Patriotic Donald Trump: I'd Tell Syrian Kids To Their Faces 'You Can't Come Here'

Ah, I see my thread is still here and expanding. Carry on! Just a reminder, this country was founded for White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. There should be no room for third worlders.

Actually, this country was founded by MY people a helluva lot further back than 1790.
--------------------------------- and maybe your people killed my people who were here longer than your people HBeing . [see kenewick man] :biggrin: ------------------------------- anyway , the Country known as the USA was Founded and put into motion by a very small group of WHITE Men Males with swinging apparatus that were ALL from a very small area on the face of Gods good green eart !! Its been a good experiment that some think is falling apart .

My people didn't mind killing alright. They gave the white man's military machine about as much hurt as they received. The were also very good at letting the Everglades do some of the killing for them. They have never surrendered to the Federal Government.
------------------ right on , a guess is Seminole Ehh !!

Full blood.
1st post
well , to me anyone that is offended by Trumps words on Mexicans thinks of himself as being different than a plain old American like me . And I know where I come from but a mex American , af American ain't no American in my opinion HarryD !!
when you are a Mexican whose family has been here for many generations and you get lumped in with the illegals,just because you are a Mexican,it would kinda piss you off,dont you think?..or do you actually know any Mexicans?....
------------------------- don't care if it pizzes them off , maybe I am of mex extraction or afri extraction but all I am is an American and that's 100 percent HarryD !!
yea the ones i am talking about are 100% American too.....but yet people like you and many on the right and left think they are illegals just because they are Mexicans.....and you dont care if being a racist to them pisses them off?....thats not very American.....
A ticket the extreme RWs can get behind:

well , to me anyone that is offended by Trumps words on Mexicans thinks of himself as being different than a plain old American like me . And I know where I come from but a mex American , af American ain't no American in my opinion HarryD !!
when you are a Mexican whose family has been here for many generations and you get lumped in with the illegals,just because you are a Mexican,it would kinda piss you off,dont you think?..or do you actually know any Mexicans?....
------------------------- don't care if it pizzes them off , maybe I am of mex extraction or afri extraction but all I am is an American and that's 100 percent HarryD !!
yea the ones i am talking about are 100% American too.....but yet people like you and many on the right and left think they are illegals just because they are Mexicans.....and you dont care if being a racist to them pisses them off?....thats not very American.....
--------------------------------------------- if a so called American tell me that Trumps words on mex annoys them because they are mex then I write them off . Example , I write off those people that root for a mex team over an American team . Think that happens in soccer and I am no fan of any sport but I hear about it Harry !!
5th post
This is why I like Trump. He says the right things. Syrians kids will grow up and become rapists and murderers. They don't belong here.

Trump: I'd tell Syrian kids to their faces 'you can't come here'

You really believe the nonsense that used car sales man is selling, right?

Trump is proving the stupidity of the Tea Party right, and I am loving how that charlatan is making you look stupid!

I don't know which is worse, perhaps you can tell me. Allowing Syrian refugees to enter this country unchecked, or releasing a terrorist threat from Guantanamo Bay because Obama's own "self image" to the Muslim world is so much more important?

Obama releases al Qaeda’s most skilled explosives expert
allowing the refugee invaders in . The traitors may go away but the fertile new imports will be here forever Shakels , imo !!
Well, you're a bigger fool than even I thought. Gary Johnson hasn't a snowball's chance even after Hillary is led off the stage in handcuffs.

It is not about him winning for me but being a protest vote!

You support your candidate and mock me all you want but I am not delusional to believe Johnson will win, but I will never vote for Trump nor Hillary!

Is the local television station going to televise your protest vote? How will three hundred million Americans be able to give you a standing ovation for casting your vote if they are unaware of it?

Over 1.2 million people voted for Gary Johnson in 2012, so are you going to tell them their vote was worthless?

Of course you will because you are the type that believe that if someone does not vote for your candidate the individual wasted their vote while not understanding the fact that some voters tire of the two big ticket nominees.

Now please enjoy supporting Trump and remember he is a Charlatan not worth voting for but you will because he's a Republican. Hell if Hillary Clinton was a Republican you would vote for her because of the R after her last name!

United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, now that Rand Paul has dropped out, I will vote for Trump. No, I could never vote for Hillary because Hillary supports abortion.

I actually liked Rand Paul and would have voted for him!

I will never vote for Hillary Clinton for too many reasons to list, and can not understand how the hell she even have any supporters!

Because they don't feel Saunders extreme position will appeal to independents, and Joe Biden isn't running? I can only speculate, hopefully it's not simply the notion of making history above anything else she has to offer.
Don't know , just know that my area is a very nice area , same as most of the USA is very nice . Its mostly just the big cities that are the problem Tommy !! ----------------- and lots of third world types in the big cities same as it is in Englands big cities Tommy !!
But its the crazy white kids who are racking up the biggest body count in schools.

I don't believe the nation was as a terrified and vulnerable as when ordinary everyday citizens along the east cost, became the random targets of an unknown sharp shooter assylant. I'm speaking of John Allen Muhammad and his influential young co conspirator Lee Boyd Malvo
The reason Donald comes off the way he does is that he is used to the rough and tumble world of business, most particularly his chosen type of business. He deals a lot with casino types as well as hotel and resort types. Many of the folks in the casino arena are real tough customers. These are businesses that require a lot of capital outlay and a lot of negotiating skills. Donald is not a polished speaker nor is he a career politician. He is probably more at home speaking to a crowd of blue collar workers. He does recognize what is wrong with America and the current political atmosphere that is hurting our economy and it is actually refreshing to hear someone who is voicing the concerns many of us have for the direction the nation has been taken by politicians who are more interested in getting a deal regardless to its cost than in getting a deal that is beneficial to the interests of the American people. Donald Trump is an American patriot.
If he didn't consistently uphold values that are absolutely counter to the nation and counter to the constitution you might have a point.

But he does not.

Trump is close to a dictator in mindset rather than a patriot.

Well, we're used to dictators. We've had one for seven years. Obama has certainly abused the Constitution.

Obama has definitely used executive powers far beyond his predecessors to get his policies across.
It's "Sanders." I never realized how many Muricans were terrified of little children. Discouraging. :(
I don't mind that a bit. I wouldn't appreciate him just walking up to them and rubbing it in their faces.. but if they asked..
I just appreciate truth more than dishonest PC shit..
I like Mac1958 signature..
Shitting your pants in fear over child refugees who are fleeing terrorists is the exact opposite of courage. It is the epitome of cowardice.

Two Iraqi refugees living in Bowling Green, Ky - Waad Ramadan Alwan, 30, and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 23, were found in 2011 of conspiring to arm al Qaeda and other jihadists in Iraq with Stinger missiles, sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers as well as cash from within the United States. Of the two, Alwan was involved with a plot to kill U.S soldiers with explosive devices in Iraq before he came into the United States.

Fazliddin Kurbanov, a Russian-speaking truck driver a refugee from Uzbekistan, was arrested in 2013. He was determined to carry out an attack on U.S. Soil, as well as money to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which was identified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. The FBI is also investigating dozens of terrorists that have made it into this country as refugees. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were many more than that," said House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul. "And these are trained terrorists in the art of bombmaking that are inside the United States"
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees

Still believe we don't have refugees living among us, who came through our borders successfully with terrorist intentions? Perhaps having tighter security measures appeals more to utilizing everyday common sense than "the epitome of cowardice". .... or do you prefer military intelligence where intelligence is more an option under this administration?
Their kids are just like your kids.
---------------------------- naïve emotion , it'll be the death of ya . If that nicely dressed kid had stayed where he belonged he'd be eating some falafel right now as I type Tom !!
If he stayed where he was, he'd be dead by ISIS or Assad.

And if you turn away the other refugees, they will meet the same fate, and their blood will be on your conscience.
Pismoe has no conscience, that is very evident and he's obviously not a Christian, just like Trump.
and of course I have a conscience but my conscience tell me to take care of MY westerners rather than muslim invader refugees Kiwiman .

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