Peer Reviewed Study: MOST scientists reject "man made" climate change!!

What matters is, a huge majority of the people think the scientists are fucking with the data

That's because you and yours have been INTENTIONALLY, SYSTEMATICALLY AND WILLFULLY LYING TO THEM for several years now.

You should be proud of yourselves. Your lying propaganda is working. Being a complete piece of shit from a moral perspective can have its advantages if all you're worried about is money and political power.
Is this the new conservative strategy? Science by cartoon?

And do you now believe that 98% of the world's active climate scientists are "radical leftist loons"?

Before posting, do you ever think to yourself "how stupid is this going to make me look"?

Is this the new conservative strategy? Science by cartoon?

It deserves nothing more. BTW- pictures work better for the radical leftist loons

And do you now believe that 98% of the world's active climate scientists are "radical leftist loons"?

Before posting, do you ever think to yourself "how stupid is this going to make me look"?
LMAO- Kettle, meet pot


You don't have much respect for science, I see:eusa_silenced:
Abraham3 said:
Is this the new conservative strategy? Science by cartoon?

Geaux4It said:
It deserves nothing more. BTW- pictures work better for the radical leftist loons

Then why did one of the more leftist participants here complain?

Abraham3 said:
And do you now believe that 98% of the world's active climate scientists are "radical leftist loons"?

Geaux4It said:

Okay, but that would make you something along the lines of a cast up lump of seaweed.

Abraham3 said:
Before posting, do you ever think to yourself "how stupid is this going to make me look"?

Geaux4It said:
LMAO- Kettle, meet pot

Well, this comment wasn't actually directed at you. But "it'll do, Pig, it'll do".

Geaux4It said:

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At some point, the inevitable results of the GHGs that we have introduced to the atmosphere will be evident to all. At that point, someone will finally point out who understood the consequences, and denied them simply because that would have created a situation where they added less to their already immense wealth. When this happens, you will see a backlash that will make the changes to society resulting from the '30' look paltry. really think for a minute, the screaming of the "Skeptics" has anything significant to due with green energy being the joke it still is? C'mon.......

The global economy runs on fossil fuels. Nothing is going to change that........100% certainty.

A few weird storms or a few slightly warmer summers are not going to move a soul to any significant action........100% certainty.

Its just the way it is. These multinationals run the world......they tell Obama and every other cheesdick leader what to do. That's the way it has always worked........corporations vying for a slice of the markets......some are big winners and some are little winners. Green energy is a little winner and will continue to be as long as the best they can bring to the table is solar and wind. There are enough idiot investors out there to have been duped enough to keep it afloat.......barely.

Heres a good analogy Ray.......somebody might tell me I could die within 5 years so best I go do some medical procedure now at mega-expensive cost to me and maybe it assures I live another 10 years for sure. But its a hedge for the doctor.......might very well be right.......might very well be wrong. So am I shelling out $40,000 bucks based upon that margin? Zero chance. People make decisions at the margin almost invariably.......and in the case of renewables, they're going nowhere short of a "Day After Tomorrow" event.

Lastly Ray.......does it at all matter to you that so many, many predictions, based upon these storied models, have turned out to be BS?? IDK.....if I buy a product and am taking it in to the shop for repair every few weeks, its exceedingly likely Im dumping the brand. But then again......IM very skeptical by nature. I don't trust anything the media tells me.....not FOX, not CNN......not anybody. I think they all shovel shit just to distract us and make us think we have a horse in the game that might win. I think the government lies to us every single day........Reagan.......Bush........Clinton..........Nixon.........Obama.........the congress. So computer models, which are akin to a roll of the dice, Im rarely going to put any stock in. ANd I think over time, that whole "computer model" tact worked.......sounds good........."computer models, they must be right always because computers are so smart". But over the years, people caught on that the computer "models" are frequently off.......sometimes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off.( look at hurricane snow predictions........all a joke )

The politicians have been throwing little dog bones to the environmentalists now for decades ( light bulb legislation ) ........and the environmentalists are still waiting for this day of a seminal consensus event where everything will turn on a dime.

Its not going to happen. I promise.
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Maybe we should make this another WINNING thread!!!

Matthew.......Abe........what do you think??:D:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::2up:

I like happy endings. Winning rocks!


If it is going to end up defunding all of science. It really sucks! Welcome to the next dark age as you people did 1,200 years ago as you came out of northern Europe as thugs!
Maybe we should make this another WINNING thread!!!

Matthew.......Abe........what do you think??:D:eusa_dance::D:eusa_dance::2up:

I like happy endings. Winning rocks!


If it is going to end up defunding all of science. It really sucks! Welcome to the next dark age as you people did 1,200 years ago as you came out of northern Europe as thugs!

Kind of sounds like those Neo-Nazi dudes in Ukraine Obama is supporting.

Just sayin

Let's look at the title. "Most scientists...". The problem is that the people surveyed were not scientists at all. They were rig workers. That would make it rather difficult for them to be a representative sample of actual climate scientists. On the other hand, if you go visit Wikipedia's article Surveys of scientists' views on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you will find numerous surveys of large groups of actual climate scientists who do make an excellent representative sample of all climate scientists. And those samples show VERY high acceptance of AGW.

This thread is like trying to convince us that most of medical science does not actually believe that bacteria and viruses cause disease by getting the opinion of all the chimpanzees at the zoo.
Let's look at the title. "Most scientists...". The problem is that the people surveyed were not scientists at all. They were rig workers. That would make it rather difficult for them to be a representative sample of actual climate scientists. On the other hand, if you go visit Wikipedia's article Surveys of scientists' views on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you will find numerous surveys of large groups of actual climate scientists who do make an excellent representative sample of all climate scientists. And those samples show VERY high acceptance of AGW.

This thread is like trying to convince us that most of medical science does not actually believe that bacteria and viruses cause disease by getting the opinion of all the chimpanzees at the zoo.

Oh Gawd.

Yup....they were rig workers and hobo's........a couple of prostitutes too!!!:D:D:eusa_dance:

Of course the closed society of "real" climate scientists connected to the rigging the data are going to show "high acceptance of AGW".:lol:

ps s0n.....referencing Wikkipedia is the height of ghey. Like Dot Com referencing The Daily Kos or Mamooth referencing his scary-ass mountain lion.
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I'll admit that we have a lot to learn about our planet and this pause shows us just how much we know. I just have a hard time believing that the higher estimates have any thing to do with reality with the negative forcing overtaking the positive currently so easily.

I wish warmers would trend towards rational and calm attitude with the pubic. This would win us some more respect.
I'll admit that we have a lot to learn about our planet and this pause shows us just how much we know. I just have a hard time believing that the higher estimates have any thing to do with reality with the negative forcing overtaking the positive currently so easily.

I wish warmers would trend towards rational and calm attitude with the pubic. This would win us some more respect.

Wont happen Matthew.....these people, in the face of overwhelming evidence, wont acknowledge the pause for a single second. Its fascinating.......since 2007, their efforts have gone in one direction: south. I was saying 5 years ago on here that it was time for Plan B for the alarmist contingent. Instead, they've doubled down on the bomb throwing and lost a lot of credibility. They'll never acknowledge that publically, but it is a fact.

Here is another fact.....people just don't respond to incremental events. The warmists are stuck trying to prove their points in this dynamic. People have to be jolted to action via significant events. In my world, I see many exceedingly concerned about the erosion of freedoms in this country over the past ten years or so.....and it is very real. But they still sit silent. The warmists are trying to move their agenda forward with these yawn events like the California drought.......laughable.
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Let's look at the title. "Most scientists...". The problem is that the people surveyed were not scientists at all. They were rig workers. That would make it rather difficult for them to be a representative sample of actual climate scientists. On the other hand, if you go visit Wikipedia's article Surveys of scientists' views on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you will find numerous surveys of large groups of actual climate scientists who do make an excellent representative sample of all climate scientists. And those samples show VERY high acceptance of AGW.

This thread is like trying to convince us that most of medical science does not actually believe that bacteria and viruses cause disease by getting the opinion of all the chimpanzees at the zoo.

Oh Gawd.

Yup....they were rig workers and hobo's........a couple of prostitutes too!!!:D:D:eusa_dance:

Of course the closed society of "real" climate scientists connected to the rigging the data are going to show "high acceptance of AGW".:lol:

Articles: IPCC 's Bogus Evidence for Global Warming

ps s0n.....referencing Wikkipedia is the height of ghey. Like Dot Com referencing The Daily Kos or Mamooth referencing his scary-ass mountain lion.

So, can we assume that when attempting to discern the answer to any complex question, you would OPPOSE the idea of seeking the opinions of the experts on the topic in question?
LMAO.....from the worlds climate chief today >>>

March 11, 2014 5:48 pm

Climate chief warns battle to curb warming is becoming harder

The struggle to curb global warming is becoming increasingly fraught and costly, the head of the world’s leading climate science authority has warned.

“We will have to work much harder to win this battle now than we would have been required to do 10 or 15 years ago,” Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told the FT in an interview.

Climate chief warns battle to curb warming is becoming harder -

See red highlighted item......something the AGW nutters fail to take into consideration while on their crusade. Which is why they are losing.:D

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