"Peace talks with the Taliban"??? Are you shitting me?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The Obama administration is trying to resume peace talks with the Taliban but is awaiting formal approval from Karzai, who torpedoed an earlier attempt at negotiations."

Fuck the Taliban. Fuck their dumbass corpses. Fuck Obama. What a bunch of pigs. They were made for each other.

Panetta: Apparent Marine desecration of Taliban corpses is ‘utterly deplorable’ - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Well, the US has negotiated with the Soviet Union and Japan today is an ally. Problem is islime teaches that deception and lying in the way of allah is a virtue. Also, the Russians were equally fearful of death whereas muslimes worship death
"The Obama administration is trying to resume peace talks with the Taliban but is awaiting formal approval from Karzai, who torpedoed an earlier attempt at negotiations."

Fuck the Taliban. Fuck their dumbass corpses. Fuck Obama. What a bunch of pigs. They were made for each other.

Panetta: Apparent Marine desecration of Taliban corpses is ‘utterly deplorable’ - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post
Only the GOP are allowed to kiss up with the Taliban.


Rogue Statesman September 6 - 12, 2002
Rogue Statesman

by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:

Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
So much for the long standing policy of not negotiating with terrorists.
More concerning is how do you hold a rogue organization without borders accountable?
"The Obama administration is trying to resume peace talks with the Taliban but is awaiting formal approval from Karzai, who torpedoed an earlier attempt at negotiations."

Fuck the Taliban. Fuck their dumbass corpses. Fuck Obama. What a bunch of pigs. They were made for each other.

Panetta: Apparent Marine desecration of Taliban corpses is ‘utterly deplorable’ - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

It's not going to work, the Taliban are not going to honor any agreements that come out of this anyways.
It's not going to work, the Taliban are not going to honor any agreements that come out of this anyways.
On what basis do you draw that conclusion?

Why would they? they will just say and promise whatever they have to so US Troops can leave the country and they can start running things the way they used to, thats what I would do if I were them.
Because they have a large political influence in Afghanistan.

The Taliban need to be part of any government or political solution for that countries future. :cool:

The degenerate pedophile-worshipping muhammadan invaded Afghanistan when it was a Buddhist country and turned it into another muslime shithole like every other muslime shithole.

Go back to arabia where you trash came from
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Taliban Peace Talks: U.S. Eyes Options To Restart Negotiations


WASHINGTON, April 24 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's administration, seeking to revive stalled Afghan peace talks, may alter plans to transfer Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay prison after its initial proposal fell foul of political opponents at home and the insurgents themselves.

As foreign forces prepare to exit Afghanistan, the White House had hoped to lay the groundwork for peace talks by sending five Taliban prisoners, some seen as among the most threatening detainees at Guantanamo, to Qatar to rejoin other Taliban members opening a political office there.

In return, the Taliban would make its own good-faith gestures, denouncing terrorism and supporting the hoped-for talks with the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

While that plan has not been scotched entirely, several sources familiar with preliminary discussions within the U.S. government said the United States may instead, as an initial gesture meant to revive diplomacy, send one of those detainees directly to Afghan government custody.

The sources identified the detainee as a former Taliban regional governor named Khairullah Khairkhwa, who is seen by American officials as less dangerous than other senior Taliban detainees now held at the U.S. military prison in Cuba.

No final decision appears to have been made on Khairkhwa's fate.

Taliban Peace Talks: U.S. Eyes Options To Restart Negotiations
Because they have a large political influence in Afghanistan.

The Taliban need to be part of any government or political solution for that countries future. :cool:

They should have been put out of business when they destroyed those ancient Buddha statues.
It's not going to work, the Taliban are not going to honor any agreements that come out of this anyways.
On what basis do you draw that conclusion?

If you have to ask... the answer wont be sufficient for you.

Too stupid of a question to waste time answering IMO.


And I am sure these guys families will appreciate this move by the Obama regime as well....

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Please don't tell me you righties don't know about all the truces and money Bush gave to the Taliban and Mook Tada El Sadr and many other warlords for a truce or to get them to stop killing our troops with snipers and roadside bombs. Righties still don't even know who we were fighting in Iraq. Or that we were fighting several different enemies at the same time and how they were different. Some Sunni's, some Shiites, some Iranians, some Al Queda, some just Iraqi patriots who didn't like being invaded.
Please don't tell me you righties don't know about all the truces and money Bush gave to the Taliban and Mook Tada El Sadr and many other warlords for a truce or to get them to stop killing our troops with snipers and roadside bombs. Righties still don't even know who we were fighting in Iraq. Or that we were fighting several different enemies at the same time and how they were different. Some Sunni's, some Shiites, some Iranians, some Al Queda, some just Iraqi patriots who didn't like being invaded.

We really need to return the tried and tested methods of fighting a war. Hit first, hit hard, walk away. None of this 'hearts and minds' shit. You send in the troops, without tying their hands with bullshit RoEs, you 'unleash the hounds', and when your enemy is dead, you walk away. Job done.
We really need to return the tried and tested methods of fighting a war. Hit first, hit hard, walk away. None of this 'hearts and minds' shit. You send in the troops, without tying their hands with bullshit RoEs, you 'unleash the hounds', and when your enemy is dead, you walk away. Job done.


Please don't tell me you righties don't know about all the truces and money Bush gave to the Taliban and Mook Tada El Sadr and many other warlords for a truce or to get them to stop killing our troops with snipers and roadside bombs. Righties still don't even know who we were fighting in Iraq. Or that we were fighting several different enemies at the same time and how they were different. Some Sunni's, some Shiites, some Iranians, some Al Queda, some just Iraqi patriots who didn't like being invaded.

You came way out of left field with this post, what does any of this have to with a peace deal with the Taliban?:confused:

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