

Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
If you have a raging cold, if you're sneezing and snarfing and having to rub your nose and eyes every ten seconds...PLEASE don't come to the public library and sit next to me, getting your goobers all over the place. And if you absolutely must, please, for the love of GOD, bring a flipping hanky. Because watching you pick at your nose and then touch the keyboard and mouse is gonna make me puke.
If you have a raging cold, if you're sneezing and snarfing and having to rub your nose and eyes every ten seconds...PLEASE don't come to the public library and sit next to me, getting your goobers all over the place. And if you absolutely must, please, for the love of GOD, bring a flipping hanky. Because watching you pick at your nose and then touch the keyboard and mouse is gonna make me puke.

Did you ever think of suggesting that to the ACTUAL PERSON who did the offending behavior, rather than hope a post will be read by that person?

Oh're only confrontational when you can hide behind a keyboard.
You only say that because I'm female. You like your wimmins submissive, I know. Thank goodness I'm not close enough for you to wallop me.

No, I'm not going to say anything to a strange chick in a library about her snotty nose. Yes, I am going to bitch about it on the internet. Would YOU like a tissue, perhaps?
You only say that because I'm female. You like your wimmins submissive, I know. Thank goodness I'm not close enough for you to wallop me.

No, I'm not going to say anything to a strange chick in a library about her snotty nose. Yes, I am going to bitch about it on the internet. Would YOU like a tissue, perhaps?

No, I don't say that because you're female, I say that because of the way you act like a coward on these boards bitch.

And no..........I don't hit women, no matter what your deluded little mind says.

And yes..........not confronting the person, while bitching about it behind their back, hoping for sympathy, IS cowardly, as well as sounds more than a tad needy.

If you want sympathy from me, check the's somewhere between "shit" and "syphillis".
What on earth makes you think I want anything from you? Slam that beer and smack some random chick. While you may think it's cowardly (? I'm not sure why, but ok) not to accost the sniffling woman in the library, I can see you feel comfortable with picking fights with women over the internet.

You know, abuse is cyclical...abusers harrangue women until the women respond, then they justify their abuse based on their victim's reaction to the harrassment. Just sayin...
If you have a raging cold, if you're sneezing and snarfing and having to rub your nose and eyes every ten seconds...PLEASE don't come to the public library and sit next to me, getting your goobers all over the place. And if you absolutely must, please, for the love of GOD, bring a flipping hanky. Because watching you pick at your nose and then touch the keyboard and mouse is gonna make me puke.


Purell and sani wipes!!! Dont touch the keyboards!!!!!
Too late, alas.

I probably wouldn't have noticed but when people are sneezing they get my attention. Sneezing and hanging over a keyboard...and rubbing your nose...ack
What on earth makes you think I want anything from you? Slam that beer and smack some random chick. While you may think it's cowardly (? I'm not sure why, but ok) not to accost the sniffling woman in the library, I can see you feel comfortable with picking fights with women over the internet.

You know, abuse is cyclical...abusers harrangue women until the women respond, then they justify their abuse based on their victim's reaction to the harrassment. Just sayin...

It's cowardly because instead of sucking it up for not speaking to her, you feel it's okay to come on here and bitch about it so that you can get sympathy. Besides.......ever think that she thought her behavior might have been okay, as she does it at home and nobody says anything?

Did you even act like a human and offer her a tissue? I bet not.
Too late, alas.

I probably wouldn't have noticed but when people are sneezing they get my attention. Sneezing and hanging over a keyboard...and rubbing your nose...ack

I got better.

I was really sick...and standing in line at the pharmacy. First off, i hate when some is so close to me they invade my personal space. This guy is standing right on me and coughs... so damn close my hair moves! :eek: I move forward and grumble.... he steps right up on me and does it again! That was it....

I turned around and just laid into him....

Cover your damn mouth when you cough ass hole. Didn't you mother teach you anything? Get a damn mask and dont share that with the wrold! Stand the hell back and get the hell off of me. AND if you cough on me one more time I am turning around and coughing on YOU.... and i GUARANTEE you don't want what i have!
I learned a few things here in this thread.

1. Don't piss syrenn off.
2. Don't cough on syrenn. (Refer to #1)
3. If you're sick, don't go to the library.
4. Keep your boogers to yourself.

My life is complete.
I learned a few things here in this thread.

1. Don't piss syrenn off.
2. Don't cough on syrenn. (Refer to #1)
3. If you're sick, don't go to the library.
4. Keep your boogers to yourself.

My life is complete.


Oh i toned it back for the post.... lets just say it was a bit more animated and verbally colorful.

I was really angry to begin with becasue i had just been told i had contracted Pertussis...... :evil: Since then i have become quite the germaphobe!
If you have a raging cold, if you're sneezing and snarfing and having to rub your nose and eyes every ten seconds...PLEASE don't come to the public library and sit next to me, getting your goobers all over the place. And if you absolutely must, please, for the love of GOD, bring a flipping hanky. Because watching you pick at your nose and then touch the keyboard and mouse is gonna make me puke.

Ever thought of getting your own computer? Most public libraries have wyfi and dsl.

Sorry..that's too easy.
Their wifi wasn't working. They tried to blame my computer but I took it to another site with public wifi and it worked like a champ, lol.

The kidlet wanted to go the library yesterday and I'd promised. We have an AWESOME library.
Who cares? If you're dripping, oozing, and sneezing, and don't have the sense to use a flipping tissue or otherwise prevent your droplets from transferring to a public keyboard and your neighbor, stay home.
If you have a raging cold, if you're sneezing and snarfing and having to rub your nose and eyes every ten seconds...PLEASE don't come to the public library and sit next to me, getting your goobers all over the place. And if you absolutely must, please, for the love of GOD, bring a flipping hanky. Because watching you pick at your nose and then touch the keyboard and mouse is gonna make me puke.

ha, you almost got me there.

good joke. public library.


do you know the joke where two surgeons meet at the library?

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