Pennsylvania democrat party court....Trump people can be in the room, but don't get to actually see the count.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

It would seem that some states and their China First enablers decided that the way to ensure a federal victory was to use state laws to essentially take precedence over the vote of the entire nation.

5 or 6 states doing everything differently, most of them swing states. I find it astonishing that the federal government cannot pull rank on a federal issue, simply to ensure full transparency and accuracy.

This election will resonate for years to come as states will realize, "WE will decide the rules, even if it means allowing illegal immigrants, no signatures, forged signatures and we will NOT allow anyone to see".

Considering places like NY and Cali I believe, handed out drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, this shouldn't come as to much of a surprise.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
And if everyone is recording the same thing, there's no problem with someone releasing their video is there? If they alter it, someone else's video would show the changes. The solution to this is more transparency, not less. And I find it interesting that you believe the court should give a flying rat's patoot about somebody posting on a conspiracy site.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

This is why the election fraud claims will have to be decided by the Supreme Court of the US. This decision by a State Supreme Court is disgraceful, playing games with wording and ignoring the obvious intent of what OBSERVER means.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Really? whats the definition of an observer? Conspiracy theories are stirred up by secrecy not openness.
How can posting the opening of ballots on a boring and non eventful as that is, possibly create controversy? Are you listening to yourself?

What creates controversy is computers being shut down in the middle of the night, then the vote count shifting the opposite direction the next morning.
Then you can have any dufuss with a certificate tell everyone they didnt see any fraud. You cant see what you dont look for.

Further more we don't need people lecturing us on the danger of conspiracy theories when those SAME PEOPLE are the ones living off one big conspiracy theory for the last 4 years and trying their best to cripple a presidency.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
And if everyone is recording the same thing, there's no problem with someone releasing their video is there? If they alter it, someone else's video would show the changes. The solution to this is more transparency, not less. And I find it interesting that you believe the court should give a flying rat's patoot about somebody posting on a conspiracy site.

This entire exercise has nothing to do with "transparency". Trump supporters are mad Trump lost. So it must be "rigged". Trump has been touting it for months. Getting close and filming is just an excuse to attempt to disrupt and undermine the process. They have no evidence of voter fraud. So the only alternative is to sway the court of public opinion far enough that they can persuade some soft judge (maybe one stacked by McConnell) to put a halt to the process...cause no other legal avenue seems to be working.
Well, I guess the answer is to have national standards and UN observers from now on.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
And if everyone is recording the same thing, there's no problem with someone releasing their video is there? If they alter it, someone else's video would show the changes. The solution to this is more transparency, not less. And I find it interesting that you believe the court should give a flying rat's patoot about somebody posting on a conspiracy site.

This entire exercise has nothing to do with "transparency". Trump supporters are mad Trump lost. So it must be "rigged". Trump has been touting it for months. Getting close and filming is just an excuse to attempt to disrupt and undermine the process. They have no evidence of voter fraud. So the only alternative is to sway the court of public opinion far enough that they can persuade some soft judge (maybe one stacked by McConnell) to put a halt to the process...cause no other legal avenue seems to be working.
And the solution is to let them get up close and record the process, then if they attempt to disrupt, kick them out and show the recordings from everyone so it becomes apparent if someone is manipulating video. How difficult is that? Far better to have a temporary disruption than to cloud transparency. There's no legal justification for keeping them away on the basis that they might post a video on a conspiracy site. You should know that.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Really? whats the definition of an observer? Conspiracy theories are stirred up by secrecy not openness.
How can posting the opening of ballots on a boring and non eventful as that is, possibly create controversy? Are you listening to yourself?

What creates controversy is computers being shut down in the middle of the night, then the vote count shifting the opposite direction the next morning.
Then you can have any dufuss with a certificate tell everyone they didnt see any fraud. You cant see what you dont look for.

Further more we don't need people lecturing us on the danger of conspiracy theories when those SAME PEOPLE are the ones living off one big conspiracy theory for the last 4 years and trying their best to cripple a presidency.

Someone that the state hires, certifies, and vets...months in advance of the election. State election laws mandate that observers from both parties observe the process so that each side is represented. As far as the vote swings, you and everyone else were warned in advance of the election that there would be both blue and red "mirages" on election night and that you needed to wait until all the votes were counted. But you saw Trump leading on election night and you got instant wood. So, every vote that came after didn't count. Your man won..except he didn't. He lost. So you and others cried "rigged". So far, every one of Trump's bullshit lawsuits concerning fraud has been shown the door. Honestly, it's beyond sour grapes at this point. You're just coming off as the whiny, bitchy, douchey cancers that we knew you were.

As far as the last four years, everything that transpired was the fault of Donald John Trump. He brought all of his own problems and issues on himself. He's corrupt. He's incompetent. He's a narcissist. And after 1/20/2021, I'm not going to give him another thought...until the first time he's dragged into court. Then I'll smile.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
oh if this were being done to the left you'd be screaming like a stuck pig.

only difference is - i would agree it's wrong to do this. PERIOD.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
You mean in GA where they have been snagged atleast 2 times hiding Trump votes (2700 and 2600)? That same Georgia? And to think that is just 2 of the 3000 Dominion machines that they just got for this election----wonder how many other thousands of votes can be found on the other 2998 machines. But atlas if you can't see the vote and the GA governor fires their election officials for pointing out the uncounted votes----we will never know right?

There is already enough found hidden votes for the US supreme to jump in and nullify the election----------I don't know if this would keep trump in or not as there are plenty of swamp republicans like Gov Kemp willing to help sneak bribe taking pedophile supporting or acting Biden. ( I suspect the whole biden clan is a pedophile family.......Grandpa Biden and daughter in law had to have known that Hunter biden was raping the 14 year old grand daugher.
Hunted is probably looking for election observers in China as we speak.

Yeah, it looks like he's raping and torturing 10-year old girls, but don't believe your lying eyes.....
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
You mean in GA where they have been snagged atleast 2 times hiding Trump votes (2700 and 2600)? That same Georgia? And to think that is just 2 of the 3000 Dominion machines that they just got for this election----wonder how many other thousands of votes can be found on the other 2998 machines. But atlas if you can't see the vote and the GA governor fires their election officials for pointing out the uncounted votes----we will never know right?

There is already enough found hidden votes for the US supreme to jump in and nullify the election----------I don't know if this would keep trump in or not as there are plenty of swamp republicans like Gov Kemp willing to help sneak bribe taking pedophile supporting or acting Biden. ( I suspect the whole biden clan is a pedophile family.......Grandpa Biden and daughter in law had to have known that Hunter biden was raping the 14 year old grand daugher.

Hoooray. Trump picked up a net of 1500 votes. You should be thankful. And the pickup weren't the machines, they were votes not counted. Nice try. Thanks for playing.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
And if everyone is recording the same thing, there's no problem with someone releasing their video is there? If they alter it, someone else's video would show the changes. The solution to this is more transparency, not less. And I find it interesting that you believe the court should give a flying rat's patoot about somebody posting on a conspiracy site.

This entire exercise has nothing to do with "transparency". Trump supporters are mad Trump lost. So it must be "rigged". Trump has been touting it for months. Getting close and filming is just an excuse to attempt to disrupt and undermine the process. They have no evidence of voter fraud. So the only alternative is to sway the court of public opinion far enough that they can persuade some soft judge (maybe one stacked by McConnell) to put a halt to the process...cause no other legal avenue seems to be working.

Yes.......give to a fascist to spin actually being able to see the vote as disrupting the process....

Of course, seeing the votes and keeping the election from being stolen is "disrupting" the process for democrats...
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Sorry Blinky, there is no "democrat party controlled court" anywhere, not the least of which reason is that there is no "democrat party".

As for the 336-year-old Pennsylvania Supreme Court, its Chief Justice is a Republican. I'm pretty sure that is a party.

NONE of which is relevant anyway since you have utterly FAILED to show that any action it took was motivated by political parties, including the fake ones that exist only in your head.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
You mean in GA where they have been snagged atleast 2 times hiding Trump votes (2700 and 2600)? That same Georgia? And to think that is just 2 of the 3000 Dominion machines that they just got for this election----wonder how many other thousands of votes can be found on the other 2998 machines. But atlas if you can't see the vote and the GA governor fires their election officials for pointing out the uncounted votes----we will never know right?

There is already enough found hidden votes for the US supreme to jump in and nullify the election----------I don't know if this would keep trump in or not as there are plenty of swamp republicans like Gov Kemp willing to help sneak bribe taking pedophile supporting or acting Biden. ( I suspect the whole biden clan is a pedophile family.......Grandpa Biden and daughter in law had to have known that Hunter biden was raping the 14 year old grand daugher.

Hoooray. Trump picked up a net of 1500 votes. You should be thankful. And the pickup weren't the machines, they were votes not counted. Nice try. Thanks for playing.

The counts were the machines/software not adding the votes to the count ....the dems and the dominion company are claiming human error by not uploading updates the day of the election...........sounds like Boeings jets crashing killing people and claiming it was pilot error. The machines were designed for fraud---election invalid....everyone can see the support Trump has while the pedophile bidens don't have.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.

You keep saying it like you mean it......knowing you are lying through your teeth...
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.

You keep saying it like you mean it......knowing you are lying through your teeth...

He lost. Move on. This really isn't healthy.

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