Piers Morgan Sees the Light


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Dear liberals, you won’t beat Trump by banning his staff from restaurants, threatening his son with pedophiles, abusing his wife or harassing his Cabinet off the streets – you’ll just get him re-elected.

"Liberal outrage against the President has now reached such levels of hysteria that many of them have forgotten what it actually means to BE a liberal.

It’s not liberal to ban Trump staff from restaurants, or threaten to put his son in a cage with pedofiles, or viciously abuse his wife for wearing a jacket, or demand that all his Cabinet be harassed from public view.

In fact, it’s the complete opposite.

This kind of horribly intolerant behaviour only serves to further strengthen Trump’s support, especially amongst those who voted for him, and thus further increases his chances of winning another term in 2020."

I have little doubt he is scorned by his friends and followers now.
Harassment intolerance and bigotry makes an excellent campaign platform. It worked so well in 2016.
Harassment intolerance and bigotry makes an excellent campaign platform. It worked so well in 2016.
And using the definition of insanity they are doing it again but expecting a different result. Kind of like their love of socialism.
I think the violence directed at tRump clearly indicates who the leftists and political establishment are most afraid of.

The violence at his rallies helped get Trump the Republican nomination and as it continued it helped to get him elected.

But the Marxist left just doesnt get it. :/
Harassment intolerance and bigotry makes an excellent campaign platform. It worked so well in 2016.
And using the definition of insanity they are doing it again but expecting a different result. Kind of like their love of socialism.
I think the violence directed at tRump clearly indicates who the leftists and political establishment are most afraid of.

The violence at his rallies helped get Trump the Republican nomination and as it continued it helped to get him elected.

But the Marxist left just doesnt get it. :/
After the election I expected the Left to realize what they had done, instead they doubled down on their crazy behavior.
After the election I expected the Left to realize what they had done, instead they doubled down on their crazy behavior.
Yeah, you would think they would learn, but instead they think that they just havent lied, threatened and bullied enough to win, lol.
The left has seen these tactics work on college campus after college campus. The left has been able to get faculty and administrators fired or forced to resign. In their juvenile brains there is no doubt that these tactics will work in the adult world just as well. The student bodies of University of Missouri and Evergreen never notice the reduction in enrollment. That's for the board of directors.

Why won't the same demands work off campus?
After the election I expected the Left to realize what they had done, instead they doubled down on their crazy behavior.
Yeah, you would think they would learn, but instead they think that they just havent lied, threatened and bullied enough to win, lol.
Like socialism - just do it enough times and eventually it will work.

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