Phoenix to limit new construction due to water concerns.

Cattle, Cotton, Pecans, Hay, Lettuce

Seems all that can be grown where there is more water. East of the Missippi
We have plenty of water in the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean
Waiting for Las Vegas to do the same....
Las Vegas is actually ahead of the curve on water conservation, they have been taking fairly aggressive steps for years to lessen their water consumption, but the amount of water used daily makes me think that it is still not sustainable, especially since they get around 4" of rain per year. The average household uses over 200 gallons of water per day.

why desalinate and pump water if crops can grow and cattle be raised where the water is?
People in the southwest like where they are

And they have the climate for high production
Oh? Yes sir, yet they dont have the water or electricity.

Nor do they have the soil. That shitty sand needs tons of fertilizer
According to libs we will have all the cheap electricity we want thanks to solar panels

That may never happen but thats what libs are promising

All soil needs fertilizer

And we know where to get the water from
Arizona does not touch either. One is in a foreign country. Both are so inefficient they will require so much money that it would have to be built the government.

Marxism? Socialism? Corporate welfare?
What foreign country are you referring to?

With all this "free" renewable energy that the climate sheep bleat on about, seawater desalination should be cheap as chips. So what's happened to this fantastic free energy?

The Free Energy is where there's an abundance of water ... clean pure mountain spring water is a nuisance here ... bubbles out of the ground just about everyplace ... multiply that by a half million square miles and we have hydro-power out the ying-yang ...

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