People who live in Caravans should not throw stones....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
So Mexico tolerated Injured Police officers? I don' think that's going to happen for too long. Some migrants had gasoline bombs and bottle rockets apparently. Eventually the Mexican interior ministry is going to sanction live firearms in guess is that it will spill over in to a conflict between Mexican Police and Guatemalan Police and could get pretty ugly pretty quick.

The Caravan people are probably telling the truth about the conditions where they are coming from but that in and of itself cannot become the responsibility of the US to fix. We can help, we can send funds ( though I question the wisdom of that ) but we cannot teach an entire culture to be responsible until they are willing to learn. In the mean time we will continue to be the mos welcoming nation on Earth but it must be on Terms that benefit all and preserve the peace. Otherwise there will be no place to migrate to eventually.

Additionally they seem to have an attitude...or some of them do. The are fiercely patriotic and very proud of the country they are fleeing from?

I mean.....What the EFF? How does that add up??

So they like to throw stones? Well that's a bad idea....I'm not sure we should sanction live fire in response but I'm all for some water cannons or even tennis ball cannons to be followed by rubber bullets if needed and even tear gas.

I understand these people are desperate....but they need to come here hat in hand...somebody apparently told them that they have a right to come here and that we OWE them something and they intend to collect it. REDICULOUS!

Hopefully none of them get the bright Idea to use a firearm and they should definitely forget about picking up rocks to throw...oh...and yeah..

Lose that stupid're coming here to assimilate remember?


Bottle Rockets?

The exquisite timing is suspicious. Where is the freaking CIA? My guess is that the Agency created this mess to embarrass the President.
The exquisite timing is suspicious. Where is the freaking CIA? My guess is that the Agency created this mess to embarrass the President.

You know it. They keep trying and they just keep handing him more votes.
It must be driving them nuts.

The exquisite timing is suspicious. Where is the freaking CIA? My guess is that the Agency created this mess to embarrass the President.

You know it. They keep trying and they just keep handing him more votes.
It must be driving them nuts.

The Caravan is a couple of months away and are about as dangerous as kittens. You Republicans destroyed their countries with your ridiculous War on Drugs and your world depression of 2008. Only rich countries had trillions of dollars to avert your mess.
The exquisite timing is suspicious. Where is the freaking CIA? My guess is that the Agency created this mess to embarrass the President.
Trump made this crisis all by himself, dumbass dupe. Nobody would have cared.

Obviously you don't live on the border.
In any case it's working for him.

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The exquisite timing is suspicious. Where is the freaking CIA? My guess is that the Agency created this mess to embarrass the President.

You know it. They keep trying and they just keep handing him more votes.
It must be driving them nuts.

The Caravan is a couple of months away and are about as dangerous as kittens. You Republicans destroyed their countries with your ridiculous War on Drugs and your world depression of 2008. Only rich countries had trillions of dollars to avert your mess.

They are infectious, infiltrated by gangs, fierecly anti-american and unable to provide for themselves. In short they are dangerous.

I have yet to see a thin one ..btw. This is a perfect opportunity to strengthen both the border and the laws. Time to revisit the meaning of the 14th ...

I watched a Mexican News show today on the caravan. I didn't understand much but I could see a WHOLE LOT OF CARAVAN PEOPLE CATCHING RIDES IN CARS, AND BIG TRUCKS. They are going to get to the border sooner than people think although it probably won't be the giant wave of people they were at the beginning.
The Caravan is a couple of months away and are about as dangerous as kittens. .

Wow, so the Mexican Poeleese must be a bunch of pussies by your estimate since they cannot control these little kittens, you freaking liar.
They are infectious, infiltrated by gangs, fierecly anti-american and unable to provide for themselves. In short they are dangerous.

I have yet to see a thin one ..btw. This is a perfect opportunity to strengthen both the border and the laws. Time to revisit the meaning of the 14th ...


Franco is an idiot and new member of my ignore list.
Trump has got me terrified that someone from the caravan is going to throw a rock at me. Granted, that person would have to have a pretty strong arm, and excellent aim, but I am terrified, nonetheless. I am going to hide under my bed until after the election. After that, I am sure that the whole threat will disappear.
Trump has got me terrified that someone from the caravan is going to throw a rock at me. Granted, that person would have to have a pretty strong arm, and excellent aim, but I am terrified, nonetheless. I am going to hide under my bed until after the election. After that, I am sure that the whole threat will disappear.
Nah just put your money where your mouth is and give up your spare bedroom. Oh... And now your kids will have to sleep with you because paedophilia is rampant in Central America... It's possible your new guests simply won't understand that it's improper. Oh yeah and probably get them updated on their immunizations too.

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The Caravan is a couple of months away and are about as dangerous as kittens. .

Wow, so the Mexican Poeleese must be a bunch of pussies by your estimate since they cannot control these little kittens, you freaking liar.

Mexico has been extremely patient with these people. It's time for the authorities to give the police the go-ahead.


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