Patriotic Sarah Palin Scores Big Time In Texas Killing Dangerous Feral Hog

Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Do I know how to shut up bripat9643 or what!


The only thing that "shut me up" is driving home and getting stuck in a massive traffic jam, moron.

You didn't back up your claim. You only claimed you backed it up.

You've chosen ignorance and laziness.

Typical RW.

ROFL! As if you had any enlightenment to provide.

Since you say you have chosen willful ignorance, you'll never know.


In other words, you have no facts to post.

'Facts' and 'liberals' are mutually exclusive terms - never to be used in the same sentence.
Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Oh --- so now I'm a Tea Party guy - lol.

You said she didn't have any foreign policy experience as governor of Alaska - I showed you where you were wrong.

See? You got proven wrong, and now you're going on a character assassination mission. Why don't you stick to the facts? Prove to me she didn't have any foreign policy experience as a governor of Alaska. Why do you feel it necessary to attack my character? Just disprove my contention, and everybody will be happy. Or, just admit that you misspoke, and everybody will be happy.

See how easy it is? Just let the facts speak for themselves.
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.

In other words, she didn't say it. So now who's the dingbat?
Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Oh --- so now I'm a Tea Party guy - lol.

You said she didn't have any foreign policy experience as governor of Alaska - I showed you where you were wrong.

See? You got proven wrong, and now you're going on a character assassination mission. Why don't you stick to the facts? Prove to me she didn't have any foreign policy experience as a governor of Alaska. Why do you feel it necessary to attack my character? Just disprove my contention, and everybody will be happy. Or, just admit that you misspoke, and everybody will be happy.

See how easy it is? Just let the facts speak for themselves.
Bwak Bwak, chicken? Listen to the video.

Btw, why do you think calling you what you are is character assassination? You feel the need to define me and my words at every turn but I say one little thing about you being a TPer and you get all twisty.

That is a problem old man.
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.

In other words, she didn't say it. So now who's the dingbat?
Uhm... YOU!
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.

In other words, she didn't say it. So now who's the dingbat?
Uhm... YOU!

hmmm . .. no, you are. The question was purely rhetorical.
Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Oh --- so now I'm a Tea Party guy - lol.

You said she didn't have any foreign policy experience as governor of Alaska - I showed you where you were wrong.

See? You got proven wrong, and now you're going on a character assassination mission. Why don't you stick to the facts? Prove to me she didn't have any foreign policy experience as a governor of Alaska. Why do you feel it necessary to attack my character? Just disprove my contention, and everybody will be happy. Or, just admit that you misspoke, and everybody will be happy.

See how easy it is? Just let the facts speak for themselves.
Bwak Bwak, chicken? Listen to the video.

Btw, why do you think calling you what you are is character assassination? You feel the need to define me and my words at every turn but I say one little thing about you being a TPer and you get all twisty.

That is a problem old man.

The difference is i attack your ideas and your methodology --- you attack me personally.
Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Oh --- so now I'm a Tea Party guy - lol.

You said she didn't have any foreign policy experience as governor of Alaska - I showed you where you were wrong.

See? You got proven wrong, and now you're going on a character assassination mission. Why don't you stick to the facts? Prove to me she didn't have any foreign policy experience as a governor of Alaska. Why do you feel it necessary to attack my character? Just disprove my contention, and everybody will be happy. Or, just admit that you misspoke, and everybody will be happy.

See how easy it is? Just let the facts speak for themselves.
Bwak Bwak, chicken? Listen to the video.

Btw, why do you think calling you what you are is character assassination? You feel the need to define me and my words at every turn but I say one little thing about you being a TPer and you get all twisty.

That is a problem old man.

The difference is i attack your ideas and your methodology --- you attack me personally.
Awww such a victim. Well Id better go so you're not so scared anymore.
What you and Steve are attemptimg is oh she didn't say those exact words. Katie asked her what she meant when she said that and she still wasn't ready.
She was actually tryimg to claim foreign policy experience because she lives near Russia.
She didn't say it, but her living close to Russia, gave her more foreign policy experience than Obama had.
Well I can't wait for another one of your copy pastes so I will just say that she actually does base her foreign policy experience on their proximity to Russia. Everyone else knows that, why do you have to have it proven to you?

Because you are just another TP idiot?
Yeah because Obama has made us a laughing stock of the world. Sarah Palin would be a much better president.
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.
So she didn't say she could see Russia from her house and she didn't hunt from a helicopter. Thanks for confirming that you're telling lies.
Yeah... treat guns as though they're loaded. That means that where there is a muzzle, ya don't walk in front of it.

That doesn't mean that a person has to stand around holding their firearm straight up or lock it in a safe. There is nothing in the photo which indicates a safety issue.

RIght. You don't point it at other people or point it at yourself. She isn't doing either of those things in the photo. The liberal turds in this thread once read something about gun safety and they think they know enough to criticize Palin. They obviously don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. They are just making fools of themselves.

The ones defending this are either bent on lying about $arah or they know nothing about safe gun handling.

Even as a kid, I knew better.
Sarah Palin has been the mess that the GOP can't be caught cleaning up.

She's kind of like the red wine stain on a white carpet, behiond the couch. They just hope nobody notices because it won't come out, after it has set for years,

Otherwise, the GOP has to cop to nominating a brainless twerp for VPOTUS.

Why do you think Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace can't find work in the Republican strategy marketplace?...when once they were both at the top of that business?

Now they're both schlepping poorly presented "so called" conservative punditry on MSNBC

Yep. All true.

I get that some have the hots for this over the hill fishwife. But defending a fake hunt, canned hunt, animals fenced in - where's the "hunt" in that?

The staged photo with a gun propped up in a way a real hunter would never allow - except if the photo, the trophy was the point. And we know her shooting the caribou was staged as well.

She's a fraud, desperately trying to make a buck off the ignorant and uninformed.

Those who are defending her - EXACTLY what has been written about $illy $arah has not been true?

Hmmmm . . . now pay attentlion, moron: No one has demonstrated that there is anything wrong with the way Palin has placed her gun. I lot of armchair libturd hunters claim there's a problem with it, but none of them can explain why.
I can, because she's the one holding it.
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.
So she didn't say she could see Russia from her house and she didn't hunt from a helicopter. Thanks for confirming that you're telling lies.
I think her quote was something like this:

I live in Alaska, and the Putin drives bombers so we're the first to hear them, and you can see Russia from Alaska, and we have energy regulators, like me, and Obama's failed leadership puts out freedoms and liberty of the US there in question, and I love America.
RIght. You don't point it at other people or point it at yourself. She isn't doing either of those things in the photo. The liberal turds in this thread once read something about gun safety and they think they know enough to criticize Palin. They obviously don't know their asses from a hole in the ground. They are just making fools of themselves.

The ones defending this are either bent on lying about $arah or they know nothing about safe gun handling.

Even as a kid, I knew better.
Sarah Palin has been the mess that the GOP can't be caught cleaning up.

She's kind of like the red wine stain on a white carpet, behiond the couch. They just hope nobody notices because it won't come out, after it has set for years,

Otherwise, the GOP has to cop to nominating a brainless twerp for VPOTUS.

Why do you think Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace can't find work in the Republican strategy marketplace?...when once they were both at the top of that business?

Now they're both schlepping poorly presented "so called" conservative punditry on MSNBC

Yep. All true.

I get that some have the hots for this over the hill fishwife. But defending a fake hunt, canned hunt, animals fenced in - where's the "hunt" in that?

The staged photo with a gun propped up in a way a real hunter would never allow - except if the photo, the trophy was the point. And we know her shooting the caribou was staged as well.

She's a fraud, desperately trying to make a buck off the ignorant and uninformed.

Those who are defending her - EXACTLY what has been written about $illy $arah has not been true?

Hmmmm . . . now pay attentlion, moron: No one has demonstrated that there is anything wrong with the way Palin has placed her gun. I lot of armchair libturd hunters claim there's a problem with it, but none of them can explain why.
I can, because she's the one holding it.

Then explain it, moron.
The ones defending this are either bent on lying about $arah or they know nothing about safe gun handling.

Even as a kid, I knew better.
Sarah Palin has been the mess that the GOP can't be caught cleaning up.

She's kind of like the red wine stain on a white carpet, behiond the couch. They just hope nobody notices because it won't come out, after it has set for years,

Otherwise, the GOP has to cop to nominating a brainless twerp for VPOTUS.

Why do you think Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace can't find work in the Republican strategy marketplace?...when once they were both at the top of that business?

Now they're both schlepping poorly presented "so called" conservative punditry on MSNBC

Yep. All true.

I get that some have the hots for this over the hill fishwife. But defending a fake hunt, canned hunt, animals fenced in - where's the "hunt" in that?

The staged photo with a gun propped up in a way a real hunter would never allow - except if the photo, the trophy was the point. And we know her shooting the caribou was staged as well.

She's a fraud, desperately trying to make a buck off the ignorant and uninformed.

Those who are defending her - EXACTLY what has been written about $illy $arah has not been true?

Hmmmm . . . now pay attentlion, moron: No one has demonstrated that there is anything wrong with the way Palin has placed her gun. I lot of armchair libturd hunters claim there's a problem with it, but none of them can explain why.
I can, because she's the one holding it.

Then explain it, moron.
Well, people don't always agree on what is humorous.

Anytime Sarah Palin is holding a gun, or talking, or thinking, she is doing all of it wrong.
1. Alaska and Russia

Palin’s comments would later be relentlessly mocked by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, as “I can see Russia from my house!”

”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

“[O]ur next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of,” said Palin, trying to explain how her state’s proximity to Russia adds to her foreign policy experience.

“As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state,” she added.

5 best Couric-Palin 2008 moments - Tim Mak -

Oh, she said it alright, and so much more. Next time you need to be spoon fed on your talking points, don't come to me. Not here to teach you idiots about your own heros.
So she didn't say she could see Russia from her house and she didn't hunt from a helicopter. Thanks for confirming that you're telling lies.
”You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?” asked Couric.

What do you suppose Couric meant by that question? I realize you are having delusions that Sarah Palin's fuckups were everyone else's fault but do you actually think that sit down went well for Palin?

This article was from Politico which is a right leaning mag. Do you people get that she had a rough time selling herself? That was because she is a phoney, she has no idea what she's talking about and she wasn't a good spokesperson for her boss, John McCain.

If you have more questions about Palin's view of the world, just read transcripts and listen to recordings of her own words. It's all there for you and the world to see.

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