PETA calls for the 'hanging' of the hunter who killed Cecil the lion

Palmer and his wife are jewish

Tonette Palmer also known as Toni Palmer is the daughter of one of the Jensen brothers that founded Norman G. Jensen.
NGJ founded in 1937 in North Dakota by brothers Norman and Gordon Jensen is one of the biggest Customs Brokers companies, today the company is run by Toni along her siblings Gordon, Dennis and Mary and her husband Steve Midthun. However Mrs. Palmer no longer owns it, left the company a couple of years ago and has no affiliation with the business- we got an email from Norman G. Jensen and told us that Tonette Palmer is a former owner of Norman G. Jensen customs brokers. In 2012 Norman G. Jensen was acquired by another customs broker company called Livingston International.

With the beard he looks kinda like Billy Bob Thornton portraying the role of "Lorne Malvo" in "Fargo".
the anti semite above always ready to point out race.

what scum.

Anti-Gentile much, drama queen?

What "race" are jewish people?

Aside from the human race?

Their ethnicity being non semitic Indo European.
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The jewish staff at Palmer's clinic


Dr. Ken Kokkinen, DDS

Dr. Ken Kokkinen is originally from northern Minnesota and is an official “ranger.” He attended UMD and the University of Minnesota Dental School. He has many advanced dentistry certifications, including:

CEREC Cad/Cam Training and Certification
Advanced General Dentistry training from the University of Minnesota
Dowson Academy’s Center: Concept of Complete Dentistry Training
Member of: American Dental Association, Minnesota Dental Association, and the Minneapolis District Dental Society
He has also been an instructor at the University of Minnesota Dental School
the anti semite above always ready to point out race.

what scum.

Haters got to hate...

Syke certainly is a hater. I bet her shrink gets an earful's worth from her every week.
Look in the mirror there is a lot to hate besides you being a windbag with nothing of substance to say.

Looks like the collective hive mind is getting in high gear to sting me. LOL

How come you guys want to cover up Palmer's ethnicity?
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the anti semite above always ready to point out race.

what scum.

Haters got to hate...

Syke certainly is a hater. I bet her shrink gets an earful's worth from her every week.

Nice try. You, and everyone else, knows exactly what I meant. Play all the semantic games you want, in the end you're still a hateful bigot.


1. Bigot: A White Male who understands the attack on his civilization for what it is, and stands his ground

2. Bigot: A derogatory term slung by ziodom at any individual, especially WASPS, who understand an attack on civilization is underway and do not "get with the program".

3. Bigot: Bobby1250, proudly flaunting the title, (and you should too!)

If you are not being called a bigot by someone, you are A: in very good company or B: a spineless wimp!
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the anti semite above always ready to point out race.

what scum.

Haters got to hate...

Syke certainly is a hater. I bet her shrink gets an earful's worth from her every week.
Look in the mirror there is a lot to hate besides you being a windbag with nothing of substance to say.

Looks like the collective hive mind is getting in high gear to sting me. LOL

How come you guys want to cover up Palmer's ethnicity?
No I just read your moronic hateful nonsense and draw my own conclusions.
the anti semite above always ready to point out race.

what scum.

Haters got to hate...

Syke certainly is a hater. I bet her shrink gets an earful's worth from her every week.
Look in the mirror there is a lot to hate besides you being a windbag with nothing of substance to say.

Looks like the collective hive mind is getting in high gear to sting me. LOL

How come you guys want to cover up Palmer's ethnicity?
No I just read your moronic hateful nonsense and draw my own conclusions.

whatEVER !!!
Fine then. I'd be for hanging the hunter if we can hang all the people in PETA who is endangering our lives now with their calling for people to be hung. the guy had to go into hiding. EYE for an EYE. tit for tat: lets get it on
Luring an animal out of the reserve, regardless of whether it was Cecil or not, was clearly poaching. Hunters in the U.S. are permitted to hunt some animals to control their population, otherwise their numbers would exceed what was available for them to feed upon and thus face a pathetic, slow death by starvation. Such hunting brings in Venison and such for the family. This is acceptable. If an animal population in Africa is getting too numerous and thus likely faced with starvation, then hunting should be permitted. However, the planet is no longer awash with wild beasts and lions especially, are low in numbers as it is. He should face a hefty fine and some nominal jail time. As for hanging the guy!!?? That's absurd!! Our government can decide if it wants to extradite him for punishment. The one animal we have waaaayyyy too many of and can't hunt! There's one who's numbers need to be reduced.
Luring an animal out of the reserve, regardless of whether it was Cecil or not, was clearly poaching. Hunters in the U.S. are permitted to hunt some animals to control their population, otherwise their numbers would exceed what was available for them to feed upon and thus face a pathetic, slow death by starvation. Such hunting brings in Venison and such for the family. This is acceptable. If an animal population in Africa is getting too numerous and thus likely faced with starvation, then hunting should be permitted. However, the planet is no longer awash with wild beasts and lions especially, are low in numbers as it is. He should face a hefty fine and some nominal jail time. As for hanging the guy!!?? That's absurd!! Our government can decide if it wants to extradite him for punishment. The one animal we have waaaayyyy too many of and can't hunt! There's one who's numbers need to be reduced.

that HASN'T been proven. SO you people need to knock it off before you get someone killed over a gawddam ANIMAL. too bad you all didn't care that much about this PP
Luring an animal out of the reserve, regardless of whether it was Cecil or not, was clearly poaching. Hunters in the U.S. are permitted to hunt some animals to control their population, otherwise their numbers would exceed what was available for them to feed upon and thus face a pathetic, slow death by starvation. Such hunting brings in Venison and such for the family. This is acceptable. If an animal population in Africa is getting too numerous and thus likely faced with starvation, then hunting should be permitted. However, the planet is no longer awash with wild beasts and lions especially, are low in numbers as it is. He should face a hefty fine and some nominal jail time. As for hanging the guy!!?? That's absurd!! Our government can decide if it wants to extradite him for punishment. The one animal we have waaaayyyy too many of and can't hunt! There's one who's numbers need to be reduced.

It was legal...LionAid - News
if he was Poaching then HE should pay. but not with his freaking LIFE like these idiots at PETA wants done.

poaching a grizzly bear in Alaska is $10, 000 fine. and then the fines vary from what animal they are.
Sign the official petition to have the motherfucker extradited to face charges for poaching:

Extradite Minnesotan Walter James Palmer to face justice in Zimbabwe. We the People Your Voice in Our Government

My dad spent years in Nairobi going on safaris. He's especially proud of the 9' (head to tip of tail) tiger he killed on one visit. Shot and cut the head off a giraffe and has that on his wall, too. It's embarrassing and very, very wrong.

Do we know for sure that he was completely aware that what he was doing was illegal ?
I thought the claim was that he believed the hunt was completely legit and legal ?

There's a lot of winking going on when you go in for big game hunting in Africa. It's all about how much you want to pay. My dad never paid $55K but he probably came in close to that number. He's a sociopath, just like Palmer. Completely apathetic. He became so prolific that he got his own column in "Safari International" when it was in print. I am very relieved to see someone who pulls the same shit exposed on a national scale.
Tell us more about that tiger.....

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