you get a ticket ... they did this in the denver and Aurora colorado area ...when we had watter issues...
If you purchased water from "water supplier" you could use it for whatever legal purpose you wanted, but why post a non sequitur/red herring?

Why is purchasing water from a public utility any different?

I am paying for the water in both instances am I not?

Once I pay for the water I have the right to use that water any way I see fit don't I?

Try using that line of logic with gasoline, gunpowder, or bullets and see how far that gets you.

The utility does not have an easy method of restricting your use during times of emergency. The other option, jacking up water prices during drought unfairly impacts those who do conserve, unless you can have a meter that is able to bill you like $5 a gallon after your basic daily allotment.

Actually, that would not be at all difficult to do.
Why is purchasing water from a public utility any different?

I am paying for the water in both instances am I not?

Once I pay for the water I have the right to use that water any way I see fit don't I?

Try using that line of logic with gasoline, gunpowder, or bullets and see how far that gets you.

The utility does not have an easy method of restricting your use during times of emergency. The other option, jacking up water prices during drought unfairly impacts those who do conserve, unless you can have a meter that is able to bill you like $5 a gallon after your basic daily allotment.

Its far easier to say "save water by doing certain things or we will fine you" then implementing the methods above.

Another piss poor analogy.

Is the water mine once I pay for it or not?

So basically you want to force the utilities to invest in an infrastructure where they can shut off your water once you go past a certain allotment during a drought? because that's what you would be forcing if you restricted their ability to fine people for misuse of water during a drought.
Here is your answer, the CA Emergency Rule

California approves big fines for wasting water during drought - LA Times

ties throughout California will have to impose mandatory restrictions on outdoor watering under an emergency state rule approved Tuesday.

Saying that it was time to increase conservation in the midst of one of the worst droughts in decades, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted drought regulations that give local agencies the authority to fine those who waste water up to $500 a day.
While I appreciate your response I have to say again, Rules are not Laws. The State Water Resources Control Board cannot pass Laws.
Yes, they can pass Rules, but they do not have the Force of Law.

You see the Jedi Mind Trick these guys play on us?
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So, Big Brother has started his 'War on Water-Wasters.' Where will it take us? Will they be labeled 'Terrorists' at some point too? This War has only just begun. How long before the Water Gestapo starts rounding up those evil 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers?' Don't laugh either. Think it's insane and far-fetched? Well, you should think again.

If there were this big brother you fear, they would have gone after anti big brother forum posters by now.You're still here posting, so maybe it's just your paranoia?

You 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers' are next. Y'all are no better than the Terrorists. Big Brother's coming for you next. Good for him.
You damn 'Excessive Toilet-Flushers' are next. You're no better than the Terrorists. You will be dealt with. HEIL BIG BROTHER!!

Maybe the randian/paulitician solution is to sell, or better yet, give the control of water and other resources to the free market (corporations). They could then jack up the water prices so high that people would have to conserve.

You'll learn someday. Your Country already is a Government/Corporate Complex. The two have become one. It's one entity at this point.
Good ole Government. Always there to help ya out, huh? The 'War on Water-Wasters' has begun. Interesting to see how Big Brother will enforce these Laws. Maybe declare the Water-Wasters 'Terrorists?' Who knows? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

The problem in California is NOT lack of water - the problem is too many politicians and rampant fascism

Water Utility Regulation


Oh, a Government Elite Ruling-Class for sure. That's what our nation is becoming all about.

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