People's misplaced faith in the health care industry


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
People have this vision that they will have a serious health problem, they'll call the paramedics, and if they get there with in 5 minutes, they'll be stabilized , and if they get to the hospital, they'll be saved.

That's all the movies.

90% of the time, If you develop a serious health issue, you're a goner.

The only thing an ambulance is, is an expensive taxi to the hospital.

It's becoming more-so, that a person who becomes a doctor pays the big money, then focuses on playing golf. the doctor simply follows a re-written step by step chain of events.

You walk in and say you're having serious chest pain, the doctor goes to the computer and says, "ok let's see...what's step #1" , 'Tell patient to go home, hop on one foot for 1 hour, for 1 month". 'Step #2 , give patient a heavier dose of aspirin"

One medial records are shared you can forget about second opinions.

"I want a second opinion!"

Doctor #2 "OK...let's see...step #2 ...heavy dose of aspirin"

The proof is in the fact the doctors don't want to answer any of your questions. They'll tell you, you have Bull-shi-itis , then not want to answer any questions. A) they don't know anything , B) They don't want you to figure out they don't know anything.

Your faith is misplaced to consume a handful of pills they give you.

As Dr. Drew said , it takes years to determine if medication is effective or harmful. How long has Robitussin been sold in America, they're saying now, they're finding negative effects on health, but, there's about a 80% chance the negative reports on Robitussin are simply money motivated.

Medical malpractice is an epidemic, but, no one wants to bring that to your attention because everyone is making a lot of money.

So, now they tell you, you need a baboon heart, and you have 6 months to live, but, the waiting list is 2 years.

The important thing is , you gave them $500 bucks per month your entire adult life.
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Well, first, prolly shouldn't have privatized ambulances. That is an issue. Secondly, it costs about $600,000 to become a doctor. Seen the student loans on this? Unless Daddy's buying, it takes your check.

Typically, the ER does not have a patients background history or "baseline" and they are limited in what they can do. Take care of the immediacy of the situation.

They need 24 hour clinics which would cut costs significantly.

Just between you and me..........I don't trust anything that is a "practice". I don't want anyone to practice medicine. I want perfect medicine. I also don't want the risk of picking up something horrific while there.
Do you know what the difference is between a doctor and God?

God knows he is not a doctor.

Doctors are human beings. There is not one human being that is perfect.
Well, first, prolly shouldn't have privatized ambulances. That is an issue. Secondly, it costs about $600,000 to become a doctor. Seen the student loans on this? Unless Daddy's buying, it takes your check.

Typically, the ER does not have a patients background history or "baseline" and they are limited in what they can do. Take care of the immediacy of the situation.

They need 24 hour clinics which would cut costs significantly.

Just between you and me..........I don't trust anything that is a "practice". I don't want anyone to practice medicine. I want perfect medicine. I also don't want the risk of picking up something horrific while there.
There ain't no perfect medicine! We are all Doomed to Die!
Well, first, prolly shouldn't have privatized ambulances. That is an issue. Secondly, it costs about $600,000 to become a doctor. Seen the student loans on this? Unless Daddy's buying, it takes your check.

Typically, the ER does not have a patients background history or "baseline" and they are limited in what they can do. Take care of the immediacy of the situation.

They need 24 hour clinics which would cut costs significantly.

Just between you and me..........I don't trust anything that is a "practice". I don't want anyone to practice medicine. I want perfect medicine. I also don't want the risk of picking up something horrific while there.
There ain't no perfect medicine! We are all Doomed to Die!

Aw yes, the good old days.

When I was in the biz, you called an ambulance or got yourself to the ER and your doctor met you there. There was real continuity to patient care.

If you were picked up off the street, you were taken to the nearest hosp or to a real trauma or burn hospital and you were treated.

Then came HMOs of the 70s and then surf and turf. No insurance? You get sent to the county hospital where, oddly enough, some of the best ER medicine was practiced.

Now, most of the trauma and burn centers are gone = not enough money to stay open with qualified staff.

And your one and only physician meeting you at the hospital at 3AM, admitting you and sending his specialist buddy to see you are long gone.

Now its cheaper to go to Thailand for the level of care we used to get in the US.
America sucks. I can't believe you privatised ambulances.

Health care is not big in America. What is more important is helping your insurance buds and others profit as much as humanly possible................and um.........Russia.
The problems people are experiencing are because we elected a president who didn't know shit about anything.
The only thing that dumbass accomplished was creating a division between people.
The problems people are experiencing are because we elected a president who didn't know shit about anything.

The problems existed before the last president. The ACA was about insurance.....not health care. People still couldn't afford health care afterwards.

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