Patron Saints

I began reading about Catholic Elizabeths and came across Elizabeth Seton. I chose her. And was told I could not have her because, although beatified, she had not yet been declared a Saint. I dropped the Seton, but secretly kept Elizabeth Seton. I knew Cousin Elizabeth would understand. And Elizabeth Seton knew that Dominic Savio was still my favorite saint, anyway.

That reminds me:

I chose Bernard of Baden as my Patron Saint. :)
He is also "only beatified - not a "full Saint".
But nobody said that I could not take him as my Patron Saint. :)
Question? How is a "HOLY SAINT" treated different by Jesus than any other Christian in heaven......when the office is bestowed AFTER DEATH? :dunno: This office is not to benefit the one that is being elected superior to other Christians but its a designation to make the clergy "feel" more important than the laity.

The point made by the scriptures in calling all Christians "saints" to point out that all Christians are = EQUAL, unlike the organization established by the cult that calls itself The Universal Roman Catholic Church where the church is organized more like a military unit with specific offices, some offices self professed to be superior to other offices..etc.
The scriptures state that all Christians are equal, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek/Gentile, bond/slave or free......all are equal when baptized into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:28-29)

Paul, who is responsible for the majority of the N.T. books uses the term Saint to address ALL CHRISTIANS when writing to different Christian Congregations. The scriptures identify SAINT not as a special group of Christians....officially sainted by the church leaders....but the word is used as a "designation" for ALL CHRISTIANS. (Rom. 1:7, 2 Cor.1:1, Eph. 1:1, Phil. 1:1, Col. 1:2). of these supposed offices that separates and divides one Christian from another is the way the RCC uses the term "Saint" order to obtain such a high office in the RCC, they place conditions other than simply obeying the word of God to achieve "SAINTHOOD" must be nominated (like an election held by men), after death. In fact the RCC has established 58 special days...i.e, holidays/feast days to honor supposed Saints that have been elected to the office after death.

Thus, the RCC misuses the term Saint as well as the term Priest........The Roman Catholic Church is causing division when its traditions are contradicting the Word of God. (Matthew 23, Mark 7:13) As pointed out.......Satan is a liar and father of all lies (John 8:44) The RCC is filled with the "........practice of spiritual wickedness in high places" -- Eph. 6:12..........and there is only one thing to combat such blatant lies.........use the Sword of God, i.e, the truth found in the word of God (Eph. 6:17)

The scriptures self define themselves. Simply look at how the word Saint is presented in scripture and how the Roman Catholic Church has corrupted the term by its TRADITIONS. The RCC uses the term like the office is used to honor some Religious Hero....therefore promoting a supposed importance of one Christian over another........much like the RCC separates the laity from the Clergy...pretending that the Clergy is more important and not equal whatsoever with all church members. When the holy scriptures declare that ALL CHRISTIANS........clergy and laity are members of a Royal Priesthood and require no other high priest than Jesus Christ Himself as High Priest in the kingdom of God/Church.

There is no authority/requirement or need for any priest to make prayer for any other church member in the church established by Christ Jesus' doctrine. As members of a Royal Priesthood, each Christian can pray for themselves in asking forgiveness of sin (1 Peter 2:9, Its easy to document this fact by Book, Chapter and Verse. (1 Peter 2:9, Hebrews 4:14-16, 1 John 1:9)
The Church teaches that saints are anyone in heaven; those we know of and those we don't know of. Do you have a problem with that?

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