Zone1 Paul told all women to shut up. Paul was not a nice person.

Women had fewer rights than cattle under the Babylonian cult 's ridiculous legalisms. There is a good reason why so many Jews became eager converts to the new reform sect.
Ridiculous 'logic'. Faggot fetishism is also more rare. The Bible doesn't mention picking your nose in public with your big toes would be bad either, but that doesn't mean it endorse it.

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Colossians 3:8
Paul had major issues. Anything he wrote is irrelevant.
If you throw out what Paul wrote you would have a very short New Testament.


The questions “Who wrote most of the New Testament?” and “Who wrote most of the books of the New Testament?” are different questions with different answers. By number of books, Paul is at the top; by volume, Luke is the winner.

The apostle Paul wrote the most books of the New Testament—13 total out of 27:

• Romans
• 1 and 2 Corinthians
• Galatians
• Ephesians
• Philippians
• Colossians
• 1 and 2 Thessalonians
• 1 and 2 Timothy
• Titus
• Philemon

Paul clearly identifies himself as the author of each “book” that he wrote. Actually, all of his writings are epistles (letters) written to individuals or churches to instruct them in the faith
But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Colossians 3:8

You unless they're whining faggots and commies. Then we're all supposed to fall over and pander to them.
Personally I just treat everyone the same and I seem to have no problems.

That's because you're a commie and support normalizing faggot fetishism and have no objections to grooming kids to letting pedophiles rape them. You're a Democrat. OF course you 'get along' with them.
That's because you're a commie and support normalizing faggot fetishism and have no objections to grooming kids to letting pedophiles rape them. You're a Democrat. OF course you 'get along' with them.

I'm not a Democrat but I hope no one looks to your example for what a Christian should be.
I saw the language he used to describe Jews who would not abandon Judaism and worship Jesus.
Paul did not force anyone to worship Jesus. He nowhere writes that Jews should cease Torah observance, and in fact when falsely accused of such went through purification. Jewish leadership had trouble with Paul and all the Apostles, but it does not seem Paul had issues with the Jewish people.
Paul did not force anyone to worship Jesus. He nowhere writes that Jews should cease Torah observance, and in fact when falsely accused of such went through purification. Jewish leadership had trouble with Paul and all the Apostles, but it does not seem Paul had issues with the Jewish people.
I didnt say that. I said he spoke of contempt for Jews. Just look at the following, in which he says that Jews displease Gd and are hostile to everyone….that others suffer because of the Jews….that Jews pile their sins up to the limit….that they killed Jesus (of course)…and that Gd’s wrath is upon them.

That’s some pretty damning remarks about Jews. HE is the root cause of all the antisemitism among Christians.

I didnt say that. I said he spoke of contempt for Jews. Just look at the following, in which he says that Jews displease Gd and are hostile to everyone….that others suffer because of the Jews….that Jews pile their sins up to the limit….that they killed Jesus (of course)…and that Gd’s wrath is upon them.

That’s some pretty damning remarks about Jews. HE is the root cause of all the antisemitism among Christians.

One of the first things I thought was, "Is Lisa referring to 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16" and immediately dismissed it. At the time Jewish leadership in Thessalonian was causing trouble for those who were listening to Paul. It wasn't Paul and those interested in what Paul was saying that were causing trouble. Jewish leadership was persecuting Paul and his followers. Paul pointed out that this leadership was of the same mold as the leadership in Jerusalem that fought against what Jesus had been saying. Paul did not fight against Jewish faith, he did fight against the political faction of Jewish leadership.

Paul's respect for Jews cannot be denied. One of Paul's disciples had a Jewish mother and Greek father and had not been circumcised. Paul advised this young man to be circumcised even though he fought against gentiles being circumcised in order to join the Christian church. Paul observed the Jewish tradition of purification. He was not trying to change Judaism but to point at how Judaism was being fulfilled in their lifetime. Paul was continually pointing out (even when he was on trial) his promotion of Jewish teachings. And those judging agreed that he had.
I didnt say that. I said he spoke of contempt for Jews. Just look at the following, in which he says that Jews displease Gd and are hostile to everyone….that others suffer because of the Jews….that Jews pile their sins up to the limit….that they killed Jesus (of course)…and that Gd’s wrath is upon them.

That’s some pretty damning remarks about Jews. HE is the root cause of all the antisemitism among Christians.

Paul was also quite a naughty Jew before he got saved. Being Jewish isn't the problem. Being an unbeliever and persecuting Christians was the problem.
Paul was also quite a naughty Jew before he got saved. Being Jewish isn't the problem. Being an unbeliever and persecuting Christians was the problem.
Jews persecuted Christians? We just wanted to be able to practice our faith without being subjected to contempt for not wanting to abandon Judaism.

Christians have persecuted Jews. You have it backwards.
Jews persecuted Christians? We just wanted to be able to practice our faith without being subjected to contempt for not wanting to abandon Judaism.
Christians weren't murdering Jews. Paul was and so were other Jews before they became Christians. In fact, all the first Christians were Jews.
Christians weren't murdering Jews. Paul was and so were other Jews before they became Christians. In fact, all the first Christians were Jews.
I know all that. The topic was the contempt which with Paul referred to Jews who refused to convert to Christianity.

And would you give me a break?
I know all that. The topic was the contempt which with Paul referred to Jews who refused to convert to Christianity.

And would you give me a break?
What do you mean by giving you a break? This isn't an interrogation.

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