Please show me where Israel children taught how to stab Palestinians?

I can see even more clearly now how impossible of a task has for Israel to win over so-called “sensible and fair” minds in the West. The enemy is truly Islamic ideology which resents Jewish teaching and a Jewish presence anywhere in their midst. But the great abettors of the enemy are the “useful idiots” in the West.

And why do nations and people of Christian ilk or secular ilk buy into this insanity? Because… well I cannot really say? Surely the devil himself convinces all of us of various lies, but the aspect of self pride enters in as well.

Anyway, I do not think I can help you. You continue to play your selective games of blaming Jews for all of the murders and hatred and intolerance put upon them since they started arriving, peacefully and legally, in the early 1900’s. It will probably help your cause if you ignore all that history and just start your lament after the Arabs lost Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza after the 1967 war. Because, after all, that is what they are demanding is so unfair today. Not sure why they wanted kill all those Jews back when they had all that?
I haven't said anything about Jews, you mother-fucker!

I don't have to lie to make my point. You should try it sometime.
Because Israelis are NOT teaching their children to kill Palestinians which is the point of the thread.
Show me the comparable teachings in Israel that a being a martyr killing Palestinians is a glorious goal!
A Palestinian kid is deliberately run over by an Israeli and all these Israeli kids are standing around yelling, "Die! Die! Die!"

They didn't make that shit up on their own.
That's a complete fail, but no surprise coming from a brainless jew-hater like you.
In fact Arabs have rights in Israel and are represented in the government. "Kids" get shot because their parents stick them in front of Israeli guns and hope for propaganda victories so they can convince weak minded morons like you. Successfully we see.
Why would I hate Jews?

And you're full of shit!
I haven't said anything about Jews, you mother-fucker!

I don't have to lie to make my point. You should try it sometime.

This is not saying anything about the Jews??”?

Israeli kids, on the other hand, are being taught:
•They are the "chosen" ones
•The Palestinian's are sub-human
•The Palestinian's are savages and animals
•They Palestinian's have no right to be there
•This is a Jewish State, not an Arab one
•The Holocaust allows them to do whatever they feel like doing, that includes killing Palestinian's in cold blood, taking their homes, wiping out their families, burning their children to death, etc

If you are on some narcotic, now is not a good time to debate anyone.
This is not saying anything about the Jews??”?

Israeli kids, on the other hand, are being taught:
•They are the "chosen" ones
•The Palestinian's are sub-human
•The Palestinian's are savages and animals
•They Palestinian's have no right to be there
•This is a Jewish State, not an Arab one
•The Holocaust allows them to do whatever they feel like doing, that includes killing Palestinian's in cold blood, taking their homes, wiping out their families, burning their children to death, etc

If you are on some narcotic, now is not a good time to debate anyone.
What I said, has nothing to do with Judaism.
It's too late for either a one-state or two-state solution.

Decades too late.

The Palestinians have to go.

It's just a matter of how.

Walking, or carried out.

Their choice.

The Jews of Israel carrying out a genocide of the Palestinians.

Expulsion, preferably, rather than extinction.

And, of course, it would be better if the UN recognized reality, and stepped in, and evacuated and relocated the so-called Palestinians, as a global effort.

Why not relocate the Israelis?

Living in the area historically
  • Jewish presence in the area is several thousand years old, based on archaeological and historiographical evidence.

  • Moreover, while the population was thinned by the exodus, there was an unbroken Jewish presence in all of what is both modern Israel and what is modern Palestinian Authority territory (As far as the latter, for example, Gush Etzion and Hevron, had Jewish communities that had existed for thousands of years before they were depopulated in Arab riots and by Arab armies in 20th century).

  • On the other hand, Arabs have a pretty long presence in the area as well. While they lose on longevity (they mainly settled the aree after 0AD and especially 700AD), they win on numbers - during those years, there were indeed a lot more Arabs living in the area than Jews, being that Jews were heavily from living there by controlling foreign powers starting with Rome.

  • An important note, however, is that those Arabs living there did NOT self-identify as "Palestinians", until 20th century.

    What is the historical basis of Israeli and Palestinian claims to the land that is now under Israeli control?
Why not other Arab countries take the Palestinians?

What a ridiculous argument.
This is not saying anything about the Jews??”?

Israeli kids, on the other hand, are being taught:
•They are the "chosen" ones
•The Palestinian's are sub-human
•The Palestinian's are savages and animals
•They Palestinian's have no right to be there
•This is a Jewish State, not an Arab one
•The Holocaust allows them to do whatever they feel like doing, that includes killing Palestinian's in cold blood, taking their homes, wiping out their families, burning their children to death, etc

If you are on some narcotic, now is not a good time to debate anyone.
What I said, has nothing to do with Judaism.

Who are you trying to kid? You hate Israel and you cover for the sins, hatred, intolerance and evil ways of Arabs and Islam. Sickening.

I am so happy you settled this for all of us. Both sides are equally to blame. Israelis teach their children to hate according to you and that is the problem.

Thanks, on behalf of Israel we blame ourselves for all these problems of hatred and violence and intolerance since the 1900’s.

It’s all about those settlements don’t you know? And of course Israelis “forcing” Palestinians off their land. No wonder 7 Arab nations tried to kill all Jews in 1948. They never did anything wrong or mistreated anyone --- it’s all about those evil Jews.

AMAZING! And NOT one mention of Stabbing Arabs!
NOT one song glorifying martyrdom!
NOT one kid wishing to die as a martyr!
AMAZING the determination to defend their country. NOT go in a kill someone but if an Arab came to kill them... GEEZ wouldn't you be prone to kill the Arab first?
Of course you wouldn't! and of course NOT ONE of those kids would say to an Arab...
“Convert and Die… The Caliphate is Here”
Read more at Islamic State Agents in Sweden to Christians: “Convert and Die… The Caliphate is Here” - Freedom Outpost
Now was that so difficult? Thank you.

So while Israel has very sophisticated accessible bomb shelters where are the same for Palestinians?
After all they've received over $32 billion in foreign aid including $5 billion from the USA alone!
In addition to the above.... ISRAEL has GIVEN... To the PA........
(1) In September 2012, with the Palestinian Authority (PA) facing severe financial strain due to a shortfall in international donations and significant overspending, Israel advanced the PA 250 million shekels in tax revenues to aid the Palestinian economy.
Similarly, in July 2012, Israel advanced the PA 180 million shekels to ensure that the salaries of PA employees were paid before the Muslim holiday of Ramadan.

(2) Since the signing of the 1993 Oslo accord, real GDP per capita in the West Bank has increased considerably.
From 1998-2011, these numbers grew from about $1,750 to about $2,000 according to the June 2012 U.S. congressional report U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians.
The report also notes that Gaza experienced a considerable rise in real GDP per capita from 2002-2005 before the Hamas takeover.

(3) In order to reduce the level of Palestinian unemployment, Israel has increased the number of permits for Palestinians to work in Israel - by 40% since February 2011.

(4) Despite the constant barrage of rocket attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip, Israel provides most of the electric supply for both the West Bank and Gaza. Approximately half of Gaza’s electricity is supplied directly from Israel by way of the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC). The remaining supply comes mostly from the Gaza Power Plant (GPP), which is funded not by Hamas but by the Palestinian Authority.

Billions of dollars in international aid is sent to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Indeed, the PA reportedly spends approximately 40% of its annual budget on Gaza. Thus, much of the billions of dollars in international aid that is provided to the Palestinian Authority is in turn sent to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Despite owing the Israel Electric Corporation over 662 million shekels, Israel continues to provide electricity to the PA.
This includes supplying electricity to government buildings such as schools, hospitals, and water pumping stations.

(5) Following a March 2012 meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (the committee chaired by Norway and co-sponsored by the European Union that serves as the policy coordinating mechanism for development assistance to the Palestinian people), Israel appealed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to support PA requests for special IMF economic assistance. Israel even attempted to acquire a one billion dollar IMF loan on behalf of the PA, but was turned down because the IMF reportedly did not want to set a precedent of one state taking a loan on behalf of a non-state entity.

(6) In July 2012, Israel’s Minister of Finance, Dr. Yuval Steinitz, and PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, discussed new measures designed to boost the Palestinian economy. These included developing the Gaza Marine gas field which reportedly “could contribute dramatically to Palestinian fiscal sustainability.”

During 2011 and the first half of 2012, Israel closely collaborated with the PA to improve the Palestinian agriculture industry. This included projects to exterminate pests, improve soil quality, and increase international trade of Palestinian agricultural goods.

(7) Despite being governed by Hamas, an international terrorist group dedicated to Israel’s destruction, Israel has established a number of initiatives meant to aid Gaza’s economy. These include provisions to promote the building of essential societal institutions such as schools, hospitals and sanitation centers. Since 2010, these Israeli initiatives have seen Gaza’s real GDP per capita improve considerably.

(8) Israel continues to provide extensive medical care to Palestinians, including those from the Gaza Strip. In 2009 alone, some 10,544 patients and their companions left Gaza for medical treatment inside Israel. Further, Israeli doctors working through the organization Save a Child’s Heart have performed free life-saving heart operations for 2,300 children since 1995, with almost half of these children coming from the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Iraq.

(9) Recently, many Palestinians have voiced a desire to become citizens of Israel, especially in east Jerusalem. According to Hatem Abdel Kader, the Fatah official in charge of the “Jerusalem Portfolio”, this growing trend is a result of the failure of the PA and Arab and Islamic countries to help the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem. As noted by Khaled Abu Toameh of the Gatestone Institute, Abdel Kader “is admitting that Israel is doing more for these Palestinians than the Palestinian leadership and the entire Arab and Islamic countries.”

(10) The PA receives international aid primarily in the form of loans and grants from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United States, and Net Official Development Assistance (ODA), which is an amalgamation of aid packages from the nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and other international lending institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

International aid to Palestinians far exceeds all Marshall Plan aid for post-WWII Europe.
Since 1996, the West Bank has received over 70,000 loans from the UNRWA alone, amounting to over 100 million dollars, and since 1992 Gaza has received over 98,000 UNRWA loans amounting to over 110 million dollars. To provide context, the amount of international aid provided to the Palestinians, taking inflation into account, far exceeds the Marshall Plan aid designated for rebuilding Europe following the Second World War.

(11) According to the Council on Foreign Relations, Hamas receives its funding primarily from private donors from Arab Gulf States, international Islamic charities such as the Holy Land Foundation (which was shut down in the US in 2001 for funding Hamas, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization), and Iran, that donates approximately 30 million dollars annually. As noted above, Hamas also receives direct funding from the PA.

(12) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) sole focus is the Palestinian population. According to the June 2012 U.S. congressional report, U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians, since its inception in 1950 through 2011, the United States has given the agency over $4 billion dollars and has always been UNWRA’s largest donor. Aggregate contributions from the Muslim world during this time makes up about 15% of the total budget. In 2011, UNWRA’s general fund (ie. core program) budget was $568 million, with the U.S. contribution almost $129 million, about 23% of its budget, with the total 2011 U.S. contribution to UNWRA almost $239.5 million. It is important to note that Saudi Arabia is the only Arab nation in the top-10 donors to UNWRA in 2011 with their core budget pledge at approximately $5.3 million and total pledge at $76.8 million.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, “Initially, the United States contributed $25 million and Israel nearly $3 million. The total Arab pledges amounted to approximately $600,000. For the first 20 years, the United States provided more than two-thirds of the funds, while the Arab states continued to contribute a tiny fraction. Israel has donated more funds to UNRWA than most Arab states. The Saudis did not match Israel's contribution until 1973; Kuwait and Libya, not until 1980. As recently as 1994, Israel gave more to UNRWA than all Arab countries except Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Morocco.” Currently, Israel does not give directly but through their UN dues. The UN pledge to UNRWA was over $24.5 million in 2011, making it the 10th largest donor after Switzerland.
Where Did All the Billions of Dollars Given to the Palestinian Authority Go?

And in exchange:
20,000 rocket attacks.... the same funds that could be used to shelter Palestinians!
No shelters, plus rockets as Hamas admits:
Just two weeks after the end of the latest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the Associated Press ran this story on Friday, revealing more evidence about Hamas's use of residential areas as launching grounds for their rockets.

Throughout the seven-week conflict, Israel frequently charged that Hamas had been using schools, hospitals, and homes to fire rockets into Israel. The publicline uttered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his surrogates was that Hamas was committing "double war crimes" by firing from heavily populated civilian centers (using human shields) into Israeli towns (to attack other civilians.)
Hamas Quietly Admits It Fired Rockets from Civilian Areas
NOW where would you bomb if you knew rockets were coming from those locations???

So Israel calls them and warns them!!!

The call came to the cellphone of his brother’s wife, Salah Kaware said Tuesday. Mr. Kaware lives in Khan Younis, in southeast Gaza, and the caller said that everyone in the house must leave within five minutes, because it was going to be bombed.
A further warning came as the occupants were leaving, he said in a telephone interview, when an Israeli drone apparently fired a flare at the roof of the three-story home. “Our neighbors came in to form a human shield,” he said, with some even going to the roof to try to prevent a bombing. Others were in the stairway when the house was bombed not long afterward.

AGAIN now that you are aware that :
A) Israel GIVES money to Palestinians
B) Spends money on bomb shelters but PA doesn't!
C) SENDS warnings via cellphone etc. ...
WHAT the f...k MORE do you want Israel to do in the light the Palestinian children are taught to hate these same people?

What's with the fucking data dump, asshole?

Israel wouldn't have to do any of that if they would just end the occupation and blockade.

End what occupation? Land that they had 3,000 years ago.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that as a direct result, not only Israel but also Egypt put restrictions on the borders with Gaza, and Israel instituted a legal maritime blockade around Gaza to keep rockets and other weapons out of the hands of Hamas,
while letting food and other humanitarian aid in.
Billo_Relly you obviously
do not know that a UN inquiry (the 2011 Palmer Report) determinedthat Israel’s policy was legal given the threat it faced.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that in March 2014, Israel intercepted an Iranian ship, one of several intercepted by Israel, with a cargo of weapons to Hamas in Gaza, including advanced M-302 surface-to-surface missiles, showing again why the naval blockade is necessary.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that millions of Egyptians loathe Hamas as much as Israelis do. (Watch this compilation of Egyptian bile being poured over the heads of Hamas.)

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that Hamas describes Palestine as “an Islamic Waqf (Endowment) consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day” or that it pledges “Israel will exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before
It's time to bust the ‘Israeli blockade led to Hamas rockets’ myth – Telegraph Blogs

Billo_Relly you obviously don't know "Sh..t from Shinola"!
Because Israelis are NOT teaching their children to kill Palestinians which is the point of the thread.
Show me the comparable teachings in Israel that a being a martyr killing Palestinians is a glorious goal!
A Palestinian kid is deliberately run over by an Israeli and all these Israeli kids are standing around yelling, "Die! Die! Die!"

They didn't make that shit up on their own.

Days Of (False) Rage: Palestinian Prez Abbas Lies About Israel Executing a Child To Stir Up More Violence
The terrorist is recovering in the hospital but his teen Jewish victim remains in critical condition.
Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 12.45.54 PM.png

Days Of (False) Rage: Palestinian Prez Abbas Lies About Israel Executing a Child To Stir Up More Violence
AMAZING! And NOT one mention of Stabbing Arabs!

You're right. I don't think any of those kids in the video talk about stabbing Arabs. Just shooting them. And throwing grenades at them. And running them over with tanks. And blowing them up with missiles. But mum on stabbing.
Days Of (False) Rage: Palestinian Prez Abbas Lies About Israel Executing a Child To Stir Up More Violence
The terrorist is recovering in the hospital but his teen Jewish victim remains in critical condition.
View attachment 52795

Days Of (False) Rage: Palestinian Prez Abbas Lies About Israel Executing a Child To Stir Up More Violence
You really are a piece of shit, aren't you?

The kid is no terrorist. He was deliberately hit by a car, driven by some fucked up settler, who needs his fucking ass kicked! The kid is bleeding on the ground, with all your fucked up hero's telling him to die.

They murdered his cousin and now he's chained to a bed.

You are a sick, evil, disgusting piece of shit, who thinks its okay to murder children in cold blood.

Seeing is believing, scumbag!

End what occupation? Land that they had 3,000 years ago.
Nothing changes the fact that non-Jewish residents owned 90% of the land in Palestine at the time of the Zionist migration and they have rights.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that as a direct result, not only Israel but also Egypt put restrictions on the borders with Gaza,
Because Israel told them to.

and Israel instituted a legal maritime blockade around Gaza to keep rockets and other weapons out of the hands of Hamas,
Wrong. They instituted the blockade to punish Gazans because they didn't vote for Israel's bitch, in a fair and democratic election.

while letting food and other humanitarian aid in.
The UN says if things don't change, Gaza will be uninhabitable by 2025.

Billo_Relly you obviously
do not know that a UN inquiry (the 2011 Palmer Report) determinedthat Israel’s policy was legal given the threat it faced.
You obviously don't know the Palmer Report was debunked as nonsense, in regards to the legality of the blockade. It wasn't even commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade. It had no international experts on maritime law, but did have members of the Panel with major conflicts of interest with Israel. The Panel even admits, its just an opinion piece.

Another UN report, the UNHRC-FFM, was commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade and found it to be a war crime. The Report said it was "collective punishment". No different than what the Nazis did to the Jews in WWII.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that in March 2014, Israel intercepted an Iranian ship, one of several intercepted by Israel, with a cargo of weapons to Hamas in Gaza, including advanced M-302 surface-to-surface missiles, showing again why the naval blockade is necessary.
It's none of Israel's god-damn business whether Gazans have weapons or not. You don't tell others how to live on their own property.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that millions of Egyptians loathe Hamas as much as Israelis do. (Watch this compilation of Egyptian bile being poured over the heads of Hamas.)
So what. I could care less what Egyptians think.

Billo_Relly you obviously:
do not know that Hamas describes Palestine as “an Islamic Waqf (Endowment) consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day” or that it pledges “Israel will exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before
It's time to bust the ‘Israeli blockade led to Hamas rockets’ myth – Telegraph Blogs
And when Hamas says its willing to accept a two-state solution based on the '67 borders, how does that fit in with your obliteration nonsense?

Billo_Relly you obviously don't know "Sh..t from Shinola"!
You obviously don't know everything you just told me, IS NOT NEWS!

You need to be better prepared, junior, before you step up in weight class.

Now go back to your Hasbara Kibutz, because you just got served!

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