People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism

Housing cost are up 36% this year how about wages?
remember the good old days when a mansion cost between 15 and 20K? why did they go up to 20 Million?
Illegals working on them, oh and gentrification just like a college degree.I started in 1979 and it was less than twenty dollars a credit hour at the University of Okiehoma with health fee..I made ten dollars an hour in 1983 as a bricklayer y first kid cost me $3,800 I paid in cash..My last one in 2002, $24,000...
i remember looking thru a friends Time or Life magazines from about 1945? {and older guy of course) there was some article showing 2? maybe 3 mansions for sale for about 15,000. i guess in 1945, that was the equivalent of 4/5 million?
Yes, now we are working on trillionaires because having so much more means so much more..
too bad us older guys werent around when we could of purchased a home for about 30,000 in the 70's, then flipped it for 250-300K in the early 2000's. Like my dad did, those days are long gone.
They play a lot of games with sales of older homes now that make them worth less..My first home was 39k but it had apartments around the corner and the value never increased much, just the taxes. I bought 43 acres in 1998 for 25k and now it worth a100k...I plan on buying more if I can live long enough...
remember the good old days when a mansion cost between 15 and 20K? why did they go up to 20 Million?
Illegals working on them, oh and gentrification just like a college degree.I started in 1979 and it was less than twenty dollars a credit hour at the University of Okiehoma with health fee..I made ten dollars an hour in 1983 as a bricklayer y first kid cost me $3,800 I paid in cash..My last one in 2002, $24,000...
i remember looking thru a friends Time or Life magazines from about 1945? {and older guy of course) there was some article showing 2? maybe 3 mansions for sale for about 15,000. i guess in 1945, that was the equivalent of 4/5 million?
Yes, now we are working on trillionaires because having so much more means so much more..
too bad us older guys werent around when we could of purchased a home for about 30,000 in the 70's, then flipped it for 250-300K in the early 2000's. Like my dad did, those days are long gone.
They play a lot of games with sales of older homes now that make them worth less..My first home was 39k but it had apartments around the corner and the value never increased much, just the taxes. I bought 43 acres in 1998 for 25k and now it worth a100k...I plan on buying more if I can live long enough...
out of curiosity, i looked up where i lived in the 70's(rough time of course) i think my dad had to settle for about 26K? for a decent size home built in 1895. Zillow has it worth about 325K. Its not worth it, its a crappy area of town.
Illegals working on them, oh and gentrification just like a college degree.I started in 1979 and it was less than twenty dollars a credit hour at the University of Okiehoma with health fee..I made ten dollars an hour in 1983 as a bricklayer y first kid cost me $3,800 I paid in cash..My last one in 2002, $24,000...
i remember looking thru a friends Time or Life magazines from about 1945? {and older guy of course) there was some article showing 2? maybe 3 mansions for sale for about 15,000. i guess in 1945, that was the equivalent of 4/5 million?
Yes, now we are working on trillionaires because having so much more means so much more..
too bad us older guys werent around when we could of purchased a home for about 30,000 in the 70's, then flipped it for 250-300K in the early 2000's. Like my dad did, those days are long gone.
They play a lot of games with sales of older homes now that make them worth less..My first home was 39k but it had apartments around the corner and the value never increased much, just the taxes. I bought 43 acres in 1998 for 25k and now it worth a100k...I plan on buying more if I can live long enough...
out of curiosity, i looked up where i lived in the 70's(rough time of course) i think my dad had to settle for about 26K? for a decent size home built in 1895. Zillow has it worth about 325K. Its not worth it, its a crappy area of town.
A Victorian-era goes for more because of the handcrafted construction and they be popular. I was speaking of plain janes from the 1920's on...
i remember looking thru a friends Time or Life magazines from about 1945? {and older guy of course) there was some article showing 2? maybe 3 mansions for sale for about 15,000. i guess in 1945, that was the equivalent of 4/5 million?
Yes, now we are working on trillionaires because having so much more means so much more..
too bad us older guys werent around when we could of purchased a home for about 30,000 in the 70's, then flipped it for 250-300K in the early 2000's. Like my dad did, those days are long gone.
They play a lot of games with sales of older homes now that make them worth less..My first home was 39k but it had apartments around the corner and the value never increased much, just the taxes. I bought 43 acres in 1998 for 25k and now it worth a100k...I plan on buying more if I can live long enough...
out of curiosity, i looked up where i lived in the 70's(rough time of course) i think my dad had to settle for about 26K? for a decent size home built in 1895. Zillow has it worth about 325K. Its not worth it, its a crappy area of town.
A Victorian-era goes for more because of the handcrafted construction and they be popular. I was speaking of plain janes from the 1920's on...
oh yeah,some people love those homes and restore them. im sure there are lots of them in the northeast. i guess they were built between 1860-1870ish?
Yes, now we are working on trillionaires because having so much more means so much more..
too bad us older guys werent around when we could of purchased a home for about 30,000 in the 70's, then flipped it for 250-300K in the early 2000's. Like my dad did, those days are long gone.
They play a lot of games with sales of older homes now that make them worth less..My first home was 39k but it had apartments around the corner and the value never increased much, just the taxes. I bought 43 acres in 1998 for 25k and now it worth a100k...I plan on buying more if I can live long enough...
out of curiosity, i looked up where i lived in the 70's(rough time of course) i think my dad had to settle for about 26K? for a decent size home built in 1895. Zillow has it worth about 325K. Its not worth it, its a crappy area of town.
A Victorian-era goes for more because of the handcrafted construction and they be popular. I was speaking of plain janes from the 1920's on...
oh yeah,some people love those homes and restore them. im sure there are lots of them in the northeast. i guess they were built between 1860-1870ish?
There are several where I used to live Bentonville, Arkansas, it used to be a resort for healing waters or sulfur water...For rich folks back then.
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policies that led to rising price levels under Alexander The Great have led to rising price levels in America thousands of years later
Yeah all them billionaires wanna be trillionaires and that don't leave much fer the rest of the nation...99% of the nation, now is that fair?
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
What we call capitalism today is regulated capitalism, a far cry from Adam Smith's capitalism. Regulated capitalism is the prevailing economic system in major economies today. However, there is also a heavy dose of socialism in most all of them. Take China for example. China is a socialist country, actually communist. However, it is also one of the most capitalist countries. Since there are no true capitalist countries, how can you say they are less selfish.

China is hardly Communist.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?
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So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
What we call capitalism today is regulated capitalism, a far cry from Adam Smith's capitalism. Regulated capitalism is the prevailing economic system in major economies today. However, there is also a heavy dose of socialism in most all of them. Take China for example. China is a socialist country, actually communist. However, it is also one of the most capitalist countries. Since there are no true capitalist countries, how can you say they are less selfish.

China is hardly Communist.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?

So, only claiming to be something, makes you something?

So, if a Mexican man CLAIMS to be American, he can walk across the border, get a job, live there without problems for the rest of his life?

The Chinese govt owning the banks doesn't make it Communist. At best it makes it Socialist.

All the land being owned by the government makes it, at best, Socialist, not Communist.

Again, the difference between Socialism and Communism is that in Communism the people make the decisions, without a formal government telling people what to do.

Communism comes from the word "commune", China is not like a commune. The govt is heavy handed, locks people up for all sorts of things, lawyers are jokes, political commentators are even bigger jokes (and many are university professors) which means universities are jokes.

There's no way around this. China is not Communist because it doesn't meet the main requirement for being Communist, just like Cuba, just like the USSR, just like every other country that's pretended to have Communism.

North Korea is no a democratic country, no matter how many times they tell you.
What we call capitalism today is regulated capitalism, a far cry from Adam Smith's capitalism. Regulated capitalism is the prevailing economic system in major economies today. However, there is also a heavy dose of socialism in most all of them. Take China for example. China is a socialist country, actually communist. However, it is also one of the most capitalist countries. Since there are no true capitalist countries, how can you say they are less selfish.

China is hardly Communist.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?

So, only claiming to be something, makes you something?

So, if a Mexican man CLAIMS to be American, he can walk across the border, get a job, live there without problems for the rest of his life?

The Chinese govt owning the banks doesn't make it Communist. At best it makes it Socialist.

All the land being owned by the government makes it, at best, Socialist, not Communist.

Again, the difference between Socialism and Communism is that in Communism the people make the decisions, without a formal government telling people what to do.

Communism comes from the word "commune", China is not like a commune. The govt is heavy handed, locks people up for all sorts of things, lawyers are jokes, political commentators are even bigger jokes (and many are university professors) which means universities are jokes.

There's no way around this. China is not Communist because it doesn't meet the main requirement for being Communist, just like Cuba, just like the USSR, just like every other country that's pretended to have Communism.

North Korea is no a democratic country, no matter how many times they tell you.
So there are no communist countries?
The fact is there are no true capitalist countries. All have varying degrees of socialism, and loads of government regulation. All of these economic systems are ideals that don't really exist in the real world.
China is hardly Communist.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?

So, only claiming to be something, makes you something?

So, if a Mexican man CLAIMS to be American, he can walk across the border, get a job, live there without problems for the rest of his life?

The Chinese govt owning the banks doesn't make it Communist. At best it makes it Socialist.

All the land being owned by the government makes it, at best, Socialist, not Communist.

Again, the difference between Socialism and Communism is that in Communism the people make the decisions, without a formal government telling people what to do.

Communism comes from the word "commune", China is not like a commune. The govt is heavy handed, locks people up for all sorts of things, lawyers are jokes, political commentators are even bigger jokes (and many are university professors) which means universities are jokes.

There's no way around this. China is not Communist because it doesn't meet the main requirement for being Communist, just like Cuba, just like the USSR, just like every other country that's pretended to have Communism.

North Korea is no a democratic country, no matter how many times they tell you.
So there are no communist countries?
The fact is there are no true capitalist countries. All have varying degrees of socialism, and loads of government regulation. All of these economic systems are ideals that don't really exist in the real world.

Well, no, I disagree.

Communism has certain traits that make the Communist. You can't be something else and claim to be Communist and then be it.

The US has controlled Capitalism. It's Capitalism, but not pure Capitalism. China isn't controlled Communism. There are no parts of China that makes it Communist. There are lots of parts of the US that make it Capitalist.

Yes, China has a varying degree of SOCIALISM, that doesn't make it Communism.

It's like saying that a Banana is fruit and an apple is fruit so a Banana must be an apple.

China is hardly Communist.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?

So, only claiming to be something, makes you something?

So, if a Mexican man CLAIMS to be American, he can walk across the border, get a job, live there without problems for the rest of his life?

The Chinese govt owning the banks doesn't make it Communist. At best it makes it Socialist.

All the land being owned by the government makes it, at best, Socialist, not Communist.

Again, the difference between Socialism and Communism is that in Communism the people make the decisions, without a formal government telling people what to do.

Communism comes from the word "commune", China is not like a commune. The govt is heavy handed, locks people up for all sorts of things, lawyers are jokes, political commentators are even bigger jokes (and many are university professors) which means universities are jokes.

There's no way around this. China is not Communist because it doesn't meet the main requirement for being Communist, just like Cuba, just like the USSR, just like every other country that's pretended to have Communism.

North Korea is no a democratic country, no matter how many times they tell you.
So there are no communist countries?
The fact is there are no true capitalist countries. All have varying degrees of socialism, and loads of government regulation. All of these economic systems are ideals that don't really exist in the real world.

No, not one single Communist country.

I've already discussed all of this and I don't have anything new to add.

China is not Communist, not close, not Communist, still not Communist. Never will be.
Saying China isn't Communist is like saying the US isn't capitalist. China is not classic communist just as the US is not classic capitalism.

The Communist Party describes its economic model as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which in practice means the government owns the country’s biggest companies – the banks, energy and transport sectors. Much of heavy industry such steel mills, coals mining, and utilities are jointly owned by government and private industry.

The private sector in China, which contributes a greater percentage of GDP than the state sector, is still very receptive to the state – and China isn’t classed as a market economy by the World Trade Organisation, in part because of how much the state intervenes.

How on earth is China Communist?

One of the main things that distinguishes Communism from Socialism is the LACK OF central govt.

The Chinese have a very, VERY strong central government. The people don't get a say in ANYTHING.

Communism - Wikipedia

"In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]"

Common ownership of the means of production? No. China is moving away from state owned ownership. It has some of the richest people in the world with some of the largest companies in the world that you've probably never heard about.

Yes, there are still state owned things, but that's socialism and not Communism.

Healthcare isn't free. Workers are treated like shit. If you leave your job, your healthcare is under threat. Companies have a lot of power over their employees and can make life difficult for them if they leave the company in a manner they don't like.

There's nothing Communist about China, not one bit.

Yes, Xi has called China "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which basically means Xi is in charge and fuck you all. That's the Chinese way. The Chinese characteristics mean there's no Communism. There's socialism, there's less socialism than some other countries that don't consider themselves socialist though.

But still no Communism.

It's like the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea being Democratic. It's not. They say it is because politicians are lying fucks.
They are communist because they claim to be just as the US claims to capitalist. All countries are a mix of different economic philosophies.

The Chinese government controls major aspects of the economy and society. For example, just about every Chinese bank is state-owned, so the government decides which businesses and individuals will get the most favorable loans. The domestic media are entirely state-owned as well and offer uniformly favorable political coverage. Perhaps the biggest vestige of classical communism is the fact that every square inch of land in the country still belongs to the government. (People and businesses can own houses and other property.)

Politically, China is as Communist as ever. The country operates under the highly centralized, single-party rule of the Communist Party. Every region, whether it's a province or a city, has two sets of leadership: local government functionaries and Communist Party officials. While there is overlap between the two groups—after all, government workers must be Communist Party members—the top local government leader must always answer to the top party leader. The governor of a province might make day-to-day decisions about filling potholes and snow removal, but the party official controls macro decisions like which businesses get state money and prime real estate.
How communist is China, anyway?

So, only claiming to be something, makes you something?

So, if a Mexican man CLAIMS to be American, he can walk across the border, get a job, live there without problems for the rest of his life?

The Chinese govt owning the banks doesn't make it Communist. At best it makes it Socialist.

All the land being owned by the government makes it, at best, Socialist, not Communist.

Again, the difference between Socialism and Communism is that in Communism the people make the decisions, without a formal government telling people what to do.

Communism comes from the word "commune", China is not like a commune. The govt is heavy handed, locks people up for all sorts of things, lawyers are jokes, political commentators are even bigger jokes (and many are university professors) which means universities are jokes.

There's no way around this. China is not Communist because it doesn't meet the main requirement for being Communist, just like Cuba, just like the USSR, just like every other country that's pretended to have Communism.

North Korea is no a democratic country, no matter how many times they tell you.
So there are no communist countries?
The fact is there are no true capitalist countries. All have varying degrees of socialism, and loads of government regulation. All of these economic systems are ideals that don't really exist in the real world.

Well, no, I disagree.

Communism has certain traits that make the Communist. You can't be something else and claim to be Communist and then be it.

The US has controlled Capitalism. It's Capitalism, but not pure Capitalism. China isn't controlled Communism. There are no parts of China that makes it Communist. There are lots of parts of the US that make it Capitalist.

Yes, China has a varying degree of SOCIALISM, that doesn't make it Communism.

It's like saying that a Banana is fruit and an apple is fruit so a Banana must be an apple.

China like Russia includes many characteristics of a communist state such as state ownership of all land, single party control, excessive regulation of local communities, and a significant control of production (12 largest companies in China are all government owned).
A 12 year old blog post.. . Incredible.

Both cite reliable sources. Do you really think Progressives have gotten more generous in the past twelve years? Do you think Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are encouraging charity? Or encouraging the use of taxpayers money for their various giveaways?
A 12 year old blog post.. . Incredible.

Both cite reliable sources. Do you really think Progressives have gotten more generous in the past twelve years? Do you think Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are encouraging charity? Or encouraging the use of taxpayers money for their various giveaways?

Trump just gave $12B to're right; the conservatives are much more charitable. LOL PS: Where did the $12B come from?
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

Businesses pay whatever is required to get the workers they need to operate the business. Unskilled workers are in great supply and therefore, do not require high wages. As work skills grow, so does the cost to the employer.

Improvements in worker productivity is almost always because the business invests in labor saving devices.
Housing cost are up 36% this year how about wages?


Where? Your reliable source and link, please.
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