People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States

I know you didn’t ask me
Markle, but weekly target practice here in the Midwest can even be a family affair for some folk! Nooo leftist authoritarians don’t go there, we’re not arming the toddlers! Lol Just routine practice to increase a successful defense if needed.

The gun club in my small Midwest farming town proudly displays photos of its youthful members on its website.

I look at them and feel safer here than I ever felt anywhere on the Left Coast.


People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America's States​

And the remaining 25 states are shall-issue.
DeSantis is getting sworn in today for his second term as Governor.

He said that one of his main agenda items is to push through Constitutional Carry in Florida so hopefully we can make it a majority.
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Ohio has always allowed people with no training or testing to carry a gun.

Open carry, yes, but nobody ever did that here.

Year ago we had a visitor from Arizona before we adopted our CCW laws. He looked up the laws in our state and open carried at a Wendy's. About five minutes later the police surrounded the place. They couldn't do anything to him but warned him he could be charged for inducing panic. The guy just put the gun back in his car, came back and finished his meal.
Open carry, yes, but nobody ever did that here.
Your complaint is no training and no testing.
Far as I can recall, there hasn't been an issue.
Year ago we had a visitor from Arizona before we adopted our CCW laws. He looked up the laws in our state and open carried at a Wendy's. About five minutes later the police surrounded the place.
We've had shall-issue CCW since 2004 - so that was quite a while go.
I suspect the reaction would be different now - and -very- location dependent.
Within certain limitations. There is a room full of restrictions to the 2nd Amendment. Claiming that the right to bear firearms is absolute is dishonest.
Ignoring that the Bill of Rights says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed is the epitome of dishonesty. It is right there in black and white.

The Bruen ruling says that if the filthy Moon Bats want to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms they had better have a damn good reason. Not the oppressive shit we have been seeing from the Communist states for quite awhile now. Like firearm and magazine bans and not letting citizens carry or even possess arms.

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