Phuck it...give this nation to LefTards. Anybody that has any cash will be off to the Netherlands.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Why leave Trump is draining the swamp muck.
  2. And sure its deep but Trump's got this!
  3. And others who come after will continue his work.
  4. Its just a matter of time *We The People*, will get our country back, watch and see, better to be part of it than in some other ignorant country.
  5. Stand Firm.

Come on Conservatives find your fucking balls!

Better sell your CA property and go before Trump's crash. Need help packing?

Nah, I’ve been liquidating for years. My escape plan from this shilhole has been in motion for some time..thanks though.

Anything to help you on your way. Racist fucks like you stink up my beautiful state and country.

All the good, positive contributing folks I know HATE don’t?
Come on Conservatives find your fucking balls!
It's unlikely the Netherlands would take you in.

Trust me bud...I can buy citizenship wherever the fuck I want

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As the country continues to urbanize, and metro areas (cities and burbs) become solely Democrat, entire states are being controlled. It is only a matter of time. Doesn't mean we have to stop fighting for our country, but we are either at the tipping point, or past the tipping point for real America to exist. Hence the indoctrination of our kids by Education, Media, Government, and Corporations. It's catching up folks.

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