Piers Morgan.....right about Meryl Streep, she cheered child rapist pulanski


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article links to piers Morgan dismantling Meryl Streep...who would have thought that piers Morgan could be right on something...

He points out that Trump did not make fun of the reporters handicap....and that Hollywood is a vile place......cheering a child rapist....

SURPRISE: Piers Morgan SLAMS Meryl Streep Over Trump

Morgan wrote about his respect for Streep as a person and an actress, noting that “when she speaks, the world listens.” But he went on to dissect the hypocritical speech:

She began by saying that Hollywood, foreigners and the press are ‘the most vilified segments of American society right now’.

At which point the cameras panned out to hundreds of the richest, most privileged people in American society sitting in the audience in their $10,000 tuxedos and $20,000 dresses, loudly cheering this acknowledgement of their dreadful victimhood.

She then said that if all the ‘outsiders and foreigners’ were kicked out of Hollywood, ‘you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.’

Morgan then pulled apart her hypocrisy piece by piece. He explained that the incident Streep referenced has two big problems — first, it happened back in 2015 and with another Golden Globes in between that incident and this award show, no mention of it was made.

Second, and here’s the kicker that leftists really struggle with, it never happened, at least not they way Streep and the left have portrayed it. There has been plenty of evidence shown, and Trump himself has said, that he never mocked the disabled reporter in question. Trump used the same gesture several other times to indicate that someone was flustered — not in reference to any disability.

Third, the reporter Streep claimed to be so concerned about — but not enough to actually look into the facts — is hardly “powerless.” No, in fact, Serge Kovaleski is a Pulitzer prize winner who works as an investigative journalist at the New York Times.


Morgan completely dismantled this ridiculous level of hypocrisy when he discussed Hollywood and Streep’s own dirt:

You’d be hard-pushed to find an industry that encourages more disrespect and violence than Hollywood.

A place where rich powerful people make billions of dollars by regularly pandering to the lowest common denominators of sexism, racism, homophobia and misogyny.

And happily exploit ever more hideous, graphic violence to make a fast, easy buck.

And seethe from every tinsel-encrusted pore with the very kind of nasty, power-based bullying that Meryl Streep claims to be so incensed by in Trump.

To highlight just one example of Streep’s shocking hypocrisy, what about the 2003 Oscars when she leaped to her feet and gave child rapist Roman Polanski a standing ovation after he was announced as winner of Best Director for The Pianist?

Clearly, their collective high moral values are a movable feast.
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No don't deflect, Trump made fun of the physically handicapped reported, no excuses. No we will bring this up whenever you try to say it didn't happen. The man is a low life and you voted for him. That tells us a bit about you.
Piers by the way apart from his very wrong position on gun control which I beleive he is dead wrong on is spot on when it comes to almost everything else.

Including his undying support for Trump right from the get go. His acerbic Brit wit is to die for.
No don't deflect, Trump made fun of the physically handicapped reported, no excuses. No we will bring this up whenever you try to say it didn't happen. The man is a low life and you voted for him. That tells us a bit about you.

Fuck off. Blown out of the water a million times over. He did the same weirdo sort of movements at THE VERY SAME RALLY against Cruz and a General.

This tells me A) You are complete dolt. B) Partisan to the point that all you can do is lie and support a proven lie or C) Insane because you lost.

OR FUCKING D all of the above.

It's a lie and it has been proven to be a lie. Get a fucking grip. Try decaff. Try getting your therapist to up the voltage in your next session. Do something.
She also insinuated that Trump wants to kick out all "foreigners", and went on to list people like Natalie Portman. A complete lie and distortion, where she pretends there is no difference between illegal immigrants from legal foreign born people. Apparently to Streep can't make the distinction between illegal Mexican rapists, Islamic refugees, and millionaire actresses that happen to be foreign born.

There is really only one accurate description for such a person, she's a dumb c_nt.
No don't deflect, Trump made fun of the physically handicapped reported, no excuses. No we will bring this up whenever you try to say it didn't happen. The man is a low life and you voted for him. That tells us a bit about you.
This article links to piers Morgan dismantling Meryl Streep...who would have thought that piers Morgan could be right on something...

He points out that Trump did not make fun of the reporters handicap....and that Hollywood is a vile place......cheering a child rapist....

SURPRISE: Piers Morgan SLAMS Meryl Streep Over Trump

Morgan wrote about his respect for Streep as a person and an actress, noting that “when she speaks, the world listens.” But he went on to dissect the hypocritical speech:

She began by saying that Hollywood, foreigners and the press are ‘the most vilified segments of American society right now’.

At which point the cameras panned out to hundreds of the richest, most privileged people in American society sitting in the audience in their $10,000 tuxedos and $20,000 dresses, loudly cheering this acknowledgement of their dreadful victimhood.

She then said that if all the ‘outsiders and foreigners’ were kicked out of Hollywood, ‘you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.’

Morgan then pulled apart her hypocrisy piece by piece. He explained that the incident Streep referenced has two big problems — first, it happened back in 2015 and with another Golden Globes in between that incident and this award show, no mention of it was made.

Second, and here’s the kicker that leftists really struggle with, it never happened, at least not they way Streep and the left have portrayed it. There has been plenty of evidence shown, and Trump himself has said, that he never mocked the disabled reporter in question. Trump used the same gesture several other times to indicate that someone was flustered — not in reference to any disability.

Third, the reporter Streep claimed to be so concerned about — but not enough to actually look into the facts — is hardly “powerless.” No, in fact, Serge Kovaleski is a Pulitzer prize winner who works as an investigative journalist at the New York Times.


Morgan completely dismantled this ridiculous level of hypocrisy when he discussed Hollywood and Streep’s own dirt:

You’d be hard-pushed to find an industry that encourages more disrespect and violence than Hollywood.

A place where rich powerful people make billions of dollars by regularly pandering to the lowest common denominators of sexism, racism, homophobia and misogyny.

And happily exploit ever more hideous, graphic violence to make a fast, easy buck.

And seethe from every tinsel-encrusted pore with the very kind of nasty, power-based bullying that Meryl Streep claims to be so incensed by in Trump.

To highlight just one example of Streep’s shocking hypocrisy, what about the 2003 Oscars when she leaped to her feet and gave child rapist Roman Polanski a standing ovation after he was announced as winner of Best Director for The Pianist?

Clearly, their collective high moral values are a movable feast.
If you want an evergreen career, become a chiropractor in Hollywood.

These people spend so much time and energy patting themselves on the back, it must place significant strain on their necks & shoulders.
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Streep probably helped facilitate Polansky by bringing him young victims. That's how sick these leftist sociopaths are.
No don't deflect, Trump made fun of the physically handicapped reported, no excuses. No we will bring this up whenever you try to say it didn't happen. The man is a low life and you voted for him. That tells us a bit about you.

And you voted for a lying bitch who left four Americans to diet after they begged repeatedly for more security. That says a lot about ewe! Not to mention she laughed her ass off after getting a child rapist off!
She also insinuated that Trump wants to kick out all "foreigners", and went on to list people like Natalie Portman. A complete lie and distortion, where she pretends there is no difference between illegal immigrants from legal foreign born people. Apparently to Streep can't make the distinction between illegal Mexican rapists, Islamic refugees, and millionaire actresses that happen to be foreign born.

There is really only one accurate description for such a person, she's a dumb c_nt.

To be honest, Streep's nose is high up enough that she see's Natalie Portman at about the same level as any of her gardeners, who've never been allowed in her sight.

No don't deflect, Trump made fun of the physically handicapped reported, no excuses. No we will bring this up whenever you try to say it didn't happen. The man is a low life and you voted for him. That tells us a bit about you.

Fuck off. Blown out of the water a million times over. He did the same weirdo sort of movements at THE VERY SAME RALLY against Cruz and a General.

This tells me A) You are complete dolt. B) Partisan to the point that all you can do is lie and support a proven lie or C) Insane because you lost.

OR FUCKING D all of the above.

It's a lie and it has been proven to be a lie. Get a fucking grip. Try decaff. Try getting your therapist to up the voltage in your next session. Do something.

I strongly urge a retroactive self abortion.
Streep probably helped facilitate Polansky by bringing him young victims. That's how sick these leftist sociopaths are.

These Hollywood elitists are so far out of touch with reality and the real world they have become a laughing stalk. They have no concept of middle America and their plight as they live in their lavish privileged fantasy world..

I say we should encourage these idiots to continue to speak out like this. It only helps sink the DNC.
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Why would RWNJ traitors like the OP care about Polansky?

Oh yeah, that's right - he's not a card carrying kkk gun nut.

And why care about Streep? She's not the prez, didn't name the Cheeto in Chief by name and he lied about his lies so nothing was lost.

Tell the truth - you RWNJ traitors don't like her because of her involvement in teaching children to read.
BTW, op - any credible link? I mean, only idiots depend on fake RWNJ sites and tabloid shit holes.

oops - didn't mean to channel der twitler.
Why would RWNJ traitors like the OP care about Polansky?

Oh yeah, that's right - he's not a card carrying kkk gun nut.

And why care about Streep? She's not the prez, didn't name the Cheeto in Chief by name and he lied about his lies so nothing was lost.

Tell the truth - you RWNJ traitors don't like her because of her involvement in teaching children to read.

Polanski went off the deep end after the murder of his wife and unborn child. His rape of a young girl is legendary. Why wouldn't any of us care how individuals like Streep feel about him. About a child rapist.

Hell's bells I was actually walking by the tv when I still had one when Whoopie tried to call the rape with drugs up the ass "not a rape rape".

I almost kicked in the screen.
BTW, op - any credible link? I mean, only idiots depend on fake RWNJ sites and tabloid shit holes.

oops - didn't mean to channel der twitler.

Speaking of shit holes, I love it when these Hollywood types get up and testify before Congress.

For what exactly? Cuz they rich folk? Most of these idiots have had next to no education or real life experiences as they live in their little bubbles, and it shows.
Why would RWNJ traitors like the OP care about Polansky?

Oh yeah, that's right - he's not a card carrying kkk gun nut.

And why care about Streep? She's not the prez, didn't name the Cheeto in Chief by name and he lied about his lies so nothing was lost.

Tell the truth - you RWNJ traitors don't like her because of her involvement in teaching children to read.

No....we don't like her because she is pretentious, lies and supports a child rapist....an actual child rapist who went to court, was convicted and fled the country before sentencing....and now can't enter the United States.........and she cheered the guy on....
BTW, op - any credible link? I mean, only idiots depend on fake RWNJ sites and tabloid shit holes.

oops - didn't mean to channel der twitler.

Hey....asswipe.....your Borg masters want you to stop using "Fake News" since we have the internet now and we can show that the "fake" news is all coming from you and the other lefties....

Washington Post Cries Uncle: Stop Using 'Tainted' Term 'Fake News' - Breitbart

Writing at the Washington Post, Margaret Sullivan bemoans the fact that conservatives have flipped the meaning of “fake news” from a term used by the mainstream media to attack stories that are troublesome for progressives to a label to call out the media’s false narratives:

But though the term hasn’t been around long, its meaning already is lost. Faster than you could say “Pizzagate,” the label has been co-opted to mean any number of completely different things: Liberal claptrap. Or opinion from left-of-center. Or simply anything in the realm of news that the observer doesn’t like to hear.
Streep probably helped facilitate Polansky by bringing him young victims. That's how sick these leftist sociopaths are.

These Hollywood elitists are so far out of touch with reality and the real world they have become a laughing stalk. They have no concept of middle America and their plight as they live in their lavish privileged fantasy world..

I say we should encourage these idiots to continue to speak out like this. It only helps sink the DNC.
They have no concept of middle America and their plight

the dying demographic
Well....the internet strikes again...this moron, meryl streep attacks Trump....and her moronic behavior starts coming out....I wonder how she likes her standing ovation for a child rapist being highlighted across the internet? Do you think she thought about that before last night?

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