Paul Ryan needs to be primaried and not elevated to Speaker of the House


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
It is only too obvious that our Washington Establishment, whose mission is to subvert our Constitutionally limited, Representative system of government, is surrounding the wagons in support of Paul Ryan.

What does Paul Ryan stand for?


Paul Ryan was on board with Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority and subverting Congress’ exclusive and constitutionally assigned duty to regulate commerce with foreign nations. Ryan promoted ignoring our Constitution and placing this power in Obama’s hands.

Fast-track trade power would allow the President to negotiate trade deals with foreign nations in secret and effectively eliminate the American People’s Representatives from their assigned duty to create legislation regulating commerce with foreign nations. Congress would no longer create the legislation and the process of adding corrective amendments to Obama’s deals struck in secret to insure they promote America’s best interests would be totally circumvented. The only part Congress would have in the President’s fast-track trade power would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents' deal which effectively eliminates Congress’ assigned duty to create regulations of commerce.

This Fast-tract trade authority is a Chamber of Commerce’s idea to remove the people’s Representatives from amending bad trade deals struck by Obama in secret which are not in the best interests of America, but rather, are deals beneficial to international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or promoting the general welfare of the United States.

Rep. Paul Ryan gives finger to veterans, confirms he is a Washington snake!

Paul Ryan drafted a plan with Patty Murray which would cut veterans benefits. See Paul Ryan Doubles Down on Cutting Veteran Pensions

What Paul Ryan intentionally refuses to acknowledge is, of the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government by our Constitution, one just happens to be its power over our nation’s military, and that means caring for our nation’s war verteans . Unlike the countless federal government free-cheese programs not authorized by our Constitution and which work to balloon our annual federal deficits, providing for our nation’s veterans is a legitimate and constitutionally based obligation.

Ryan’s “reforms” ought to begin with a twenty percent cut of every social welfare program which is not within the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government. To not do so is to advance the pinko progressive agenda which has made our productive members of society tax slaves to those enjoying the ride on Obama’s free-cheese wagon.

Paul Ryan embraces millions who have invaded our borders!

Paul Ryan is in favor of legalizing millions of illegal entrants who, by their very presence in America, are causing devastating social and economic consequences

Paul Ryan is also in favor of line item veto power being exercise by our President.

Keep in mind the President’s veto power is laid out in crystal clear language in our Constitution. If the president vetoes a bill it is returned to the House that originated the bill with the president’s objections, and the bill [not parts of the bill which the president doesn’t like] is then to be reconsidered and needs a two thirds vote of that House to override the President’s veto which then requires the bill to be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.

Unfortunately, Paul Ryan is comfortable with taking it upon himself to change the veto procedure outlined in our Constitution and do for the people that which the people have not willingly agreed to do for themselves via our Constitution‘s required amendment process.

Under Ryan’s circumvention of our Constitution, the president is granted extraordinary power to withhold funding for whatever he so desires and this defies appropriations made by law. We were warned about the president exercising such power during the convention of 1787!

''The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.'' ___ SEE: Benjamin Franklin, June 4 of the Constitutional Convention

Paul Ryan also alleges that “Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to Article I, Section 9, Clause 7.” which has nothing to do with the allowable veto power procedure which is articulated in Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2. Keep in mind our Supreme Court has already struck down line item veto powers being exercised by the president.

The bottom line is, this little snake, Paul Ryan, needs to be primaried this coming election and not elevated to Speaker of the House.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
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Anyone that won't shut the government down and turn America into a christian iran....Well, needs to go.

Fucking crazy fucking tea party...

I believe in a America that runs on logic, science and reasoning...The tea party is everything that I don't want for America.
Ryan is more RINO that people know. He wanted to raid the railroad workers retirement fund and dump them into SS, they got pissed and voted for Obama.
Anyone that won't shut the government down and turn America into a christian iran....Well, needs to go.

Fucking crazy fucking tea party...

I believe in a America that runs on logic, science and reasoning...The tea party is everything that I don't want for America.

If we have to shut the government down to stop liberals and their agenda so what. You know what happened during previous shut downs, yeah nothing the sky didn't fall. Just relax.
Paul Ryan is also in favor of line item veto power being exercise by our President.

Reagan asked for the line item veto every year he was in office.

Governors have it, and he thought the President should have it, too.
It is only too obvious that our Washington Establishment, whose mission is to subvert our Constitutionally limited, Representative system of government, is surrounding the wagons in support of Paul Ryan.

What does Paul Ryan stand for?


Paul Ryan was on board with Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority and subverting Congress’ exclusive and constitutionally assigned duty to regulate commerce with foreign nations. Ryan promoted ignoring our Constitution and placing this power in Obama’s hands.

Fast-track trade power would allow the President to negotiate trade deals with foreign nations in secret and effectively eliminate the American People’s Representatives from their assigned duty to create legislation regulating commerce with foreign nations. Congress would no longer create the legislation and the process of adding corrective amendments to Obama’s deals struck in secret to insure they promote America’s best interests would be totally circumvented. The only part Congress would have in the President’s fast-track trade power would be an up or down vote within 90 days upon receiving the presidents' deal which effectively eliminates Congress’ assigned duty to create regulations of commerce.

This Fast-tract trade authority is a Chamber of Commerce’s idea to remove the people’s Representatives from amending bad trade deals struck by Obama in secret which are not in the best interests of America, but rather, are deals beneficial to international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or promoting the general welfare of the United States.

Rep. Paul Ryan gives finger to veterans, confirms he is a Washington snake!

Paul Ryan drafted a plan with Patty Murray which would cut veterans benefits. See Paul Ryan Doubles Down on Cutting Veteran Pensions

What Paul Ryan intentionally refuses to acknowledge is, of the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government by our Constitution, one just happens to be its power over our nation’s military, and that means caring for our nation’s war verteans . Unlike the countless federal government free-cheese programs not authorized by our Constitution and which work to balloon our annual federal deficits, providing for our nation’s veterans is a legitimate and constitutionally based obligation.

Ryan’s “reforms” ought to begin with a twenty percent cut of every social welfare program which is not within the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government. To not do so is to advance the pinko progressive agenda which has made our productive members of society tax slaves to those enjoying the ride on Obama’s free-cheese wagon.

Paul Ryan embraces millions who have invaded our borders!

Paul Ryan is in favor of legalizing millions of illegal entrants who, by their very presence in America, are causing devastating social and economic consequences

Paul Ryan is also in favor of line item veto power being exercise by our President.

Keep in mind the President’s veto power is laid out in crystal clear language in our Constitution. If the president vetoes a bill it is returned to the House that originated the bill with the president’s objections, and the bill [not parts of the bill which the president doesn’t like] is then to be reconsidered and needs a two thirds vote of that House to override the President’s veto which then requires the bill to be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.

Unfortunately, Paul Ryan is comfortable with taking it upon himself to change the veto procedure outlined in our Constitution and do for the people that which the people have not willingly agreed to do for themselves via our Constitution‘s required amendment process.

Under Ryan’s circumvention of our Constitution, the president is granted extraordinary power to withhold funding for whatever he so desires and this defies appropriations made by law. We were warned about the president exercising such power during the convention of 1787!

''The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.'' ___ SEE: Benjamin Franklin, June 4 of the Constitutional Convention

Paul Ryan also alleges that “Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to Article I, Section 9, Clause 7.” which has nothing to do with the allowable veto power procedure which is articulated in Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2. Keep in mind our Supreme Court has already struck down line item veto powers being exercised by the president.

The bottom line is, this little snake, Paul Ryan, needs to be primaried this coming election and not elevated to Speaker of the House.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

You aren't going to primary anyone who has been gerrymandered into office, it's rigged. The vote is so much in their favor that not even an overwhelming popular vote can unseat them. You would be better off trying to find something illegal or immoral they have done to remove them it would be a lot easier.
Paul Ryan is the mouthpiece for our Global Governance Crowd

Seems like our media is pressing real hard to get Paul Ryan elected as Speaker of the House.

Every time I turn on the TV some talking head is praising Paul Ryan and suggesting he is the only one who can get the required number of votes.

Of course, there is no mention by our big media of his support for policies which are contrary to our Constitution and not in the best interests of America's general welfare. Instead, many of his policies are designed to carry our the agenda of our Global Governance Crowd.


To support Paul Ryan is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Paul Ryan in bed with Rep. Luis Gutierrez when it comes to illegal entrants

SEE: Trump and Luis Gutierrez both like Paul Ryan as speaker

October 10, 2015

In 2013, Ryan was highly sympathetic to the push for amnesty for illegal immigrants (though he objected to the term). In fact, he appeared at a pro-amnesty rally alongside liberal Democrat Luis Gutierrez, the most strident amnesty monger in the House. In addition, he pitched the alleged economic benefits of amnesty to his House colleagues.”

What Paul Ryan refuses to acknowledge are the devastating social, economic and political consequences of allowing 10 to 20 million illegal entrants to remain in our Country.

Like I stated in the op, Paul Ryan needs to be primaried and not elevated to Speaker of the House.

As Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would be able to stifle any legislation designed to end and reverse the current and massive third world invasion of our borders!


To support Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!

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