Plausible deniability


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
This is why Trump will never be nailed to the wall on "Muh Russians"

Let's assume that Putin really hated Hillary and wanted her to lose

Let's also assume that he used Russian resources to spy on the United States

I think it is plausible that somewhere, someone that was a Trump supporter tried to reach out to the Russian government (and anyone else that might have any dirt on Hillary)

I think it's pretty clear that Obama mocking Trump at the WH Correspondents dinner is what pushed Trump to run

The idea that he personally colluded with anyone is laughable

But somebody is going down hard

Assuming they can find someone that actually did reach out

My guess is they will & it will be a big donor

And Trump will survive thus like he has everything else

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