Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

DEMOCRATS: Once again seeing their alien world as normal and the result of their destruction as a success or at least the result of blaming others for what they did.

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.

That is a lie and you know it. Your comment contradicts police reports, eye witness accounts and mainstream media coverage. Who are you to insult the intelligence of those on this site.
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.
Good people with traditional families leave you if they can. Prog families will move to the Deplorable areas. That is a fact.
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.


It would not surprise me if you were one of the mob which vandalized our - maybe not your - Nation's Capitol; given by your posts and the tabloid Internet links you've posted - as if any of it is fact, and not propaganda - you use to manipulate and brainwash the biddable fools who still support trump.

One of the biddable fools has already posted an emoticon.
Last edited:
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.

There is no proof that the vandalism, arson and attacks on police officers were conducted by BLM or Antifa. The riots since 1965 has zero to do with Antifa; the causes are described in the link below:

There is a real possibility that Right Wing White Men were Agent Provocateurs leading the vandalism and arson; the looting showed that mostly black men and a few black women stole property, taking advantage of the broken doors and widows.
Nope. Those riots are 100% BLM and Antifa.

Deal with it, Dummy.
Rye its time to come up for air, admit it, there are extremist fringe groups on both sides of the coin, not everyone that participated in the Wednesday march stormed the capitol, yet you and your fellow travelers declare all people that marched in protest participated in "insurrection", for real? You have got to be kidding me, such utter bullshit! By your, Pelosi, Shumer, and host of others, they are guilty of an act of terrorism. So what about the case of those that marched, in peace, against events that happened in Ferguson, Missouri and had nothing to do nor participated in the subsequent looting, burning, and mayhem, across the country, are they not guilty of an act of terrorism? Apparently the definition of a terrorist act needs a little further review. A political party does not and should not be subject to a different standard and interpretation of law.
Rye its time to come up for air, admit it, there are extremist fringe groups on both sides of the coin, not everyone that participated in the Wednesday march stormed the capitol, yet you and your fellow travelers declare all people that marched in protest participated in "insurrection", for real? You have got to be kidding me, such utter bullshit! By your, Pelosi, Shumer, and host of others, they are guilty of an act of terrorism. So what about the case of those that marched, in peace, against events that happened in Ferguson, Missouri and had nothing to do nor participated in the subsequent looting, burning, and mayhem, across the country, are they not guilty of an act of terrorism? Apparently the definition of a terrorist act needs a little further review. A political party does not and should not be subject to a different standard and interpretation of law.

Not only does your syntax and rhetoric lack substance, it is IMO ludicrous. Sorry, I don't mean to offend you, but you are so out of touch with reality it does not have any credibility.
Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into ‘Oppressive Militarized Zone’ After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year

Pelosi and Schumer Accused Trump of Turning DC Into 'Oppressive Militarized Zone' After Antifa and Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists Torched City, Tried to Storm White House Last Year (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Kristinn Taylor
As the city prepares for the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden, Washington, D.C. is turning into a militarized zone in the wake of the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday. The Capitol and Supreme Court are fenced off, the Washington Monument has been closed and thousands of troops are being deployed to D.C.–with no complaints by Democrats.
Last year, a week after Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists tried to storm the White House on May 29 and torched and looted buildings, stores, restaurants, cars and a historic church near the White house that same weekend, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) accused President Trump of turning D.C. into a “military zone.”
The top House and Senate Democrats called on Trump to take down security fencing protecting Lafayette Park days after rioters had set fire to a Park Service building in the park, saying that making the park look like a “militarized zone” “sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.”
The statement by Pelosi and Schumer paints the protesters as peaceful and makes no mention of the rioting, arson and looting that took place, nor the dozens of law enforcement officers wounded by the Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer write that the Administration’s claim that the closing of Lafayette Square is required for security is insufficient – particularly in light of the dramatic expansion of the White House’s security perimeter in the mid-1990’s – and emphasize that Lafayette Square should remain a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the President cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.

Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats. Protesting obvious Democrat election vote fraud is now called sedition.
Anyone who condemns Trump over the January 6th orchestrated events of the false flag Antifa operation at the Capitol but not the nine months of BLM and Antifas rioting, looting and murderous mayhem is the enemy of truth, justice and freedom.
Trump verified American's suspicion of the Deep Corruption in Washington. We never imagined how deep the corruption was. The Progressive Marxist/DSA Demokkkrat Communist Party, Rino’s in the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, ex presidents like Obama, state politicians on both political parties. They have been trying to overthrow Trumps Presidency for over 4 years. Now election fraud. Even Rino’s like Billy Kristol has a website with Republicans against Trump. This is all very troubling. An authoritarian government is now supported and is being orchestrated by these various governmental organizations. The PM/DSA Democrat Commies are now shutting down Trumps communication to his 75 million supporters. Trump once said “They (meaning deep state), are not after me. They are after you. I am just in the way”.
This is now obvious in what people like Dorsey, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Pichai are doing. First to go is our freedom of speech, the retribution of conservatives, next our guns and religous freedom, then our property, then they will go after the useful idiots that allowed this all to happen.
I see no torches city

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