PC police in England


Active Member
Oct 26, 2004
Got this off of Fox news Tounge Tied and thought I would pass it on.

Now It's an Issue

Now that a prominent Muslim has been caught up in the dragnet targeting politically incorrect speech in Britain, the chief of the Metropolitan Police says it may be time to rethink how and whether the police chase offenders.

The Independent says Sir Ian Blair is moving to end such "pointless and costly" investigations into allegedly homophobic and racist statements broadcast on radio and television. Currently, police are required to investigate any complaints from viewers and listeners as potential "hate" crimes.

The announcement comes days after the Met began investigating Sir Iqbal Sacranie, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, over a BBC Radio 4 interview in which he voiced his view that homosexuality was "not acceptable."

Earlier police investigations of Christians, right-wing politicians and college kids who use the phrase "gay" to describe police horses didn't prompt any re-thinks by Sir Ian.
William Joyce said:
The PC police in England are real.


In America, you get fired from your job for speaking the truth about Muslims, blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc.

There, you go to jail.

Love the sig, btw.

I, personally, do not stand for stuff like that. I will quit a job next chance I get if I see somebody get fired for using "hate speech" except when they use it to intentionally offend a customer (or if they're just stupid about it, like saying 'towelhead' near a group of Arab customers).

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