Pink Floyd / The Wall


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2013
We don't need no education. :alirulz:

[ame=]Pink Floyd The Wall / The Movie ( Part. 1 ) - YouTube[/ame]

I saw The Wall concert at the LA Sports Arena. The concert was alright. Not as good as Dark Side. But leading up to the concert was not a good memory for me.

Before the concert, my buddy and I had some shrooms. Then we got into a big argument over who was going to drive. Because neither one of us liked driving while we peaking on psychodelic drugs. I won. He drove.

But half way there, the fuckin' SOB turns to me and say's, "I forgot my ticket!"

So we had to turn around and drive all the way back to his apartment to get his fuckin' ticket. We got to our seats about a minute before they came on.
Great Album.

The Movie. Meh. Not so much. Even Roger Waters felt that it wasn't the vision he had of his own work.

I thought a lot about just that last night, watching the whole movie. I saw it first in 1983 at a drive-in so my experience differs a little.

At first, it was the curiosity. Then there was shock but amazement. Finally, I left there with satisfaction. I was high and really didn't know what went down in the movie. :lol:
I saw The Wall concert at the LA Sports Arena. The concert was alright. Not as good as Dark Side. But leading up to the concert was not a good memory for me.

Before the concert, my buddy and I had some shrooms. Then we got into a big argument over who was going to drive. Because neither one of us liked driving while we peaking on psychodelic drugs. I won. He drove.

But half way there, the fuckin' SOB turns to me and say's, "I forgot my ticket!"

So we had to turn around and drive all the way back to his apartment to get his fuckin' ticket. We got to our seats about a minute before they came on.

hey Billo i seen the Dark Side Concert at the Sports arena around what 73?.....4 channel sound system....Chief Ed Davis frisking everyone going in looking for that the one you are talking about? .....i swear for all the frisking going on as soon as the lights went out.....there must have been a thousand joints being lit up......and being passed around.....great concert....:eusa_angel:
I saw The Wall concert at the LA Sports Arena. The concert was alright. Not as good as Dark Side. But leading up to the concert was not a good memory for me.

Before the concert, my buddy and I had some shrooms. Then we got into a big argument over who was going to drive. Because neither one of us liked driving while we peaking on psychodelic drugs. I won. He drove.

But half way there, the fuckin' SOB turns to me and say's, "I forgot my ticket!"

So we had to turn around and drive all the way back to his apartment to get his fuckin' ticket. We got to our seats about a minute before they came on.

hey Billo i seen the Dark Side Concert at the Sports arena around what 73?.....4 channel sound system....Chief Ed Davis frisking everyone going in looking for that the one you are talking about? .....i swear for all the frisking going on as soon as the lights went out.....there must have been a thousand joints being lit up......and being passed around.....great concert....:eusa_angel:

Having been to several Floyd/Waters concerts, there is always that ONE GUY who drops acid near your seat who has to be gotten under control by his friends.
I've seen in the movie theater 30 years ago, I was a teenager. I also understand little about the film, but captivated by the music, and I was influenced.

A great legend in Europe, because the Berlin Wall was officially dismantled in 1989.

I've seen in the movie theater 30 years ago, I was a teenager. I also understand little about the film, but captivated by the music, and I was influenced.

A great legend in Europe, because the Berlin Wall was officially dismantled in 1989

My initial experience with the movie was also decades ago. Fortunately, I went with some friends and saw it at the drive-in. The first time really should be there, where it can never be better. I can't remember that far back that well, but I suppose I was high at the time or drunk. Probably drunk since I often went to the drive-ins back then drunk to especially watch horror movies.
I've seen in the movie theater 30 years ago, I was a teenager. I also understand little about the film, but captivated by the music, and I was influenced.

A great legend in Europe, because the Berlin Wall was officially dismantled in 1989

My initial experience with the movie was also decades ago. Fortunately, I went with some friends and saw it at the drive-in. The first time really should be there, where it can never be better. I can't remember that far back that well, but I suppose I was high at the time or drunk. Probably drunk since I often went to the drive-ins back then drunk to especially watch horror movies.
You're very kind, because you come into the memento with me. I'm from Hungary, I have a flawed knowledge of languages English, but I hope you understand me, and furthermore, I hope that I don't bring about difficulty to you by this.

Hungary was a socialist state from 1949 until 1989. Government: Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist state.
I was 13 years old when I listened the prohibited radio, at night under the quilt is. I did not understand, but I just listened, because it was forbidden. :)
It was Radio: "Free Europe Radio"
(Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is a state-run U.S. broadcasting organization that provides news, information, and analysis to countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East "where the free flow of information is either banned by government authorities or not fully developed". RFE/RL is a 501(c)(3) corporation that receives U.S. government funding and is supervised by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, an agency overseeing all U.S. federal government international broadcasting services. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

I was looking for the story of film in Goole, now.
Pink Floyd – The Wall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

".....Pink slowly begins to lose his mind to metaphorical "worms". He shaves all his body hair and, while watching The Dam Busters on television, morphs into a neo-Nazi alter-ego. Pink's manager, along with the hotel manager and some paramedics, discover Pink and inject him with drugs to enable him to perform.

Pink fantasises that he is a dictator and his concert is a neo-Nazi rally. His followers proceed to attack ethnic minorities, and Pink holds a rally in suburban London, singing "Waiting for the Worms". The scene is intercut with images of animated marching hammers that goose-step across ruins. Pink screams "Stop!" and takes refuge in the toilets at the concert venue, reciting poems.

In a climactic animated sequence, Pink, depicted as a small, almost inanimate rag doll, is on trial, and his sentence is "to be exposed before [his] peers." The judge gives the order to "tear down the wall". Following a prolonged silence, the wall is smashed.

Several children are seen cleaning up a pile of debris after an earlier riot, with a freeze-frame on one of the children emptying a Molotov cocktail."
You would have to pay me to watch Pink Floyd.It passed me by completely.
Yes, but you had the possibility for choice. I was with this full the communist canto and political songs. At that time the media was very limited in Hungary. The TV channel only two, it was hungarian.

It also passed you by completely?

(The Internationale, originally a French song, is now a well known song available in most major languages.

It was the official anthem of the Soviet Union in the years 1918 through late 1943 (sung in Russian, of course). It is also the anthem of Communist pa
rties and many socialist movements worldwide.)

The Russian culture is very attractive. :)


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