Paul Ryan's Response to Obama's Speech Yesterday

"Exploiting people's emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope, is not change, it is partisanship." You can tell in the video Ryan is truly pissed off and downright offended by Obama's antics.

All Republicans need to follow Ryan's lead and act that way - downright offended. Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future. As Ryan says, it's about saving these programs so that they can be maintained. Delaying action with rhetoric about killing Grandma and hating children is not a solution.

Who wouldn't be? Obama's speech was about as offensive and over the top as it gets. I would have walked out on it.
Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future.

What's disgusting is these constant attempts to whitewash what Ryan's proposing while still pretending it's so very brave.

Here's a tiny dose of reality for you. Ending CHIP hurts people (in this case, children). Slashing the federal commitment to Medicaid by a third hurts people, namely, children, seniors, low-income parents, and folks in need of long-term care. Dismantling Medicare and instead leaving future seniors to spend significantly more on whatever plan they can get from BlueCross or Aetna or whoever hurts people.

Frankly, I find Ryan's (and his supporters') indignation embarrassing. Take some responsibility for your ideas. Now that would be bold and brave.
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i'm sorry paul ryan has a problem with people being offended that he thinks medicare should be a voucher system that can't possibly ever pay for old people's health care.

i'm equally sorry that paul ryan thinks that the middle class should be squeezed even further so that rich people can avoid taxes on capital gains.

life's rough that way.
Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future.

What's disgusting is these constant attempts to whitewash what Ryan's proposing while still pretending it's so very brave.

Here's a tiny dose of reality for you. Ending CHIP hurts people (in this case, children). Slashing the federal commitment to Medicaid by a third hurts people, namely, children, seniors, low-income parents, and folks in need of long-term care. Dismantling Medicare and instead leaving future seniors to spend significantly more on whatever plan they can get from BlueCross or Aetna or whoever hurts people.

Frankly, I find Ryan's (and his supporters') indignation embarrassing. Take some responsibility for your ideas. Now that would be bold and brave.

LOLz, what a silly post. Ending programs hurts people... LOL! Ahhh, lets make a program for everything and when we can't afford it, well say "it hurts people." Shit, we'll say "It kills people to end this program."

Sad fuckin times lol.
The Top 5%.

Why should they get their tax rate cut in half while the middle class's taxes go up via VAT?.
Lowering the uber rich's tax rate certainly doesn't help shrink the deficit and I thought that shrinking the deficit was the most important thing. I guess not!

If shrinking the deficit was the most important thing then why are Dems against spending cuts...? Guess they don't care....all BO would do is tax the rich and spend some more...

Who says we're getting a VAT tax...?

How Paul Ryan (R-WI) would ditch Medicare and increase taxes on 90% of Americans - National Political Buzz |
But I thought Democrats wanted to raise taxes??
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

What is your solution?

I'd give the tax cuts to the middle class. When the middle class gets tax cuts they spend, when the wealthy get tax cuts they save.
Over two thirds of our economy is driven by consumer spending, in other words our economy is driven by the middle class. When our economy is humming tax receipts increase.
Also, as wealth has been increasing for the the top percentile, the working class has been losing wealth and has been living with flat wages for over thirty years.

Yet another idiot who believes that cutting taxes to increase consumption will grow the economy.
Hey, moron. We've had two years of that kind of thinking and guess what? IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK.

You cut taxes to increase people's incentive to work harder and/or save more. Saving more enables an investment pool that is loaned to companies to start up or expand. People work harder because they can keep more of what they earn.
You don't grow the economy by sending people checks to buy new iPods. We've had three experiences with that and every one was a dismal failure.
Cripes. This country is toast if people haven't seen what a fraud and empty suit Obama is. His new budget (remember he propsoed one in February) starts saving money in five years. We have a spending problem NOW.
I liked Ryan's response.
Here we are with all these problems and our President comes out speaking about the rich this and that.
We are in a financial crisis caused by our government spending too much of our kids $$ and our President is in campaign mode with his speeches.
Anyone that believes taxing the producers more is an idiot. When a household has to borrow 40% of the $$ it spends to pay their bills the problem ALWAYS IS SPENDING.
The Democrats proposal is not to cut up the credit cards. Their proposal is to increase the credit limits on each card, triple the debt on each one in a spending binge and expect future earners, our kids and grandkids to work three jobs to pay for it with social security and Medicare broke while doing so.
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What's disgusting is these constant attempts to whitewash what Ryan's proposing while still pretending it's so very brave.

Here's a tiny dose of reality for you. Ending CHIP hurts people (in this case, children). Slashing the federal commitment to Medicaid by a third hurts people, namely, children, seniors, low-income parents, and folks in need of long-term care. Dismantling Medicare and instead leaving future seniors to spend significantly more on whatever plan they can get from BlueCross or Aetna or whoever hurts people.

Frankly, I find Ryan's (and his supporters') indignation embarrassing. Take some responsibility for your ideas. Now that would be bold and brave.

If these reforms are not done then they will eventually bankrupt the country and nobody will have any of it ever. You people seem to think we have an endless supply of money. You are neither serious about this growing problem, nor credible.

Furthermore, it's not my responsibility to pay the health care bills of other people's children and other people's grandparents, so if they do get hurt by the cuts, which I'm not convinced of, that's their problem, not mine.
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i'm sorry paul ryan has a problem with people being offended that he thinks medicare should be a voucher system that can't possibly ever pay for old people's health care.

i'm equally sorry that paul ryan thinks that the middle class should be squeezed even further so that rich people can avoid taxes on capital gains.

life's rough that way.
Capital gains is like an unlimited IRA for the wealthy. All the increase in value is completely untaxed until it is sold, and even then it is taxed at a lower rate than the income from a wage earner, and the greedy rich are STILL not satisfied with all those tax advantages.
They think they are too ELITE to pay any taxes at all!!! :fu:
What is your solution?

I'd give the tax cuts to the middle class. When the middle class gets tax cuts they spend, when the wealthy get tax cuts they save.
Over two thirds of our economy is driven by consumer spending, in other words our economy is driven by the middle class. When our economy is humming tax receipts increase.
Also, as wealth has been increasing for the the top percentile, the working class has been losing wealth and has been living with flat wages for over thirty years.

Yet another idiot who believes that cutting taxes to increase consumption will grow the economy.
Hey, moron. We've had two years of that kind of thinking and guess what? IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK.

You cut taxes to increase people's incentive to work harder and/or save more. Saving more enables an investment pool that is loaned to companies to start up or expand. People work harder because they can keep more of what they earn.
You don't grow the economy by sending people checks to buy new iPods. We've had three experiences with that and every one was a dismal failure.
Cripes. This country is toast if people haven't seen what a fraud and empty suit Obama is. His new budget (remember he propsoed one in February) starts saving money in five years. We have a spending problem NOW.

Still clueless as Obama, huh Rabbi?
I said I'd cut taxes for the middle class. Why do hate the middle class and have your nose up the top percentile's posterior?
Middle Class spending would jump start the economy more than giving the uber rich a tax cut that cuts their rate by half and eliminates the Capital Gains/Dividend tax who pocket the windfall.
Please stop being a reactionary and read the post before you go on one of your fanatical rants!
Dont Taz Me Bro said:
If these reforms are not done then they will eventually bankrupt the country and nobody will have any of it ever. You people seem to think we have an endless supply of money. You are neither serious about this growing problem, nor credible.

There are indeed ways to slow spending growth in public health insurance programs without dismantling them.

Furthermore, it's not my responsibility to pay the health care bills of other people's children and other people's grandparents.

This! You've gone from "Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting." to admitting you believe those programs are fundamentally illegitimate.

I know you think that, I know Ryan thinks that. You're free to think that--hell, I hope the Republicans run on it. They ought to make the Ryan plan to end CHIP and Medicare and slash Medicaid the centerpiece of the 2012 campaign.

But why on earth would you or anyone else "take justified offense" for the Democrats reiterating that? What's disingenuous is admitting you don't think these programs should exist while simultaneously spinning the bullshit line about how all you want is to save them.
Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future.

What's disgusting is these constant attempts to whitewash what Ryan's proposing while still pretending it's so very brave.

Here's a tiny dose of reality for you. Ending CHIP hurts people (in this case, children). Slashing the federal commitment to Medicaid by a third hurts people, namely, children, seniors, low-income parents, and folks in need of long-term care. Dismantling Medicare and instead leaving future seniors to spend significantly more on whatever plan they can get from BlueCross or Aetna or whoever hurts people.

Frankly, I find Ryan's (and his supporters') indignation embarrassing. Take some responsibility for your ideas. Now that would be bold and brave.

uh huh, like schip has been run as an honest prgm., not exceeding its mandate? Please.

And long term care? Don’t make me laugh, Sibelius has to rewrite the whole prgm. they just passed.

And as far as responsibility for your ideas (actually gross accounting lies) being bold and brave, is this when you give us a mea culpa for that double counting gimmick?Where does the 400 billion lopped off of medicare go?
i'm sorry paul ryan has a problem with people being offended that he thinks medicare should be a voucher system that can't possibly ever pay for old people's health care.
like medicare will?

i'm equally sorry that paul ryan thinks that the middle class should be squeezed even further so that rich people can avoid taxes on capital gains.

life's rough that way.

yes it is, at 250 thou, they're all millionaires!!!!!!:lol:
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

So go ahead and follow your stupid community organizer into bankruptcy....medicaid and medicare are going broke doncha know? least Ryan's plan meets the challenge head-on with some realistic solutions.....BO just wants America to go broke...Marxism in action...

I don't have much good to say about Obama's rather vague plan. In my opinion Obama is clueless and doesn't know what he's doing.
On the other hand Ryan knows exactly what he's doing and it's not good for 90% of Americans as he is simply rewarding the top 10% as the rest of the US population sacrifices. If we're going to sacrifice as a nation to lower the deficit, everyone should sacrifice.

I don't know if you are lying intentionally or ignorantly. I also don't know which is worse.

George F. Will - How to get the country to solvency on entitlements -


To make the economy -- on which all else hinges -- hum, Ryan proposes tax reform. Masochists would be permitted to continue paying income taxes under the current system. Others could use a radically simplified code, filing a form that fits on a postcard. It would have just two rates: 10 percent on incomes up to $100,000 for joint filers and $50,000 for single filers; 25 percent on higher incomes. There would be no deductions, credits or exclusions, other than the health-care tax credit (see below).

Today's tax system was shaped by sadists who were trying to be nice: Every wrinkle in the code was put there to benefit this or that interest. Since the 1986 tax simplification, the code has been recomplicated more than 14,000 times -- more than once a day.

At the 2004 Republican convention, thunderous applause greeted George W. Bush's statement that the code is "a complicated mess" and a "drag on our economy" and his promise to "reform and simplify" it. But his next paragraphs proposed more complications to incentivize this and that behavior for the greater good.

Ryan would eliminate taxes on interest, capital gains, dividends and death. The corporate income tax, the world's second-highest, would be replaced by an 8.5 percent business consumption tax. Because this would be about half the average tax burden that other nations place on corporations, U.S. companies would instantly become more competitive -- and more able and eager to hire.

Medicare and Social Security would be preserved for those currently receiving benefits or becoming eligible in the next 10 years (those 55 and older today). Both programs would be made permanently solvent.

Universal access to affordable health care would be guaranteed by refundable tax credits ($2,300 for individuals, $5,700 for families) for purchasing portable coverage in any state. As persons younger than 55 became Medicare-eligible, they would receive payments averaging $11,000 a year, indexed to inflation and pegged to income, with low-income people receiving more support.

Ryan's plan would fund medical savings accounts from which low-income people would pay minor out-of-pocket expenses. All Americans, regardless of income, would be allowed to establish MSAs -- tax-preferred accounts for paying such expenses.

Ryan's plan would allow workers younger than 55 the choice of investing more than one-third of their current Social Security taxes in personal retirement accounts similar to the Thrift Savings Plan long available to, and immensely popular with, federal employees. This investment would be inheritable property, guaranteeing that individuals will never lose the ability to dispose of every dollar they put into these accounts.

Ryan would raise the retirement age. If, when Congress created Social Security in 1935, it had indexed the retirement age (then 65) to life expectancy, today the age would be in the mid-70s. The system was never intended to do what it is doing -- subsidizing retirements that extend from one-third to one-half of retirees' adult lives.

Compare Ryan's lucid map to the Democrats' impenetrable labyrinth of health-care legislation. Republicans are frequently criticized as "the party of no." But because most new ideas are injurious, rejection is an important function in politics. It is, however, insufficient. Fortunately, Ryan, assisted by Republican Reps. Devin Nunes of California and Jeb Hensarling of Texas, has become a think tank, refuting the idea that Republicans lack ideas.
I liked Ryan's response.
Here we are with all these problems and our President comes out speaking about the rich this and that.
We are in a financial crisis caused by our government spending too much of our kids $$ and our President is in campaign mode with his speeches.
Anyone that believes taxing the producers more is an idiot. When a household has to borrow 40% of the $$ it spends to pay their bills the problem ALWAYS IS SPENDING.
The Democrats proposal is not to cut up the credit cards. Their proposal is to increase the credit limits on each card, triple the debt on each one in a spending binge and expect future earners, our kids and grandkids to work three jobs to pay for it with social security and Medicare broke while doing so.
Now of course, "our government spending" is mostly 3 Republican presidents spending $12 trillion more than they took in and all the other presidents in the history of the country spending the other $2+ trillion of the debt, and now the GOP is lecturing the Dems about deficit spending. :cuckoo:

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Oh, in case any of you haven't heard, the new gag on Ryan is how much he looks like Eddie Munster. :lol::lol::lol:

This is exactly the level of incisive critique that makes the Democrat Party and its hacks so valuable to the future of the Republic.
Yeah Ryan is a real gem.
All he's doing with his plan is taking programs that help the poor and elderly and cutting them and at the same time giving the savings to the wealthy and powerful.
In other words, the continuation of class warfare and the continuation of the growth of the wealth gap. He is Robin Hood to the monetary elite.
Plutocracy in action.

It's really too bad that there is no serious plan to compare it to from the other side. Of course they still haven't put together a budget for the year that is almost over.

Something beats nothing every time.

Oh, I concur that the Dems were really, really lame for not passing a fiscal year 2010-2011 budget.
But that "something" sucks. A even bigger tax cut for the top percentile while the goal is to lower the deficits. That's insanity.

Did you know that Ted Kennedy, who was one of the wealthiest men in America, lost money on most of his investment year after year after year? It was because he could structure those investments in such a way that the profits disappeared.

What do you think of GE paying no tax for 2010?

The complex tax code of today with all of the deductions and credits and so forth are the rich man's dream. Ryans plan is to have a much lower rate and no tricks to game the system. If your rate is 25%, you pay 25%.

This is a tax increase.

It eliminates the government's control over the actions of people and that is why the Dems won't like it.
Republicans on the Hill need to take justified offense at what the Democrats are claiming Republicans want to do. It's disingenuous and downright disgusting. This isn't about taking health care away from anyone, it's about fixing these programs now so that they don't swallow our debt in the future.

What's disgusting is these constant attempts to whitewash what Ryan's proposing while still pretending it's so very brave.

Here's a tiny dose of reality for you. Ending CHIP hurts people (in this case, children). Slashing the federal commitment to Medicaid by a third hurts people, namely, children, seniors, low-income parents, and folks in need of long-term care. Dismantling Medicare and instead leaving future seniors to spend significantly more on whatever plan they can get from BlueCross or Aetna or whoever hurts people.

Frankly, I find Ryan's (and his supporters') indignation embarrassing. Take some responsibility for your ideas. Now that would be bold and brave.

Can you please link to the actual parts of Ryan's proposal that say exactly what you just said?

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