Pegida Founder refused entry to the UK


Why I Am More Afraid of PEGIDA Than Islamization

When I walk through the downtown area of my hometown, I can see a kebab diner, a Greek restaurant, a small Asian diner. I can see home-style restaurants and bars that have been around for what feels like centuries. A few weeks ago, we also had a Christmas market in this area. I cannot help but wonder why we do not have a “winter” — instead of Christmas — market already? I would’ve thought that had already happened due to the foreign infiltration so many are talking about. But that’s not the case.

Every once in a while, I see some of the refugees walking through the streets. They look like regular young men, and if it were not for their different skin color, I would not be able to tell the difference between them and the other adolescents living here. The only exception is that they are the only ones still greeting the cashiers in the supermarkets — even if it’s in broken German.

Can we really call this foreign infiltration? Is German culture going down the drain? No! Hospitality and diversity have always been part of German culture.

I look at Dresden, where thousands of people march in the streets against Islamization, using slogans such as “Down with the lying press,” “We are the people,” and most recently “Traitors of the people.” These slogans may sound really familiar if you just think back 80 years.

They publicly propagandize racism even if the demonstrators refuse to acknowledge it. We all know that not only racists join PEGIDA marches. However, the organizers indeed are racists. Actually, many of the groups marching along with PEGIDA are racist and some are even ready to use violence.

Who is the face of Pergida? Well....not very nice...

Lutz of the leaders...thinks it's cool to dress like Hitler while he echo's Nazi-like propoganda. He briefly resigned, then came back.


What does Pergida stand for?

What Pegida stands for is hard to ascertain, especially if you ask Pegida, largely because demonstrators have been urged not to talk to what they call the “Lügenpresse”, or liar press (a term of condemnation also used by the Nazis, by the way), and its organisers rarely give interviews. Some speak, but only through gritted teeth. They mention a desire for tighter immigration controls, for keeping war refugees in their homelands, for forcing foreigners in Germany to speak German at home (also a proposal made recently by the CSU, the sister party of the president, Angela Merkel) and for the swifter deportation of criminal asylum seekers (such as Bachmann, presumably).

Often their sentences begin “I am not racist, but” or “It is unfair to bunch us together with Nazis”, despite neo-Nazis being visibly in their midsts. Commentators refer to them as “Wutbürger” or “Frustbürger” – citizens angry and frustrated at everything from a higher cost of living to Greek bailouts. Their supporters despise these terms.

Perhaps the UK OUGHT to let him in...and treat him the way we treated the Westboro Baptists....

10 Nonviolent Ways to Thwart a Westboro Baptist Church Protest

Angel Action...

A wall of humanity...

Bring better singers...

and more....let him have his say...and let others have their say as well.

No violence.

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