Police State: CA Approves $500 Fines For 'Wasting Water'...

Its typical of most laws like this, they hope passing it makes people comply, and they go around and watch people. if they find people watering their lawns excessively, they issue a summons.

Doesn't sound good. Next, Big Brother will probably encourage neighbor & family to rat each other out. Maybe Homeland Security will have to get involved too. I suspect the Water-Wasters will be labeled 'Terrorists' any day now.

I find it hard to believe, but I suspect that you will make even sillier statements further on in this thread. I think the real answer is to issue a warning once, then shut off the water to the people that are wasting it.

You mean like in Detroit?
I'll ask again...How and who decides what 'Excessive Water Use' is? How does Big Brother monitor and enforce these edicts? More people need to examine these type of Government edicts more closely.

In NYC, if they see you watering outside the designated times, its a fine. if they find you filling a pool during a stage II, its a fine. If a resturant gives out water without being asked, its a fine. If you wash your car during a stage I, its a fine.

Read the regs, they are quite clear.

So how does Big Brother monitor and enforce these edicts?

Basically driving down the street, or by being ratted out by neighbors. The ratting out by neighbors is usually the main mechanism.
What is your problem with this exactly? It is a fact that water is wasted the most in areas where it is scarcest. Are you saying that nothing should be done and valuable water should be squandered on ornamental landscaping rather than growing food or for drinking/sanitation?

ill let you know when i see sprinklers on watering the weeds along the freeways....
In NYC, if they see you watering outside the designated times, its a fine. if they find you filling a pool during a stage II, its a fine. If a resturant gives out water without being asked, its a fine. If you wash your car during a stage I, its a fine.

Read the regs, they are quite clear.

So how does Big Brother monitor and enforce these edicts?

Basically driving down the street, or by being ratted out by neighbors. The ratting out by neighbors is usually the main mechanism.

My guess is, they would have to be doing much more than driving around. They must be monitoring it in different ways. Just looks like more borrowed Nazi tactics.
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boy oh boy, I don't who would want to live in some police state that Commiefornia has become

Lived there back in the 90's you couldn't PAY me to live there today

Yeah, the Communists/Progressives are out of control there. It's a mess.

but i thought it has been pointed out that 3 other States are doing something similar....so how is Cal any different?....just asking.....
Good ole Government. Always there to help ya out, huh? The 'War on Water-Wasters' has begun. Interesting to see how Big Brother will enforce these Laws. Maybe declare the Water-Wasters 'Terrorists?' Who knows? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Reservoirs are running dry, the Capitol's lawn has turned brown, and farmers have left hundreds of thousands of acres unplanted.

Even so, many Californians aren't taking the drought seriously. State water regulators are trying to change that by imposing fines up to $500 a day for wasting water.

The State Water Resources Control Board acted Tuesday amid warnings that conditions could get worse if it doesn't rain this winter.

City and suburban residents often are not fully aware of the seriousness of the three-year drought - the worst in California since the mid-1970s, board Chairwoman Felicia Marcus said in an interview after the 4-0 vote.

The vote is historic, she said, not only because the steps are unprecedented in California but because the board is trying to spread the burden of the drought beyond farmers and agencies that are trying to protect wildlife.

"We're all in this together," Marcus said.

Yet consumption throughout the state actually rose by 1 percent in May, according to a report from the board, while Gov. Jerry Brown is seeking a 20 percent reduction in water use.

"We're taking the prudent step of taking action as if it's not going to rain for more years, because we know that's possible," Marcus said.

The fines will apply only to wasteful outdoor water use, including watering landscaping to the point that runoff...

News from The Associated Press

You're truly an ignorant rightwing putz, you have no clue what a police state actually is.

Yeah, but you're a loyal Obamabot Goose Stepper. So what do you know?

and he doesnt have enough integrity to answer questions asked about the bullshit he puts up.....why he even posts is a mystery....
Looks like Big Brother just started the 'War on Water-Wasters.' How long before they're labeled 'Terrorists' too?
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A fine illustration of libertarians acting as sullen teenagers, endlessly screaming "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!".

Record drought? Bah. Public good? No such thing. Every single thing is entirely about the rights of the poor libertarians to do whatever they damn well please, no matter who it harms.

Like other grownups, I understand that it's not all about me, and that I don't always get to do what I want, and it doesn't make me a victim of statist tyranny when I don't get to do what I want. Most libertarians never reached that level of maturity.

As a died-in-the-wool libertarian, I agree. Managing the commons is a legitimate function of government. And as long as we treat water as a communal property, it's up to the state to deal with its use and distribution.
You're truly an ignorant rightwing putz, you have no clue what a police state actually is.

Yeah, but you're a loyal Obamabot Goose Stepper. So what do you know?

and he doesnt have enough integrity to answer questions asked about the bullshit he puts up.....why he even posts is a mystery....

Ah, he or she is a well-known Obamabot Goose Stepper here. He or she will defend the Police State till death. But i suspect his or her mentality will change quite a bit when the Republicans get back in power. It's all 'Party before Country' for disingenuous wingnuts like them. It is what it is.
So tell me if I lived in a place that fines people for water use would I be fined if I went to a private supplier like Poland Springs and bought a tanker truck full of water and then used that water to keep my lawn an unnatural shade of green?

Should I be fined for that at all?

I bought and paid for that water didn't I?

So who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do with it?

Who said you can't do that?

Wars have been fought over water rights. Their is nothing the matter with water conservation nor is it a sign of a police state. You guys might think differently if there were no conservation efforts and water is rationed.
A fine illustration of libertarians acting as sullen teenagers, endlessly screaming "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!".

Record drought? Bah. Public good? No such thing. Every single thing is entirely about the rights of the poor libertarians to do whatever they damn well please, no matter who it harms.

Like other grownups, I understand that it's not all about me, and that I don't always get to do what I want, and it doesn't make me a victim of statist tyranny when I don't get to do what I want. Most libertarians never reached that level of maturity.

As a died-in-the-wool libertarian, I agree. Managing the commons is a legitimate function of government. And as long as we treat water as a communal property, it's up to the state to deal with its use and distribution.

That mentality only leads to more Government overreach abuses. You can't keep making excuses and giving inch after inch. Before long, it'll be too late to regain our Freedom & Liberty.
A fine illustration of libertarians acting as sullen teenagers, endlessly screaming "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!".

Record drought? Bah. Public good? No such thing. Every single thing is entirely about the rights of the poor libertarians to do whatever they damn well please, no matter who it harms.

Like other grownups, I understand that it's not all about me, and that I don't always get to do what I want, and it doesn't make me a victim of statist tyranny when I don't get to do what I want. Most libertarians never reached that level of maturity.

As a died-in-the-wool libertarian, I agree. Managing the commons is a legitimate function of government. And as long as we treat water as a communal property, it's up to the state to deal with its use and distribution.

That mentality only leads to more Government overreach abuses. You can't keep making excuses and giving inch after inch. Before long, it'll be too late to regain our Freedom & Liberty.

That 'mentality' is a clear-eyed assessment of the situation. If you want to propose, and advocate for, a system of treating water as private property, be my guest. But as long as it is part of the commons, it's right and proper for the state to protect and ensure equitable access. If you have issues with how they're doing that - too harsh, not fair, etc.. - well, that's a legitimate complaint. But simply saying that they have no business doing anything about it is idiotic. Especially in a state like California where water is a valuable, and often rare, resource.
I assume if I waste it by taking a shower all day long no one will know ?

Maybe? Depends on how Big Brother is monitoring it. That's why i've asked several times how Big Brother monitors and enforces these edicts. My guess is he depends mostly on encouraging neighbor to rat on neighbor. A very sad Nazi tactic.
I assume if I waste it by taking a shower all day long no one will know ?

Maybe? Depends on how Big Brother is monitoring it. That's why i've asked several times how Big Brother monitors and enforces these edicts. My guess is he depends mostly on encouraging neighbor to rat on neighbor. A very sad Nazi tactic.

Good reason not to piss off girlfriends;)
As a died-in-the-wool libertarian, I agree. Managing the commons is a legitimate function of government. And as long as we treat water as a communal property, it's up to the state to deal with its use and distribution.

That mentality only leads to more Government overreach abuses. You can't keep making excuses and giving inch after inch. Before long, it'll be too late to regain our Freedom & Liberty.

That 'mentality' is a clear-eyed assessment of the situation. If you want to propose, and advocate for, a system of treating water as private property, be my guest. But as long as it is part of the commons, it's right and proper for the state to protect and ensure equitable access. If you have issues with how they're doing that - too harsh, not fair, etc.. - well, that's a legitimate complaint. But simply saying that they have no business doing anything about it is idiotic. Especially in a state like California where water is a valuable, and often rare, resource.

My point is, you can't keeping making excuses and giving another inch. Because that's very dangerous. What else will Big Brother do in the name of 'It's for your own good?' You have to aggressively examine and question these types of Government edicts. Where does it end? I suspect not well for Citizens.
Under dangerous drought conditions, why would anyone think it is OK to waste water?
I assume if I waste it by taking a shower all day long no one will know ?

Maybe? Depends on how Big Brother is monitoring it. That's why i've asked several times how Big Brother monitors and enforces these edicts. My guess is he depends mostly on encouraging neighbor to rat on neighbor. A very sad Nazi tactic.

Good reason not to piss off girlfriends;)

Oh yeah. Report yo ass to the Water Gestapo right quick. ;)

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