“People simply cannot afford to live anymore,” Rep. Bowman in letter with Elizabeth Warren urging Biden to address the extortionate increase in rents

With you wishing that someone lose everything, let's hope karma bits you right in your fat ass.
And now back on topic.
Seems most people have forgotten the 2008 housing crisis.
The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets ...
Sure seems like history is going to repeat itself.
I hope everyone that voted for Biden suffers for it... I hope it puts all of them in the poor house... and I will sit back and laugh....
Someone asked you to explain your comment/statement and you simply ran right past the chance to state your comment.
SO!!!!!!!!!!! You still are pulling shit out of your ass.
Like always.

Neat. Provide the post number where I was asked to do this. Thanks
With you wishing that someone lose everything, let's hope karma bits you right in your fat ass.
And now back on topic.
Seems most people have forgotten the 2008 housing crisis.
The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets ...
Sure seems like history is going to repeat itself.
Demanding that people who never paid a loan ack get housing loans did not help. A small downturn a few years earlier turned into something that hurt tens of millions of people. People who played by the rules. The traitors in D.C. screwed over many.
With you wishing that someone lose everything, let's hope karma bits you right in your fat ass.
And now back on topic.
Seems most people have forgotten the 2008 housing crisis.
The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets ...
Sure seems like history is going to repeat itself.

The real causes of the housing and financial crisis were predatory private mortgage lending and unregulated markets ...

Which markets were unregulated? Be specific.
And define "predatory private mortgage lending".
Bowman and tenant advocates argue that modest declines in rents – the national median fell 0.8 percent in December – barely make a dent in tenants’ expenses after the eye-popping gains of the last few years.

Yanno, just about everything these congresscritters decide on for us come with consequences anyone can see.....but them

Plenty of derivatives are regulated.

yet the entire concept of betting on failure for as $$$ invites it to the dinner table for us all


wow the dems are really turning on xiden…highlighting that in xiden’s america people simply can’t afford to live
Yeah, show me that 10.5% unemployment rate and 20% prime lending rate of Biden's.
the difference is reagan inherited rising UE, inflation and interest…and he brought it down.

Xiden had the opposite. The next president is going to have to fix xiden’s mess, like reagan had to fix the carter chaos
I've owned plenty of derivatives that weren't "betting on failure".
only because you're not the bookie
The 2008 financial crisis was primarily caused by derivatives in the mortgage market. The issues with derivatives arise when investors hold too many, being overleveraged, and are not able to meet margin calls if the value of the derivative moves against them.

only because you're not the bookie
The 2008 financial crisis was primarily caused by derivatives in the mortgage market. The issues with derivatives arise when investors hold too many, being overleveraged, and are not able to meet margin calls if the value of the derivative moves against them.


only because you're not the bookie

Don't tell anybody, but I just sold some derivatives earlier this month.

The 2008 financial crisis was primarily caused by derivatives in the mortgage market.

How large was the mortgage market and how large was the mortgage derivatives market in 2008?

The issues with derivatives arise when investors hold too many, being overleveraged,

Bear Stearns and Lehman failed because they held too many mortgages, not too many derivatives.
the difference is reagan inherited rising UE, inflation and interest…and he brought it down.

Xiden had the opposite. The next president is going to have to fix xiden’s mess, like reagan had to fix the carter chaos
he still owns it right along with increasing the debt and pretending he gave a damn about the working man when he started negotiating NAFTA and the Chinese most favored nation rating by Congress.
he still owns it right along with increasing the debt and pretending he gave a damn about the working man when he started negotiating NAFTA and the Chinese most favored nation rating by Congress.
yes he owns the fact he was able to bring interest, inflation and UE down and get the economy back on track.

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