Paul Ryan's Response to Obama's Speech Yesterday

Nobody is attempting to dismantle them.

Under Ryan's proposal, will CHIP receive a dime of funding after 2013? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will the defined public health insurance benefit known as Medicare exist for those who are not grandfathered in? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will Medicaid cease to be a federal match for state dollars spent on health services but instead be a significantly smaller (in total) lump sum given to states annually, virtually guaranteeing significant losses of coverage? (yes)

To save you time, I've provided the answers for you.

The Republicans should take justifiable offense because they aren't trying to eliminate them. They are trying to reform and preserve for future generations.

Now I'm starting to take justifiable offense. How long are you going to continue pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining?

Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?
I'd give the tax cuts to the middle class. When the middle class gets tax cuts they spend, when the wealthy get tax cuts they save.
Over two thirds of our economy is driven by consumer spending, in other words our economy is driven by the middle class. When our economy is humming tax receipts increase.
Also, as wealth has been increasing for the the top percentile, the working class has been losing wealth and has been living with flat wages for over thirty years.

Yet another idiot who believes that cutting taxes to increase consumption will grow the economy.
Hey, moron. We've had two years of that kind of thinking and guess what? IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK.

You cut taxes to increase people's incentive to work harder and/or save more. Saving more enables an investment pool that is loaned to companies to start up or expand. People work harder because they can keep more of what they earn.
You don't grow the economy by sending people checks to buy new iPods. We've had three experiences with that and every one was a dismal failure.
Cripes. This country is toast if people haven't seen what a fraud and empty suit Obama is. His new budget (remember he propsoed one in February) starts saving money in five years. We have a spending problem NOW.

Still clueless as Obama, huh Rabbi?
I said I'd cut taxes for the middle class. Why do hate the middle class and have your nose up the top percentile's posterior?
Middle Class spending would jump start the economy more than giving the uber rich a tax cut that cuts their rate by half and eliminates the Capital Gains/Dividend tax who pocket the windfall.
Please stop being a reactionary and read the post before you go on one of your fanatical rants!

No yuou've already posted that. And I responded as to why that doesn't work. Merely repeating your position is not arguing or defending it.
Middle class spending will not do anything. If it did we would be having a terrific economy right now as the gov't has pumped billions of dollars into all kinds of boondoggles.
Tax policy should stimulate at the margin, meaning that it changes people's incentives to work and invest. It is investments that spur the economy, not consumer spending. This has been shown time and time again.
Ryans plan is to give vouchers to the elderly and have them go to private insurance. Seriously, this is his plan. Wow.

Why is that a problem?

He wants to cut taxes for the rich and big businesses.

Again, why is that a problem?

How do you respond to this? He takes away from the poor to literally give to the rich.

What's he giving the rich?

That is class warfare.

No, class warfare is emasculated pussies like you who think someone else should wipe your ass for you because you're not enough of a man to do it yourself.

Talk about emasculated pussies, when are the Rs going to stop whining about the president's criticism of Paul Ryan's budget proposal?


These people are given another chance to lead and they offer garbage like medicare coupons? Which insurance company, pray tell, is going to give a shit about an 80 year old health risk?

These people are a joke. The president stopped short of telling them that but they nonetheless are.
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

That's exactly right.

They want to defund the Health Care Reform Plan...AND THEN turn Medicaid and Medicare into what the Healthcare Reform Plan use to be. It's cynical nonsense. They also want to cut social programs that fund women's health, feeding kids and the IRS. That last one is interesting since it is estimated that the IRS could recoup some 300 Billion dollars! Add cuts for the military.

Whatever "savings" in this mess gets eaten up by tax cuts for the wealthy.

It's nuts.
Nobody is attempting to dismantle them.

Under Ryan's proposal, will CHIP receive a dime of funding after 2013? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will the defined public health insurance benefit known as Medicare exist for those who are not grandfathered in? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will Medicaid cease to be a federal match for state dollars spent on health services but instead be a significantly smaller (in total) lump sum given to states annually, virtually guaranteeing significant losses of coverage? (yes)

To save you time, I've provided the answers for you.

The Republicans should take justifiable offense because they aren't trying to eliminate them. They are trying to reform and preserve for future generations.

Now I'm starting to take justifiable offense. How long are you going to continue pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining?

Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?

What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.
And Obama's "plan" is to cut 4 trillion off the debt in 12 years.

So let's explain this.

When Obama took office our debt was 10 trillion. In 2 years he pumped it up to 14 trillion and now he wants to take 12 years to do nothing but bring us back to where he started.

Yeah that's progress.
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

That's exactly right.

They want to defund the Health Care Reform Plan...AND THEN turn Medicaid and Medicare into what the Healthcare Reform Plan use to be. It's cynical nonsense. They also want to cut social programs that fund women's health, feeding kids and the IRS. That last one is interesting since it is estimated that the IRS could recoup some 300 Billion dollars! Add cuts for the military.

Whatever "savings" in this mess gets eaten up by tax cuts for the wealthy.

It's nuts.

What's really nuts is BO's leadership....he's just guiding us into any good little marxist would do to bring down America....

Tell the hell is a BANKRUPT Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security going to help ANYBODY....???
Because bankruptcy is exactly where they are headed if something is not done to save them....better to have modified versions of medicare/medicaid/ss than NO versions of them whatsoever...

You guys are so led by the nose by BO's marxist class warfare on the rich which just fans your jealousy that somebody is making more money than you and makes you ignorantly think taxing the rich is the solution (it's not)....that you would allow the whole country to be driven into a financial ditch.....a financial ditch where the suffering of millions would be unimaginable....that's what really happens when you follow a marxist leader....

On the other hand....Paul Ryan's plan would actually SAVE our bacon....and this is confirmed by a CBO analysis....

CBO Analysis of A Roadmap for America's Future
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), absent reforms to gain control of federal spending, deficits, and debt, the U.S. economy will stagnate and then literally crash. Unless reformed to slow their spending growth, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will go bankrupt and be unable to meet their obligations to seniors and low-income families. CBO highlights the fact that the real risk to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is doing nothing.

CBO analyzed A Roadmap for America’s Future (H.R. 4529) and produced a detailed 50-page review of the plan and its impact on the long-term budget and economic outlook. According to CBO, A Roadmap for America’s Future provides reforms that make possible a growing and prosperous U.S. economy. It ensures the Medicare program does not go bankrupt and makes Social Security permanently solvent. It does so without changing benefits for those who are currently 55 and older. It balances the budget and pays off the debt. In short, CBO concludes that the Roadmap would put the budget and economy on sustainable path compared to current policies that will bankrupt America.

CBO analyzed the Roadmap relative to its “Alternative Fiscal Scenario,” which represents a current policy scenario that CBO has developed to evaluate long-term budget trends.

Below are highlights from the CBO analysis of the Roadmap:



CBO Analysis of A Roadmap for America's Future | A Roadmap for America's Future | The Budget Committee Republicans
Under Ryan's proposal, will CHIP receive a dime of funding after 2013? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will the defined public health insurance benefit known as Medicare exist for those who are not grandfathered in? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will Medicaid cease to be a federal match for state dollars spent on health services but instead be a significantly smaller (in total) lump sum given to states annually, virtually guaranteeing significant losses of coverage? (yes)

To save you time, I've provided the answers for you.

Now I'm starting to take justifiable offense. How long are you going to continue pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining?

Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?

What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?
Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?

What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?


Every change that leads to privatization will end it.

Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?

What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?

Wrong. Every change suggested by the Republican/Tea Party benefits the few and not the many. It hurts those in need, the aged and infirm, people callous conservatives leave out of every equation.
What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?

Wrong. Every change suggested by the Republican/Tea Party benefits the few and not the many. It hurts those in need, the aged and infirm, people callous conservatives leave out of every equation.

So when you can't argue you throw talking points. Actually they aren't even talking points. They are bumper stickers. You cannot think beyond the bumper sticker stage.
What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?

Wrong. Every change suggested by the Republican/Tea Party benefits the few and not the many. It hurts those in need, the aged and infirm, people callous conservatives leave out of every equation.

America should not have the "many" who are in need.....this is the core of the whole damn problem...liberals have encouraged a slacker-sucker society...we have far too many of them...

There is nothing wrong with a privatized medical care fact....that's what your favorite congressmen are using...
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Are you still passing this lie that Ryan wants to end Medicare? What is the new program going to be called? What dept will it be under?

What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?
Hey, he is only using the same "logic" CON$ used to claim that Obama's health care reform that required everyone to get private health insurance would end private health insurance.

Did you throw the same shit fit when CON$ spread that lie????
I highly doubt it!!!!!!!!
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What lie?

The only thing that won't change about Medicare is the name.

Otherwise it's basically become privitized nonsense.

So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?
Hey, he is only using the same "logic" CON$ used to claim that Obama's health care reform that required everyone to get private health insurance would end private health insurance.

Did you throw the same shit fie when CON$ spread that lie????
I highly doubt it!!!!!!!!

however nobody would be "required".....or else be fined or go to with Obamacare...
And Obama's "plan" is to cut 4 trillion off the debt in 12 years.

So let's explain this.

When Obama took office our debt was 10 trillion. In 2 years he pumped it up to 14 trillion and now he wants to take 12 years to do nothing but bring us back to where he started.

Yeah that's progress.
12 trillion of the 14 trillion came from 3 GOP presidents, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. The remaining 2 trillion came from all the other presidents, including Obama, in the history of this great country combined. So now we are supposed believe that the Party of "deficits don't matter" suddenly believes that deficits DO matter, for any reason other than for political purposes, is ridiculous!!!!

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
So every change made to Medicare means ending the program? Rly?
Hey, he is only using the same "logic" CON$ used to claim that Obama's health care reform that required everyone to get private health insurance would end private health insurance.

Did you throw the same shit fit when CON$ spread that lie????
I highly doubt it!!!!!!!!

however nobody would be "required".....or else be fined or go to with Obamacare...
You gotta love CON$ervative rationalizations! Fining people who don't get private health insurance justifies CON$ lying that Obama will end private health insurance.
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And Obama's "plan" is to cut 4 trillion off the debt in 12 years.

So let's explain this.

When Obama took office our debt was 10 trillion. In 2 years he pumped it up to 14 trillion and now he wants to take 12 years to do nothing but bring us back to where he started.

Yeah that's progress.
12 trillion of the 14 trillion came from 3 GOP presidents, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. The remaining 2 trillion came from all the other presidents, including Obama, in the history of this great country combined. So now we are supposed believe that the Party of "deficits don't matter" suddenly believes that deficits DO matter, for any reason other than for political purposes, is ridiculous!!!!

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

Deficits can largely take care of themselves if we have GROWTH.....hell even sorry-ass Clinton was able to "get rid" of the deficit.....(many thanks to a Reagan afterglow and a budget conscious Republican Congress)...
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Nobody is attempting to dismantle them.

Under Ryan's proposal, will CHIP receive a dime of funding after 2013? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will the defined public health insurance benefit known as Medicare exist for those who are not grandfathered in? (no) Under Ryan's proposal, will Medicaid cease to be a federal match for state dollars spent on health services but instead be a significantly smaller (in total) lump sum given to states annually, virtually guaranteeing significant losses of coverage? (yes)

To save you time, I've provided the answers for you.

The Republicans should take justifiable offense because they aren't trying to eliminate them. They are trying to reform and preserve for future generations.

Now I'm starting to take justifiable offense. How long are you going to continue pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining?

Both Medicare and Medicaid will continue to exist. I'm not the one pissing on your leg. It's your own urine you feel running down it.
Hey, he is only using the same "logic" CON$ used to claim that Obama's health care reform that required everyone to get private health insurance would end private health insurance.

Did you throw the same shit fit when CON$ spread that lie????
I highly doubt it!!!!!!!!

however nobody would be "required".....or else be fined or go to with Obamacare...
You gotta love CON$ervative rationalizations! Fining people who don't get private health insurance justifies CON$ lying that Obama end private health insurance.

You never got the real picture did you? Private health insurance would end because companies would find it was cheaper if they just paid the fines and let people go get Obamacare...
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