Piers Morgan...

Piers Morgan is an idiot.

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Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
It takes less than two minutes watching his show after a shooting incident to reaffirm the fact that he is a goddamned bloody idiot!


It takes less than two minutes watching his show after a shooting incident to reaffirm the fact that he is a goddamned bloody idiot!




..the stupid prick is having sobbing parents of the Newtown shooting on tomorrow to gain sympathy for his ridiculous drive to ban guns instead of addressing the ANGER and LUNACY problems behind such shootings. I have heartfelt sympathy for the parents but they are dupes if they think the gun was the culprit in their child's death.

I suspect he has a bit of Obama's philosophy in him...never let a good crisis go to waste.
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Not least of the debs that Britain owes to the USA is the taking of Piers Morgan off their hands. Maybe now that the Daily Mirror is under investigation for criminal activity when he was editor he will never return. Insh'alah.
They should deport the pillock.
He is a threat to national security.

Morgan is ro be deported due to his stance on guns? Being vehemently anti-gun is a threat to national security?

No doubt Morgan is over the top with his emtional pleas to gun control. However many of the talking heads are. Limbaugh rants, Beck comes across as a lunatic. Nothing mew here. The focus of your ire appears to be Morgan's stance on gun control, an issue that is emotional on both sides of the debate.

There are two sides to the gun control debate. The constitution provides gun owners the right to own guns. There are a lot of deaths due to guns in this country. Guns are a weapon. The constitution was written a long time ago where guns were militias were key to national defense and where hunting was done for food.

I often hear the chant "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." While true, it is also true is that guns provide a vehicle for people to kill people efficiently. To some gun control people all guns should be banned. To some gun advocates, no type of gun should be restricted. There is idiocy and emotion on both sides.
Yeah, gee, once again if only we had more gun laws this latest dead asshole wouldn't have killed innocent people yesterday. I'm sure if we'd only heaped more and more gun laws on top of existing ones that it would have prevented this criminal from acting out his lunacy.

What amazes the hell out of me is how many dopes believe such tripe.
..that a SHOTGUN and handguns (one possibly taken from a guard) were found at the scene.

The 'brilliant' asshole Morgan was ranting on the AR-15 used, even to the point of having an 'expert' doctor describe the extensive wounds that can be caused by one.

The stupid bastard can't even wait to find out the FACTS before presenting his case.

Next thing will be a call to ban shotguns.

Idiocy! Pure, unadulterated IDIOCY!
Why does anyone watch these shows?

Emotional hyperbole when you watch this nonsense.

Morgan, Schultz, Matthews, Sharpton and Maddow, the most liberal whack jobs are, all on one station. No facts, no reality, all emotion driven TV.

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