Photovoltaic power at fossil fuel prices


Gold Member
May 10, 2014

Researchers develop cheaper way of making solar cells

By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News

New crystals yield solar breakthrough

Researchers have developed a new manufacturing method which could bring down the cost of making a type of solar cell.

A team at Liverpool University has found a way of replacing the toxic element in the process with a material found in bath salts.

The scientists say that this could have a "massive, unexpected cost benefit".

The research has been published in the Journal Nature and unveiled at the ESOF conference in Copenhagen.

Dr John Major, who led the research said that his team's work might be the development that brings the cost down to the level of fossil fuel," he told BBC News.

It might be the development that brings the cost down to the level of fossil fuel"

Dr Jon Major
Liverpool University

More than 90% of the solar cells are made from silicon. Around 7% are made from a material called cadmium telluride. The cadmium telluride cells are thinner than silicon and these are popular because they are also lighter and cheaper.

Toxic ingredient

They have the drawback that a toxic chemical, cadmium chloride, is needed to manufacture them. Cadmium chloride is also expensive.

A significant proportion of the manufacturing cost of cadmium telluride cells is to protect the workforce from toxins and to dispose of contaminated waste products safely, according to the research team.

Dr Major discovered that a cheaper, non-toxic alternative, magnesium chloride, could be used instead of the toxic compound and work just as well.

Magnesium chloride is completely safe. It is used to make tofu and is found in bath salts. It also extracted from sea water and so is a small fraction of the price of cadmium chloride.

Dr Major's boss, Prof Ken Durose, who is the director of the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy at Liverpool University, believes that his colleague's discovery has the potential to transform the economics of solar energy.

"One of the big challenges with solar energy is to make it cheap enough to compete with conventional power generation," he told BBC News.

"Solar will progressively get cheaper until it will become more and more feasible for solar power to be produced from solar electricity farms."

The cost of materials and dealing with toxins is a very small fraction of production costs"

Nigel Mason
PV Consulting

Comparing the relative costs of different energy technologies is extremely difficult because they are so different and the results are contentious.

But when pressed, Prof Durose made his best guess to assess the potential impact of the new technique, stressing that his figures were rough and ready and contained assumptions that could and probably would be challenged.

Cost debate

That said, he estimated that the cost of electricity produced from current cadmium telluride technology is very approximately 10 pence per unit, significantly higher than the 8.25 pence per unit for electricity produced from gas.

But he thought that the benefits of cheaper materials and the cost saving from not having to deal with toxic materials could bring the cost of cadmium telluride cells to 8.2 pence per unit - lower than gas.

However, Dr Nigel Mason of PV Consulting believes that the researchers are being very optimistic in their assessment of the impact their development will have on the price of solar energy.

"The development is great for the environmental management and safety of the production process but the cost of cadmium chloride material and dealing with its safe disposal is a relatively small fraction of production cost," he told BBC News.

A key factor is that tellurium is one of the rarest elements on Earth so there would not be enough of the chemical to make enough solar cells if the technology took off, according to Dr Mason.

But Dr Major believes that solar energy could eventually meet the world's energy needs.

"There is enough sunlight that falls on the Earth every hour to generate enough electricity for the planet for a year," he said.

"The way solar is progressing it will just be a matter of time before it becomes competitive with fossil fuels and eventually replace them."
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You do realize that solar cells are made from petroleum right?

Just like many of the parts in the computer you use.

petroleum is used in many of our products that we use.

So we will always need oil, time to find a new boogey man for the AGW cult.
Well we will have more petroleum to produce solar panels that we save from not using petro to run electric production..
A team at Liverpool University? That means Government subsidized/paid for, research. Thus far governments have spent billions of dollars at Government Universities, and all these billions is not included in the cost of Solar yet they make the claim its the same price as fossil fuel.

All Green Energy increases the consumption of natural resources and oil. Hence Green Energy drives the cost of Fossil Fuel higher, its called increase demand.

Further, Fossil Fuel is saddled with endless lawsuits and government regulations that Solar is exempt from, beings how its only government building green energy its seems awfully biased and dishonest to put "the government's boot on the throat" of Fossil Energy and then claim Solar is as cheap.

Nothing but lies and lies and lies.
A team at Liverpool University? That means Government subsidized/paid for, research. Thus far governments have spent billions of dollars at Government Universities, and all these billions is not included in the cost of Solar yet they make the claim its the same price as fossil fuel.

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you insane? The government has NOT spent billions on research into these photovoltaics. Whatever the government and private industry HAVE spent on the research has been more than paid back by advances in the field.

All Green Energy increases the consumption of natural resources and oil. Hence Green Energy drives the cost of Fossil Fuel higher, its called increase demand.

To quote Orogenicman, "are you really this stupid?" This statement is lunacy of the first order.

Further, Fossil Fuel is saddled with endless lawsuits and government regulations that Solar is exempt from, beings how its only government building green energy its seems awfully biased and dishonest to put "the government's boot on the throat" of Fossil Energy and then claim Solar is as cheap.

The government is not bringing "endless lawsuits" against fossil fuel. If individuals are doing so - and I know of no such thing taking place - perhaps there are reasons for them to do so. But in any case, such suits have no bearing on the cost of photovoltaics. The government does have some regulation controlling the exploration, production and use of fossil fuels. But those regulation are far more than made up by decades of multi-billion dollar subsidies our government and the governments of other nations have provided the fossil fuel industry since its inception. You suggest that solar is not competing fairly. I suggest you're completely full of shit and just don't want to see the competition at all.

You give a very strong impression that you would rather pay more to use fossil fuel than to get your power from photovoltaics. Why?

Nothing but lies and lies and lies.

Nothing but ignorance and the prejudice that always seems to go with it.
Government is good because it gives scientists money ?

We all benefit from pure research conducted by the government solely to expand and increase our knowledge and not constrained by the need to make a profit.
Government is good because it gives scientists money ?

We all benefit from pure research conducted by the government solely to expand and increase our knowledge and not constrained by the need to make a profit.

Not on my dime s0n!! That's what it comes down to. The people don't want to be paying taxes for crap like this. You want to pay for it.....God bless!! Go.....go.....go!!
Yeah well we'll all be chomping at the bit to check out the roll out of this clear cut no-brainer form of energy.......almost as brilliant as the 1,000 foot high wall!!!!!:coffee:

Roll out? New form of energy? Man, you take "stupid" where its never been before.
Yeah well we'll all be chomping at the bit to check out the roll out of this clear cut no-brainer form of energy.......almost as brilliant as the 1,000 foot high wall!!!!!:coffee:

Roll out? New form of energy? Man, you take "stupid" where its never been before. 179 people have even heard about this technology. Its only a big thing to the fringe far left climate change obsessed. Now.....if this technology ends up accounting for .00056 of our energy output and that's a big thing for you......hey.....what can I say??:D:D

Solar energy provides us with a whole .02% of our energy!!!:coffee:

Stupid is as stupid does.:2up:
A fine example authentic denier gibberish from skook, incomprehensible to anyone outside of the cult.

[ame=]Authentic Frontier Gibberish - YouTube[/ame]
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