People Who Never Earn Anything Never Appreciate What They Have


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is a perfect explanation of Barack and Michelle Obama:

October 7, 2020
Michelle Obama engages in blatant racial demagoguery
With less than a month to go to the election, Michelle Obama released a 24-minute-long video in which she lectures her supporters to vote against Trump. While she found time to throw a few kind words to Biden, Michelle used the bulk of the video to call Trump a liar and racist. As always, Michelle's facts were false, while her words were intended to trigger people's irrational fears. Her performance was disgraceful — and was almost certainly intended to counteract Trump's rising popularity among blacks and Hispanics.
As you may have gathered, I dislike Michelle Obama, so let me get my biases out of the way. This is a woman who had every opportunity in life — a stable, two-parent upbringing; a middle-class lifestyle; Ivy League undergraduate and law school educations; high-paying jobs created specifically for her; eight years as the most worshiped, photographed woman in the world after Princess Diana; and an equally worshipful post–White House life, complete with $65 million in her pocket.
But is Michelle happy? No. Has she ever been happy? No.
Michelle buys into Critical Race Theory. The result is that one of the most fortunate women in the world is constantly angry, embittered, and resentful. I suspect that part of her anger is because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that she's earned nothing that's come her way. Whatever Michelle has, she got because of her skin color, not because of any talent or skill. It cheapens her, and she knows it.

This "tiny percentage" of the demonstrators are responsible for the greatest property damage due to "demonstrations" in history.

Only a tiny percentage of mafiosos actually kill people. They are a mainly harmless, law abiding group.

What good is insurance if you can't use it? As far as Michele not being happy I doubt the author of the "story" doesn't really know her personally.
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This is a perfect explanation of Barack and Michelle Obama:

October 7, 2020
Michelle Obama engages in blatant racial demagoguery
With less than a month to go to the election, Michelle Obama released a 24-minute-long video in which she lectures her supporters to vote against Trump. While she found time to throw a few kind words to Biden, Michelle used the bulk of the video to call Trump a liar and racist. As always, Michelle's facts were false, while her words were intended to trigger people's irrational fears. Her performance was disgraceful — and was almost certainly intended to counteract Trump's rising popularity among blacks and Hispanics.
As you may have gathered, I dislike Michelle Obama, so let me get my biases out of the way. This is a woman who had every opportunity in life — a stable, two-parent upbringing; a middle-class lifestyle; Ivy League undergraduate and law school educations; high-paying jobs created specifically for her; eight years as the most worshiped, photographed woman in the world after Princess Diana; and an equally worshipful post–White House life, complete with $65 million in her pocket.
But is Michelle happy? No. Has she ever been happy? No.
Michelle buys into Critical Race Theory. The result is that one of the most fortunate women in the world is constantly angry, embittered, and resentful. I suspect that part of her anger is because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that she's earned nothing that's come her way. Whatever Michelle has, she got because of her skin color, not because of any talent or skill. It cheapens her, and she knows it.
That's why her nickname "Mooch" is so appropriate. She has mooched her entire life, never accomplished a single thing, rode Baracks coattails to the White house and is sitting in the lap of luxury.
We again see the white racist response whenever a black person speaks truth. The only demagogue is the writer of the article.
This is a perfect explanation of Barack and Michelle Obama:

October 7, 2020
Michelle Obama engages in blatant racial demagoguery
With less than a month to go to the election, Michelle Obama released a 24-minute-long video in which she lectures her supporters to vote against Trump. While she found time to throw a few kind words to Biden, Michelle used the bulk of the video to call Trump a liar and racist. As always, Michelle's facts were false, while her words were intended to trigger people's irrational fears. Her performance was disgraceful — and was almost certainly intended to counteract Trump's rising popularity among blacks and Hispanics.
As you may have gathered, I dislike Michelle Obama, so let me get my biases out of the way. This is a woman who had every opportunity in life — a stable, two-parent upbringing; a middle-class lifestyle; Ivy League undergraduate and law school educations; high-paying jobs created specifically for her; eight years as the most worshiped, photographed woman in the world after Princess Diana; and an equally worshipful post–White House life, complete with $65 million in her pocket.
But is Michelle happy? No. Has she ever been happy? No.
Michelle buys into Critical Race Theory. The result is that one of the most fortunate women in the world is constantly angry, embittered, and resentful. I suspect that part of her anger is because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that she's earned nothing that's come her way. Whatever Michelle has, she got because of her skin color, not because of any talent or skill. It cheapens her, and she knows it.
That's why her nickname "Mooch" is so appropriate. She has mooched her entire life, never accomplished a single thing, rode Baracks coattails to the White house and is sitting in the lap of luxury.
Before he ran for president they couldn't afford a bus ticket.
Now they live in a secluded $16 million beachfront property in Martha's Vinyard.
Currently they are bulldozing the Oahu beachfront property that was used to film Magnum P.I. so he can build a new luxury property in it's place......and all of this on $450k a year while he was president.
He claimed only $700k on his taxes his last year as president, including his book deals.
He has a property in Chicago that is worth $800k that is located across the street from a Jewish Temple.
He has another property in Washington that is worth over a million.
The taxes alone for his Martha's Vinyard property is 52,000/yr.
I wonder who's paying for that?
Are they even charging him, or are they just writing it off?
Seems Joe Biden went from being the poorest Senator in Washington to getting his kid into 3 foreign companies making billions. Not bad for a kid that was booted out of the military for cocaine use. Just being VP raised his net worth astronomically.

Apparently it pays well to turn on your own country and help billionaire globalists destroy America's economy.
I agree with much of what the OP says.

I do believe that the former First Lady realizes that she has been the beneficiary of affirmative action in many ways and that she feels insecure about that fact.

I personally feel that people should not respond to her comments. I read that President Trump did reply in some way indirectly, but I am not sure of the details. I feel that he was wrong to have even taken notice of the former First Lady's comments.

She should be commended for her efforts as First Lady in advocating healthier eating habits among the young. She should be remembered for that.

She should be given a pass for her intemperate words regarding our ethnicity problem in this country. She has always appeared to me to be an angry person.
This is a perfect explanation of Barack and Michelle Obama:

October 7, 2020
Michelle Obama engages in blatant racial demagoguery
With less than a month to go to the election, Michelle Obama released a 24-minute-long video in which she lectures her supporters to vote against Trump. While she found time to throw a few kind words to Biden, Michelle used the bulk of the video to call Trump a liar and racist. As always, Michelle's facts were false, while her words were intended to trigger people's irrational fears. Her performance was disgraceful — and was almost certainly intended to counteract Trump's rising popularity among blacks and Hispanics.
As you may have gathered, I dislike Michelle Obama, so let me get my biases out of the way. This is a woman who had every opportunity in life — a stable, two-parent upbringing; a middle-class lifestyle; Ivy League undergraduate and law school educations; high-paying jobs created specifically for her; eight years as the most worshiped, photographed woman in the world after Princess Diana; and an equally worshipful post–White House life, complete with $65 million in her pocket.
But is Michelle happy? No. Has she ever been happy? No.
Michelle buys into Critical Race Theory. The result is that one of the most fortunate women in the world is constantly angry, embittered, and resentful. I suspect that part of her anger is because she knows, in her heart of hearts, that she's earned nothing that's come her way. Whatever Michelle has, she got because of her skin color, not because of any talent or skill. It cheapens her, and she knows it.
That's why her nickname "Mooch" is so appropriate. She has mooched her entire life, never accomplished a single thing, rode Baracks coattails to the White house and is sitting in the lap of luxury.
She raised two girls which is a job in its self.

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